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The Smoktech VMax

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by RiddleLover, May 14, 2015.

  1. truckerswife

    truckerswife Guest

    Errrr....someone reported you as a supplier ....or.... ecf saw you were wanting emails for something, got suspicous, and banned you for that. Since ecf isn't gaining any MONEY, they dont want members so much as talking amongst themselves outside of the forum.

    To keep this on topic, I killed a vmax from the co-op.

    Sent from my kitty paws...www.phiniac.com
  2. Rhyme♥

    Rhyme♥ Guest

    oh no dead vmax....what's wrong as i have taken 1 apart to fix a wire that fell off
  3. solutionsca

    solutionsca Guest

    Stays powered on.
  4. VikingLord

    VikingLord Guest

    It could be a bad switch, I dunno but that is where I would start.
  5. LynnK

    LynnK Guest

    I had a Buzz that did this to me once. I sent it in and Mike replaced the PCB in it...it was toast. It would fire when I screwed a carto down...same as what the VMax is doing.
  6. ClownKIng

    ClownKIng Guest

    YOu are right I had an ego do that to me as well and yes pcb was shot.
  7. ADreamer

    ADreamer Guest

    One rainy day, I'll gut it and see if I can tell what happened to it. I had an ego crap out and took it apart...board had a big black mark on it.
  8. DeeA

    DeeA Guest

    Same happened a while back to my Mist Buzz ... damned thing stayed in the "firing" mode ... turns out I had gotten a LOT of juice inside the tube, and it needed a new PCB. Mike replaced it, and I learned how to keep the juice out of the pv!
  9. Sl{@RRex

    Sl{@RRex Guest

    Freddie,.....YOU NEED TO CALL ME A S A P !!!!!

    Gt in touch "Brotha"
  10. AmyJ

    AmyJ Guest

    Hey Freddie,
    I heard you were kicked off the ECF (Effing Cunts Fucking - Forum) but am pleased to see you again.

    Over in Oz there are not enough of us VMaxer's yet as we would get totally arse fucked by the Pro Vari mob if we even suggested such a thing as Elite ( we all know they are the elite,hey) and a while ago some of us had a ball with those dildo waving poofters.

    Please , this was all in humour though some took exception.

    So we will wait until there is some history before we claim supremacy. :) :) :) :)


    So we real elite have to lay low for awhile

    Aussie Humour!
  11. December

    December Guest

    Hahaha...LMAO! Well I am glad you are over here as well and very nice to see you! Though I like the Provari as well, I will put my SS VMAX up against it PERIOD! I am getting a Provari though! Black Satin with blue LED! :D
  12. TylerA

    TylerA Guest

    They are great devices, I just don't want them to know that I think that. It spoils the fun. :):):)

  13. Hahaha...LOL! I feel the same way! :D
  14. thome_fan

    thome_fan Guest

    Rave...What's the Silver Dog? Is it a Genesis and can you post a link?! Thanks...
  15. gtocoolpacx

    gtocoolpacx Guest

    Silver Dog is Van's (Line maker) soon to be released Hybrid Genesis mod.

    It is on Vapor Wall in the projects section.

    Gotta go to work now so see you all later.

  16. MildredG

    MildredG Guest

    Now I have to ask ....why the hell would you go and ""WASTE"" MONEY ON ANY OTHER pv EVEN a Provari when you already have a more powerful device in your possession. Thats like trading in a Lamborghini Aventedor' for a Countach. I'm just never going to understand that. I've got both....I ONLY use my VMAX's .....honestly thinking about putting both of them on the classies. Why have something I'm not going to use.....just for status ? I could give 2 shits. VMAX's are just...""IT"" !!!! Anyway....I had to say it. lol..............J
  17. errtu

    errtu Guest

    Bro I am at work and everytime you post over here you make me feel special when I click on Nu-Vapor...Hahaha...LOL! BTW...My wife said she was going to send out your package and she better have!!!! :D
  18. How did you kill it? Just want to make sure I don't do it. :funnywinking: My SS Vmax that I have owned for 2 weeks stopped working for about 12 hours. I put 3 different sets of batteries hoping it was just the batteries and it would not work. I left it alone and came back to it and all of a sudden it was working again. Anyone else have anything like that happen? I just want to make sure if there is something wrong with it I get it taken care of while it is still under warranty.
  19. sctrojnvirus

    sctrojnvirus Guest

    I have no idea what happened to it. If I screw on a carto, it automatically starts firing it and won't stop..switch? Got me...I tried several sets of batts also. Nothing stops it.
  20. liger.

    liger. Guest

    Ha ha. Sp the exact opposite problem I was having. Mine has still been working all day today so hopefully it was just having a bad day. :laugh: maybe yours will fix itself too? Never know.

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