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Question on CR2 battery charger?

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by RogerO, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. scrgrl

    scrgrl Guest

    ha thats funny just notice that i hope mine comes with it (adapter) i ordered it from deal extreme
  2. EleanorM

    EleanorM Guest

    Well, I was using a Tenergy multifunctional charger model TL-001. I just noticed it has an output of 500 mah, which I didn't note before and I guess I better stop using. These were however protected CR 2's, don't know if this makes a difference.
  3. Donkey

    Donkey Guest

    I assume those protected CR2 you are using are 3v?

    Anyway, if its too high of a current- not a good idea to use.
    But if its also that the charger you are using is for 3.7v and you trying to charge 3v batts in it..... That could be bad.. You will be charging 3v batts at 4.2v.........

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