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Time wasting is not limited to Governments!!!

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by Hazel R, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. Hazel R

    Hazel R New Member

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    My original intention was to post this here.


    On reflection, I realized that sensible people and newbies would visit there. It would serve the community better to post in the darker recesses of the forum, where only ghouls and other life forms inhabit. Modding and Technical fits that bill

    As some of you know, I am the proud recipient of two of these Sidewinder mods.

    The go on the forum seems to be acquiring “Shineys” and this mod fits the bill, but (and it’s a very small but) the black switch spoils the effect,

    Now, me being the anal retentive I am, I demand perfection and the shiney should be shiney, from the top to the bottom.

    As I have recently acquired a few shiny push button switches, I made the decision to perform a lobotomy and transform the unit into a true shiney.

    A word of warning for anybody stupid enough to follow in my footsteps, you will need on hand a comprehensive first aid kit, with facilities to deal with puncture wounds. You will also need to get the stuff used to mop up the resulting blood splatter into the washing machine before the wife gets back from the boxing day sales.

    When you unscrew the top, don’t be fooled by the piece of white Chinese plastic holding the positive contact. Its strong enough to clad the airframe of the space shuttle, and it wont be removed in one piece!!

    When removed, the wires are visible. The positive wire is fairly long, and its possible to keep it out of harms way. The negative wire is a different story, Its buried under a mini mountain of hot melt glue. Take it from me, the only way to remove this stuff is with copious amounts of whiskey. If you drink enough, its an easy job, as you don’t give a stuff if the wire is damaged!!

    The switch itself was not fixed with a back up nut, it is just glued in. My new switch is fastened correctly, along with a smidgen of hot melt stuff.

    I know the images are abysmal, but they might convey the idea??
  2. experrymync

    experrymync New Member

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    i wanted to see forensic quality pictures of the injurys..
  3. Old Thrusty

    Old Thrusty New Member

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    Its not good form to publicize ones stupidity!!!
  4. Lacus

    Lacus New Member

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    Their is no limit to your tomfoolery Rob :D
    A nice job methinks ... now if you had only fitted the nice stainless button with the blue led indicator glowy ring it woulda been perfection

    ( Fatty ducks)

    I am with Stoney .. no gore splatter pics? ... it didnt happen :)
  5. Arlo

    Arlo New Member

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    This being a family forum, we should refrain from following the government on cig packaging and gory images to discourage peeps from being stupid.

    Anyway the surgeon recons he cant reattach it!!
  6. CyrrilSnier

    CyrrilSnier New Member

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    Ok with the extra info just supplied , I dont think we really NEED to know what slipped where :D

    Ummmm they grow back dont they Doc?
  7. mrupload2458

    mrupload2458 New Member

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    Your aftermath sounds like that time I recorded my first internet video, 1man1jar.

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