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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. caaribou

    caaribou New Member

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    Another newbie here. I have been lurking around here since just before xmas and learning a lot. I haven't touched a dirty stinky cig in 3 weeks now thanks to this forum(after 19 years of smoking). So far vaping is working out expensive as there are so many awesome devices, mods and juices I want to try. I'm sure i will slow down on the spending as soon as I find my feet, but then I'm sure there will be plenty of new toys always popping up that I cant resist.
  2. AngelinaCrane

    AngelinaCrane New Member

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    G'day HSV and welcome mate...Congrats and with a name like that you'll get on well with a certain few of us ;) Cheers and enjoy
  3. Biblautt

    Biblautt New Member

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    Welcome HSV, always good to have another Holden man amongst us.
    The more reading you do, the less likely you are to waste money on unwanted gear.
    Or you can just ask Noe, he'll noe what you need to buy, he usually does !
  4. bay232323

    bay232323 New Member

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    That's something we need to remember. There's probably a lurker who doesn't post for each one of us who does. There's probably 5 vapers who aren't online for every one of us who is. Only the very tip of the iceberg is represented in this online community. Last week, I met a man at my local shops who was vaping on an old scratched up battery, with some sort of gizmo atomiser on it. He told me he'd been vaping for two and a half years. He and his wife were switched on to vaping from someone in their community. He gets his nic from a friend in the community, and said that he'd converted around 100 smokers to vaping since he discovered it. I asked him whether he knew about the online community and he just looked at me blankly. He doesn't have a computer. Up until the time they discovered vaping, the man and his wife had been smoking 7 packs of tobacco cigarettes per day!

    He had seen me puffing away on my provari, and .comght up to me as I went back to my car, down this creepy laneway, and I got that feeling someone was following me. He sort of stuck his gear out at me as a greeting when i turned around to see who was following me. The big grin and the PV he was holding reassured me he didn't have any sort of malevolent intent. Funny how you can feel it when someone is following you, eh? Anyway, we had a lovely chat. He told me (with a real pride) that his son told him he could buy a new car every year with the money he saved from giving up the ciggies. That was my first experience out in public meeting a stranger who vaped. It's really exciting to be at this early stage of vaping, when we'll be able to remember the time where it was worthy of mentioning that you saw a stranger vaping. oh dear, I'm getting all ranty so I'm going to stop now.
  5. bevasusasda4370

    bevasusasda4370 New Member

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    Provaris attrack creepy people.
    I loved the story when you told me :)
  6. belkakeiit

    belkakeiit New Member

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    Great story MrsG....No one ever follows me..Cept cops:(
  7. Rossy

    Rossy New Member

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    Thanks Old Dog. I did find Noes list after my first few orders, but I think I have done well and have plenty of spares should I get lazy and not order for a while. I started with an ego usb passthrough kit with some v2 stardusts. I then tried v3 stardusts and the draw was too tight, since then Ive got a few Novas, some commets, an F16 Boge tank and a few of the Kanga BCC. I like all of the bottom coil stuff and the Novas seem pretty reliable. Also bought a Vamo for home use (its too big and heavy for out and about). Loving it so far, and this has been my most successful attempt after trying Champix 3 times, patches, Allen Carrs Easy way to quit to name a few of my attempts. I do still forget most mornings that I Vape now and spend the first few minutes of the day looking for my pack of smokes before I remember I don't smoke anymore.
    Its a great community here and I'm so glad I found this place, it is literally a life saver.
  8. Excelled

    Excelled New Member

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    Sounds to me like you're off to a great start, the habit of looking for the smokes will take a while to disappear as will a lot of things ciggy related..After all it's something you've been doing for a long time. I smoked for 40+ years, tried everything and failed, now been smoke free since May 2010..Believe me it just gets better and better..I do feel I'd not be here typing at the moment if not for vaping, saved my sorry arse..Enjoy your new lease on life :)
  9. yqkcrky1b

    yqkcrky1b New Member

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    Hi, my name is Lee and I'm from Victoria, canada.
    I'm 45 and realised I've been smoking for most of my life. I'm not a hardcore smoker (a pack a day, wake up to smoke..) but I smoke about 10+ rollies a day and a lot more on the weekend. I'd really like to quit. I don't try be.comse I'm fearful that I won't know what to do with myself. My work and life is puncuated with cigarettes.
    I clicked on a link for ecigs that had been flashing in my peripheral vision for months. This lead me to investigate further. Shooting over to Youtube and other websites that sell and promote these electronic cigarettes.
    I've seen them before but only at the front counter of a $2 shop. I thought, like most things in a $2 shop, it'd be rubbish.
    But after more information, I reckon I might give it a crack.
    I really don't know where to start.
    I guess, from what I've learnt so far, any recomendations on the best starter kits, liquid flavours and best vaper volume would be very much appreciated.
    Cheers everybody!
  10. Kiki

    Kiki New Member

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    Check out the post by noe a newbie shopping list mate u will find everything u need to get going

    IN Hiding from a vapers wife
  11. gosh137

    gosh137 New Member

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    Dont worry MrsG. I only lurk on forums, not down creepy laneways. I will leave the laneway lurking to you :)
  12. Heergella

    Heergella New Member

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    Welcome to the home of fog new people...im sure youll all be well enlightend and have a ton of fun...good on you all...
  13. elequarge

    elequarge New Member

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  14. Sylen

    Sylen New Member

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    Is that a Pervari with an Alien Prove?
  15. bj4prez

    bj4prez New Member

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    Cabbage yet another thread destroyed

    IN Hiding from a vapers wife
  16. Prieday

    Prieday New Member

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    Welcome new people.

    For the next few weeks, buying anything from China is not going to be shipped quickly due to Chinese New Year. If you order from China, even using DHL or EMS, expect to get your order sometime in March.
    For newbies wanting a starter kit, the quickest & best way right now is to use an canuk vendor, approved by Vape.to & order nic from a USA vendor.
  17. bikerjohn

    bikerjohn New Member

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    Big welcome to new members..Don't be afraid to ask the questions on Vape.to you don't need flame proof suits or tin foil hats.
  18. unfaizacine

    unfaizacine New Member

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    New people may want to give these guys a try while China is on Holiday right now.

    Mt. Baker Vapor is very reasonable priced and has heaps of juices to choose from and is a USA Vendor. Just order in before the last minute be.comse it does take a few weeks to get here. I've only ordered once so far but mine took around 22 days and that was with the slowest shipping option just after the Christmas holidays. Others may have gotten theirs sooner. If you pay a little more for shipping, I'm sure it would come a bit faster. Mt. Baker actually ships out within 24 hours but it's just the time it takes to travel from the USA to canada that is the wait.

    Mt Baker Vapor - Electronic Cigarettes, USA made E Juice, and Accessories

    P.S. if you like a nice fruity sweet juice and a bit of menthol (not overpowering..just a hint) you must try Thug juice. Love that stuff. Also you can build your own juice with them and put together any flavor combination you want which is really cool. I made, USA mix bacco with Watermelon and menthol. Prices listed right now are $5.99 for 15ml, $8.49 for 30ml bottle and $11.99 for a 50ml bottle. You can add extra flavor shots for .25 each. Those are near Health Cabin prices but I think the shipping is actually a little more than China for their fast shipping options. Those are pretty good prices and I liked the juice and liked all the different options. Not trying to sell anyone Mt. Baker over any other vendors as I don't have anything to do with the company. Just a cheap option for nice tasting juice :)

    Hope this helps someone out.
  19. puyreahnyp

    puyreahnyp New Member

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    Hi folks,
    I'm .comren, 32, from Tassie and I just got my first ecig, the Ego T today in the post, with various juices. From China in under a week, I'm quite happy so far, I just have to fiddle around and work out what works best for me :) Anyway, just thought I'd say hello as this forum has given me lots of help as I lurked, trying to figure out what I was buying and how to use it.
  20. RayDavies

    RayDavies New Member

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    Hi .comren and welcome..We got some smart cookies in here so fire away if you have any questions, congrats on getting set up it's all good:)

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