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NEW MEMBERS: Introduce yourself here!!!

Discussion in 'New Vapers Forum' started by bedi, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. robertospetrova4834

    robertospetrova4834 New Member

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    Hello wuti here vaping and didnt do analogs 6days ago..
  2. Gitegoste

    Gitegoste New Member

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    Hey guys Hairy-Mic here. just emigrated to NSW from Scotland. Been using e-cig for about 4 months. looking to move onto something better. Thought i would join for more information. good to meet you all.
  3. asdkloasd

    asdkloasd New Member

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    Welcome Wuti and Hairy-Mic!

    You will find a WEALTH of info here, and a good community here. Enjoy your stay! :)
  4. ronghui lu

    ronghui lu New Member

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    Hallo Vapers from Greece!Iam new member in the forum!
  5. tokingingerl

    tokingingerl New Member

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    Wow a slew of newbs joined in a few days, welcome people!
    Oh & Vapelover we are not from Greece but welcome anyway :D
  6. Coosque

    Coosque New Member

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    Limbot from Hobart here.

    Came via the Whirlpool thread :) Though I'd read the old threads came across the latest one which really grabbed my interest. Put a post on the thread and found that there was a supplier just near me with prices that weren't that much more than importing from overseas. Sent them an query email and lo and behold within 3 hours had a coffee with John from eciquality. Johns very passionate about not only his product but the health benefits as well. Left the coffee with a eGo-T starter kit and assorted peripherals in hand.

    Later that night decided I liked the Vision clearomizers instead of the tanks becomse they seemed neater, cleaner and tidier. At 9:30pm that night met John in a supermarket carpark and swapped the T-starter for a Vision-starter kit. At this point I hadn't even paid him and just recieved and paid my invoice this morning . The wonders of dealing with a business locally :)

    Big call out to John for his help and also James (tigs69) from Whirlpool

    Just hope this doesn't turn out to be one of those save money schemes that turns out to cost me more money like my vintage DE razor collection. Once those damned ADs kick in :) But in the long run if I can kick the old tobacco habit ( coming up to 30 years :( ) , it'll be worth it.
  7. Anettamma

    Anettamma New Member

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    cool, didn't know whirlpool had finally got over themself and allowed a new thread.
  8. dumbo

    dumbo New Member

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    Welcome mate!

    Glad to hear your introduction to vaping was so easy. It's definitely a passionate community.

    If you're wise with your spending you will easily save money. I've spent a fair bit trying to find the right set up for me, but i'm having fun doing it. I'm now in a spot where i'm happy and i have a decent amount of supplies so considering i dont buy a Provari or something ill be back in the black in a month.
  9. kristof

    kristof New Member

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    Mmm, the wise part is the hard one :)

    Vintage DE shaving was going to save me money. We all need 50 razors, 15 brushes, 400+ blades and assorted creams and soaps don't we.... :)

    Hopefully I can keep the vaping ADs under control.
  10. coepticesceno

    coepticesceno New Member

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    Welcome Limbot .... its only as expensive as you make it ... but there are some NICE Shinies out there MUHUHUHUHAWWWWWW :D
  11. Mister Ious

    Mister Ious New Member

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    Welcome other new Peeps.

    Did anyone else have trouble uploading their 'savings' banner? Keeps telling invalid file. I want to upload this as I find it quite motivating.
  12. yardwork

    yardwork New Member

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    Don't try and upload the code in the "Upload Signature Picture" just put the code into the "Edit Signature" box above it where you've got: "Ego T, Riva Vv batt, Ego Twist, V4 Clearomiser, DCT Tank, ViVi Nova Tank, Apex Alpha Ultramax, Provari Mini"

    Hope this helps.
  13. ljdedseyroify

    ljdedseyroify New Member

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  14. lourdesug4

    lourdesug4 New Member

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    Welcome new newbs!
  15. poriamp

    poriamp New Member

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    Gday everyone,

    I'm a smoker who has been at it for 30 something years, having kicked off around age 13, when I got my first casual job and some money. I've had a few smoking 'cessations'.... where I quit, lasted 1 month, 3 months or a year... but always caved after about a year.

    Have been looking at vaping from a distance for a while - decided to dive in a few weeks ago. What can I say? I'm really impressed and keen to spread the word among smokers I know. Last night, I went to the pub for a few hours, and vaped whenever I felt like it, which was quite often. Had a pack of dunhill with me for 'bludgers'... didn't feel tempted to have any tobacco smoke. In fact, it smelt kind of Off to me... which is weird. Whenever I've quit smoking before, second hand smoke smells like heaven and makes me want to run and hide somewhere.

    So, a night of heavy vaping and a dozen schooners last night? VERY different budgie cage effect this morning. After just a week or so on the e-cigs, my normal throat clearing smokers cough has disappeared and I can feel the extra wind while exercising.

    Sorry, got a a bit carried away there. This forum looks awesome. Thanks everyone.

  16. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

    Likes Received:
    welcome mate :)
  17. Super Jesus

    Super Jesus New Member

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    welcome bburke42, it is amazing that there is a way to give up smoking and not miss it at all ~ glad you found us :)
  18. markus01

    markus01 New Member

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    Welcome Ben ...looks like you found the right place, pull up aseat and dive right in LOL
  19. siobhan

    siobhan New Member

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    Welcome Ben. Great post that almost mirrors my story except for ten extra years damage to the lungs. I've been off the dirty smellies for six months and loving it. Get yourself some good gear and start enjoying the wonderful world of guilt free vaping.
  20. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Thanks everyone.

    Looks like we've got a fair few people who ride bikes here. No great surprise, motorcycles and smoking always went together for me.

    When people used to give me a hard time about being 50 odd and still riding a bike, I'd say "how dangerous can it be, compared to smoking? Or jumping out of planes?"

    The point being, I'd always think, no point quiting the smokes while I still ride all the time. A ciggie before leaving and one when you arrive are about the best smokes ever. Also, loved a flip top helmet, as I could leave a smoke in my beak while heading off down the road. People would see me doing it and I'd say "it's ok, there's an ashtray on this motorybike":D

    Having said all of that - I lent my bike to a mate for a few months, while I was overseas. He loved it so much, I sold it to him. So, at the moment I appear to be giving up smoking AND riding at the same time. Faaarrrkkk!! I never planned this.

    Has me thinking, what a great project to build a mod into a motorcycle helmet... set up the fire button near the hand controls. Juice tank near the instruments. Hooked up to the electrics on the bike...Lots of possibilities!

    Might have to buy another bike...:)


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