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Silicon Grommets for tank mods

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by kayrabay, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. FMAnthonn

    FMAnthonn New Member

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    Hi guys. Looks like your seals are just the ticket. I know the ones I found will hold very firmly a three mill syringe. when set in a ten mil tube. I might keep an eye out for the single rubber type, always handy for the tool box. While I am here, has anybody ever measured the resistance of a 12 volt 10 watt halogen bulb used in garden lighting.
  2. Goddess of Nuts (PBUH)

    Goddess of Nuts (PBUH) New Member

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    It will be around 14 ohms when hot but probably less than 2 ohms when cold
  3. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Ignore this my math was wrong.

    Well its R = (V^2) / W
  4. stilia

    stilia New Member

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    But will it vape????
  5. cromangon

    cromangon New Member

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    I reckon the glass (quartz?) on a halogen would get hot enough to vapourise juice but the bulb may not last very long. Would be an interesting experiment at least.

    And robray many thanks for finding these silicone seals. The 2 tanks I've made so far are the best yet.
  6. canada goose down

    canada goose down New Member

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    To be honest with you, I was (am) considering knocking off the glass bulb and try and retain the duel pin arrangement, feeding some silica rope through the coil and giving it a try. Problem is right now, I only have a 50 watt. Already had it on a 3.7v battery, and it glows a nice orange, after a couple of seconds. Electrics are not my thing!!! I believe it will vape, but don't know what it will do for battery life?
  7. algoche

    algoche New Member

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    The reason nichrome is used for atties is that it's resistance doesn't change much with temperature. Tungsten which is used for lamp filaments changes resistance dramatically and will draw very high current at startup and also if you suddenly lower the temperature by vapourising juice of it. So it's prob not doing your battery any good. I reckon go for a 12V mod to use in the car that uses the 10W lamp intact.
  8. Fail Train

    Fail Train New Member

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    Johny, thanks so much for that. I forgot about the tungsten side of the issue. Yes I did now that, but the fact completely eluded me in my excitement of the moment!! I am always on the look out for stuff I can modify, hack or whatever, not just for Vaping. As I mentioned before, I have too much time on my hands when not at work. Anyway, for material for tube mods, it might be worth looking at the cheap solar decorative lights that everybody is carrying. Nice source of stainless tube they use for the stem. Seen it in all sizes, and as cheap as three bucks?? Worth a thought?
  9. fastfinger

    fastfinger New Member

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    yeh, thats a battery killer you have there, likely drawing 5A at least. That 50W rating is at 3000C or so.
    as JIB says, the PTC of nichrome is about 40 times less than tungsten, α for tungsten 0.0044, nichrome 0.00013 or 0.00017 for nichrome V.

    using Rt = Rref(1+αΔT) ..

    for heater temp of 170C and then we get a resistance increase of 66% for the tungsten and 2% for the nichrome.

    compare to full operating temp of the tungsten, resistance increase of 1300% .. ie 14 times the cold R. 12V 50W means hot R is around 2.8Ω, cold R in theory 0.2Ω

    nothing to stop you trying a smaller globe tho if set on these crazy experiments .. a brake light is 30W or so, still nuts low R at 12 V but some quick calculations for a 24V 30W globe (truck brake light) give a cold resistance of around 1.5Ω .. interesting..
  10. wxdpsbkgek

    wxdpsbkgek New Member

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    Hey Stoney, thanks for that, I have got to say I go into a lot of stuff blind, not just this. Its always good to have people around with the technical knowledge to help out. I guess that's what these forums are about?
  11. Dude

    Dude New Member

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    Was at bunnings this morning to get some downlight bulbs and saw the smaller G4 12V 10W halogen bulbs so bought a couple. Connected one up to a 12V supply and dripped some juice on the bulb. It actually gave off some vapour but not enough to consider building up an attie from. May get some 20W G4s that are the same size to try next time. I'm thinking of a car mod run from the lighter socket using the halogen bulb and stainless steel mesh for wick/filler. Would need an opaque outer though to shield the light
  12. slymyym40x

    slymyym40x New Member

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    i was wondering how a blue ray laser would go, can light matches with one.

    I hadn't considered using the bulb with the glass on, i thought the idea was to remove the glass, not sure if the tungsten filament is 100% safe though, may have trace elements in the metal or holder wires, cadmium, lead or mercury for eg.
  13. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Hey John,
    why not try the lighter you use in that socket?
    probably cheaper than some globes and has a coil from hell.
    just a thought ;)
  14. i<3yahoo

    i<3yahoo New Member

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    Yeah, could really fog up the car with that!
  15. vankatram

    vankatram New Member

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