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NEW MEMBERS: Introduce yourself here!!!

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. the.beat_23

    the.beat_23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the welcome
  2. fruktjuice

    fruktjuice New Member

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    rouss.com here in west canada. newbie in vaping. hello all.
  3. thatguy227

    thatguy227 New Member

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    G'day everyone,

    I thought it was about time I came along and said hello. I have had a love hate relationship with vaping for about a month now. The big thing for me has been finding a juice that I find good enough to chain vape long enough to give up the coffin nails. Today I received a shipment with plenty of juice of the only flavour I find attractive enough to give it a real shot. I have already cut back the smokes by about half in the last month and hope that tomorrow will be my first tobacco free day in about 25 years.

    During the last month and a bit I have found this forum to be a wealth of information to help me get started, so a big thank you to all the crazy, b.comtiful, totally insane, messed-up and wonderful members who have made me .comgh, cry and helped me and many other newbies get into vaping. I would have put it in the too hard basket without your help.

  4. qpfhzrdmrd

    qpfhzrdmrd New Member

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    Welcome to the asylum, newbies :)
    Hope you enjoy yourselves as much as the rest of us loonies.
    You're welcome to start a discussion and ask a bazillion questions.
    We love questions.
    We love new vapers - not in the biblical way, mind.. this is not one of those cults, although I'm thinking the vaperfarians might be as good a religion as any.
  5. MetalVixen666

    MetalVixen666 New Member

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    Wot she said !!

    Seriously tho, welcome all, I am still reasonably new here, but its a fantastic community, stick around :)
  6. EatDaCakeAnnieMay!

    EatDaCakeAnnieMay! New Member

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    welcome one and all. and whatever you hear, i swear, i wasn't even there :eek:
  7. togEpissili

    togEpissili New Member

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    Hello new folks, welcome to the influx of information and insanity :)
  8. lilu6rlkgzd

    lilu6rlkgzd New Member

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    I have a few questions about eliquid but don't know if this is the best thread to ask them in. Can someone please point me in the right direction to discuss eliquid and what everyone is vaping and where to get it?

    Quick note - I am currently vaping Volcano eliquid (Choconilla Haze) and loving it but have started trying DIY without much luck. All my juices taste funny, kind of a chemical taste. I have been ordering from a bunch of different vendors (both.com and US) but need some guidance.

    Thanks in advance.

    View attachment 8116
  9. LilianaLa

    LilianaLa New Member

    Likes Received:
    hello and welcome to all the new people out there :)

    let your fun journey begin :)
  10. sqlg

    sqlg New Member

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    No such number. Google said!!!
  11. Movelax

    Movelax New Member

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  12. donz

    donz New Member

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    Or start a thread below in the newbies section, many newbies read this section & aren't game to venture into the rest of the forum until they are confident with their vaping. By posting a new thread below it will possibly help more new vapers than by posting in the other sections.

    DiY can be the best or the worst juice you vape, it is best to start with mixes that use just 1 or 2 concentrates, until you know how those flavors should taste at their best.
  13. Orotek

    Orotek New Member

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    She says that, but look at her post count.... she's everywhere... :p
  14. Banzaibob

    Banzaibob New Member

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    I've been lurking on the forum for a couple of weeks just soaking in the information but i thought i'd actually make a post and introduce myself finally! I'm Albert and i live in Perth. Had only been smoking analogs for a couple of years and have tried to quit a couple of times already but vaping has certainly helped me with that and has been a great fun experience in itself.

    Started with one of those small cigarette looking batteries but bought myself a 1000mah ego twist a week after that and have just played around with 306 atomizers but mainly using boge cartos in a simple smoktech tank. Already keen to try out a nice mech mod with a genesis style atty, and all sorts of other vv/vw devices but just enjoying the ride for now.

    Nice to be a part of this.
  15. Optidly

    Optidly New Member

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    Welcome Albert! :)
  16. hrdcfdh8u

    hrdcfdh8u New Member

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    Hi Albert, welcome aboard
  17. MightyHyphy

    MightyHyphy New Member

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    oh dear. you may have a point there rogue :/

    *waves hello to more new people :D*
  18. gammahho

    gammahho New Member

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    Welcome mate, when you take the plunge into gennies, if you have any problems & need some face to face help, there's a few of us here that would be willing to guide you, myself included.
  19. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Hi All,

    I've been vaping for just over 12 months. Had my first vaperversary on the 23rd April. I'm a long time lurker but have recently seen some discussions come up on the forum, comparing devices, setups etc, where I might be able to contribute some input so I thought I'd better introduce myself before I started posting.

    I had a blind introduction to vaping, meaning I jumped into it after seeing an advertisement on the internet. I have a vague impression that I may have fleetingly seen somebody using a device in North Sydney a couple of years ago but apart from that I'd only heard vague stories and rumours about electronic cigarettes. I was living in LA last year for a few months and saw an advertisement for a cigalike product on a web page, became interested and the research began, I was particularly motivated be.comse I was in a country where the product was and is readily available and I was finding the taste of American Marlboro lights to be nasty, little did I know that I'd soon find the taste of all cigarettes to be nasty. I'm an obsessive compulsive researcher, so many hours were spent reviewing forums, various vendor websites and watching youtube videos. Two sets of videos convinced me that this may be a truly viable option, the video of Katherine Heigl on Letterman, strangely enough, and Grimm Green's videos. At first I focused on seemingly large, well-known and reputable companies, Greensmoke, V2 etc but right at the point I was going to purchase a V2 kit I found ECF. The flavour of the month for beginner vapers was the k-go , an improved ego clone, and of course cartomizers and after further ex.comstive research on this product I ordered a kit with some extra cartomizers and some juice. The package arrived at lunch time 3 days later and in between bites of a sandwich I filled the cartomizer with Turkish Hills tobacco, attached it to the conveniently pre-charged battery and after finishing lunch had a puff. Light bulbs, fireworks, revelations!!!! It was great, and that was it, no more cigarettes for me, the desire to smoke disappeared, the desire to vape, and all that entails, was born. I was so impressed with the experience that I ordered a provari and some more liquid the very next morning, less than 24 hours after receiving my very first package.

    I endured detox for a few days, vaping a combination of Turkish Hills tobacco, coffee, choc-mint and watermelon liquid at 18-24 mg, drank copious amounts of water, experienced bouts of coughing, sweating and a strange light-headed feeling but not the normal jitters, grumpiness and soul destroying cravings I'd previously experienced when I had attempted to quit using traditional NRT products. Unlike previous attempts to quit I didn't change my normal habits, I continued to enjoy tea and coffee as well as the under appreciated and ridiculously cheap Californian pinot noir wines. I carried an emergency packet of cigarettes around in my laptop bag for the next month that was never opened.

    A year has passed and I now have a modest collection of mods and re-buildable devices and I've tried dozens of juices from many vendors. I have been responsible for introducing vaping 1st or 2nd hand to around 20 people, that I know of, one of them being my girlfriend's mum, a committed 40 year smoker, who hasn't had a cigarette in 10 months.

    Many thanks for reading, a little long-winded but I hope you, like me, enjoy reading a vaping success story.

  20. kAsiaHodgesw

    kAsiaHodgesw New Member

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    welcome jason :) congrats on your first vaperversary!

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