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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Hao Kuan L

    Hao Kuan L New Member

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    hello and welcome to all the new members hope you enjoy your time here and learn as much as you can
  2. Rextuax

    Rextuax New Member

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    Hey, My name is Jimmy, Canberra based vaper! Been vaping close to 5 months now. Soon to be moving remote. Any tips on getting Nic here fast so I can stockpile to avoid HUGE shipping times??
  3. Arelitart

    Arelitart New Member

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  4. r3vzone

    r3vzone New Member

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    G'day all, new to the world of vaping, wanting to change from the ciggies purely for money saving reasons.

    So much info, just when I think I get somewhere I find out something new that makes me scratch my head and wonder. But I have decided to jump in head first now, time to learn from experience and mistakes!!

    Been reading here for a while now, first time I registered, looking forward to all the help I can get.
  5. CorruptedHart11

    CorruptedHart11 New Member

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    Welcome aboard dfgdfg there are definitely savings to be made in the long run and its great to see you have been doing your homework so hopefully your mistakes will be kept to a minimum. :) If you are unsure about anything it always pays to ask 1st and hit the "Buy Now" button later so don't be shy :)
  6. inciident

    inciident New Member

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    welcome avtek, wonderchop and dfgdfg :D
  7. xgpw5kznihx

    xgpw5kznihx New Member

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    Hi guys been vaping for about 2 weeks with the odd smoke in between not bad from a pack a day just need some juice with stronger nicotine to stop the coffin nails complete. I wish i found this place before I started so much info here would of saved some $$$$.

    and thanks for the info in advance,
  8. bapatrickmhulzeay371

    bapatrickmhulzeay371 New Member

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    Hey guys'n'gals, hopefully just had the last one about 30mins ago. My gear* arrived last week, but i'm waiting on nic to arrive. i'm sitting here playing the waiting game for a small amount of nic a friend sent me to get me by till more arrives. I wasnt aware till after I placed the order and bought my last pouch of Champion that we couldnt buy nic domestically, or that we could buy from NZ, so currently watching the tracking info, which I gather is a common modality here. I was only linked this forum a couple days ago, after I already made my order.

    I'm an avid hi-end.comdio gear DIYer; I design and make my own PCBs for DACs, poweramps, headphone amps, DSP etc, got my own reflow oven etc, so we'll see if this actually saves me any money, or just gets me off the stinkies and gives me another DIY addiction :eek: , which would still be acceptable.

    I was confused about the RMS vs mean voltage on these things as its usually only of meaning when dealing with AC, rather than the DC a battery gives out, but it looks like these things, at the more tech end are running effectively Class D amps in them, so vary the duty cycle of the 'Square wave' so they probably often have some sort of basic DAC in there as well? the nice thing about designing these devices vs.comdio, is not worrying about distortion and noise in the parts per billion. That being said i'm pretty sure this hobby has its share of snakeoil, just like hi-end.comdio.

    so hopefully when I get my head around the terminology specific to vaping a bit more, i'll be able to give a bit back; with what is no doubt hundreds of Q's relating to Ohms law and other basic electronics, just like.comdio forums... no doubt i'll have a bash at DIY, but was keen on getting up and running before diving into that.

    anyway i'll stop rambling for now, looks like a nice little community here, i'll do some more reading before asking any questions. First up is checking out some local Flavors and grabbing a Klanger BCC. I'm a little bit worried about the bleeding gums, as I already struggle a bit with this.

    *(standard ultimate EGO starter pack from vapebar, I didnt have time for too much research)
  9. elurceprealty

    elurceprealty New Member

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    Welcome new members.

    Yes it's that time of the thread again, for "Noe's List".

    The below is a re-post but I like to keep it easy to find for new vapers or potential new vapers, be.comse it helps if you know what you need to get started:

    IMO what you want for your initial order is a 1-stop-shop, where you can get everything you need in 1 order.
    Regardless of what you decide to order, this makes things very simple & means everything arrives at the same time, so you can get into it immediately you open it(well almost, make sure the batts are charged first).

    For the same reason I recommend Health Cabin for first orders, they have a large range of products, they ship reliably(choose EMS shipping & you will usually have you goods in a week, 2 at most), their customer service is very good & their prices are good too. Plus they have everything you need, including nic juice to get you started.

    I think the best solution for a new vaper is an entry level device, which will serve as a back up should you have problems with your mod later on, like these kits:
    eGo K Vision Compact Kit V2 in 30 styles [02-F] - $18.99 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail two of these kits will have, 2 chargers( a spare in case one fails) 2 clearomisers & 2 batteries, all you really need to start vaping minus the juice.

    Next you will want some juice my recommendation is 10x 10ml, 18mg/ml, pre-mixed juices in various flavors:
    Dekang E-juice/E-liquid for Ecigarette
    HC E-Juice/E-Liquid : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Then also get some unflavored nic in 36mg/ml, 75/25 PG/VG, which you can mix later with canuk made doublers, so 1 or 2 x 115ml bottles:
    115ml HC Unflavored E-liquid [Z8 HC Unflavored 115ml] - $11.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Optional devices:
    If you want to stop there, you can & will be able to start vaping with just what is above or if you want to try different clearomisers/tanks etc then these are some good ones to try:
    3.5ml Ismoka BCC(Bottom Coil Changeable) Mega Clear Cartomizer [03-3A-4321] - $11.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    5pc New CE3 Bottom Coil 510 Clearomizers [05-C-12] - $10.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Innokin iClear 30 Dual Coil Clearomizer with replaceable coil (Crystal Gift Box) [05-H-3-2] - $10.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Vision eGo Clearomizer V3 (Exchangeable & Detachable)

    While not an absolute "must have" these come in handy sometimes for your eGo type batteries:
    500mA USB Power Adapter/Charger (US/EU/UK.com plug) [05-A-2-2] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Items for mixing
    A bottle of PG & a bottle of VG will come in handy if you need to dilute your juice later on & it is cheap to grab a bottle of each at the same time:
    115ml PROPYLENE GLYCOL USP(PG) [Z4 115ml PG] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    115ml Vegetable Glycerin USP (VG) [Z4 115ml VG] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Some empty mixing bottles will also come in handy, perhaps 4x 30ml & 4x 10ml to start with:
    Empty Ejuice Bottle(childproof) [06-D-23] - $0.25 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    A syringe is also a good idea to grab for measuring liquids & refilling some kinds of clearos etc, I would grab one of each size:
    E-juice Injector(1ml 2.5ml 5ml 10ml) Ejuice Injector /syringe [06-D-1-1] - $0.25 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    You will also want blunt tipped needles for your syringes, 4 of these, Long(XL) type:
    Blunt needle for syringe [05-D-2-1] - $0.15 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Devices not recommended
    I DO NOT recommend v2cigs, overpriced, cigalikes for anyone!
    If you want a cigalike, HealthCabin also stock them, look for a 510 manual starter kit. It will be much cheaper & perform the same as the more expensive V2cig kit but these will not work anywhere near as well as the gear I listed above.
    If you decide you still want a cigalike & get the 510 kit, I recommend using these to put your juice in for vaping:
    5pc New CE3 Bottom Coil 510 Clearomizers [05-C-12] - $10.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
  10. Roanytit

    Roanytit New Member

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    I live about an hour away from Newcastle in a town called Lochinvar. Married 3 years with a 2 & 1/2 yr old .comghter, to whom i am also Mr Mum.

    I've been watching the world or Vaping for over a year now ever since a friend came over with an ecig.
    I'm now confident in the product enough to get my first kit.
    Looking forward to looking through the thread and getting some further tips n tricks :)

    ABSODOKEK New Member

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  12. besocb

    besocb New Member

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    Hi people, I'm from Brisbane ! Been vapouring for two weeks now , beats giving Coles $150 a week on my nicotine addiction..

    Site looks great
  13. Housencis

    Housencis New Member

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    thanks Noe, yeah I kinda wanted to order my gear domestic as I already spend a crapload of money on OS imports for my business, but I only realized too late after i'd committed to the vapebar order that I couldnt get juices containing NIC here. so here I am having had to order from OS anyway and another day has passed, i've run out of smokes and the small amount I arranged to tide me over hasnt arrived in today's express post... so I must regretfully buy another pack, havent had a smoke since getting up this morning.

    annoyed, I went out to the PUB on the weekend with the beginning of what I thought was my last pouch, smoked up a storm, played pool, all that stuff as a symbolic thing. pissed off
  14. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Although it's a little pain to have to place two orders, it's not biggy and although canadan vendors can't sell juice with nicotine, they do provide other excellent services and products, and spending local is a good thing to do, isn't it?

    For me, I liked playing around with the eGo before my nic juices turned up, in fact, after tasting the tobacco 0nic juice that came with my starter kit I quickly realised that tobacco flavours were not for me and placed an order with a canada site and had my first nic juice in 2-3 days. So, yeah, buying local is a nice thing to do and there's nothing wrong with the quality and service of local vendors.
  15. I FANCY YOU :) and VOTTO

    I FANCY YOU :) and VOTTO New Member

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    yep that was the idea, I figured it would be a good idea to set up a relationship early on, hopefully getting decent support in the process. but it would have been better if they made it more clear, especially since I called up to confirm that was the case. its even worse than I thought, I didnt realize it was bloody state legislation until today rather than federal, meaning up here its illegal to even possess the stuff? (nic that is) and ive gotta say, to not mention that when I called up asking about it... not terribly impressed with that support.
  16. Meisshin

    Meisshin New Member

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    Hi all I have been off the smokes for around a month now. Been looking at the forum for a while now and getting loads of advice, and information. So thought I should join :p. Although I have quit smoking I seem to now have a new addiction buying mods and other shiny stuff. So not sure its going to be much cheaper for me. Although I am sure it will be better for my health. One month in and I already own 2 nemesis's one kalafan and one vw edition an evic and a ba gua ti.
  17. perico2005

    perico2005 New Member

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    G'day. Great info here so far, I'm slowly gettin my head around the tech stuff. Been smoking and quitting for 20 years so I'm looking forward to getting into this vaping caper. Bought my first e vapour today and am working on placing an order for the real deal soon.

  18. Rubym

    Rubym New Member

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    I posted in the forum general before I saw this sticky, herp. Just got my kit, is charging, but I'm off to football training so I will have to leave my first vape till later. And yea I'm gonna unplug before leaving (got a good charge setup in the shed in a tin can).

    Enjoy the Perth meet up, as mentioned before I am unlikely to make it but no doubt will have more insight, questions (and juices!) by the next one.


    The overmedicated state of mind you find is overrated

    You saw it all come down, now it’s time to imitate it
  19. Totalledo

    Totalledo New Member

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    welcome cumulonimbus, wolfman, hori, duke916, rotten and mangopuppy :D
  20. ss3ijvdwjc

    ss3ijvdwjc New Member

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    Nobody likes a quitter.. hurry up and get to be an ex!
    Good luck with vaping.. welcome and please feel free to ask any questions which come to mind, apart from "What's the capital of North Dakota?" as that question is already taken.

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