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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Marinoska

    Marinoska New Member

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    welcome to all the newbies i've missed since last time i said welcome newbies.

    abl86, ego-c twist, with a couple of stardust v3's would be your best bet for ease of use. :)

    Get some 1.8ohm heads, and keep it between 3.5-4.0v and you will be .comghing.
  2. tishajb18

    tishajb18 New Member

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    Just started looking at how much I'm going to need to mix.

    Having some issues with the calculator :(

    With Pure VG 4.8% (I assume equates to 48mg) and a Target Nicotine Strength of 18mg, using a 70/30 PG/VG mix, I'm getting negative numbers for VG.
    Any suggestions :)
  3. nicebb68

    nicebb68 New Member

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    With 100% VG nic juice the best you can acheive is a PG62%/38%VG and that's without allowing for flavours.
  4. kjsebaa

    kjsebaa New Member

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    Best to use PG based nic juice if your aiming for a mostly PG mix :)
  5. exicelp

    exicelp New Member

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    Well bugger... :(
    What's the best (nic strength) I can do with flavours in a 70/30 with this 4.8% VG, since it takes about a week to deliver and not keen to order another bottle before I've even vaped...
  6. ravineel

    ravineel New Member

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    drop it down to 16mg/ml, which is just below 18mg/ml & use 2 parts PG 1 part VG nic.
    So if you are using doublers, then get 100% PG base doublers. If you are using concentrates, the flavor counts as PG anyway so then you just add the % of flavor you want & top up with PG to make up 2/3 with the VG making up the other 1/3.
    That will make the PG/VG ratio 67/33, which is close enough to what you want.
  7. irtuchigh1976

    irtuchigh1976 New Member

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    Don't panic.. You'll get close enough to make some satisfying juice :)
    If your flavour doublers are 100%PG then You'll be mixing .17ml of VG (no nic) 4ml of PG (no nic) 5.83ml of VG nic base with your 10ml to acheive your PG70/30 mix at 14mg of nic

    Although I'd be more tempted to set your ratios at 62/38 to get your nic level up to 18mg...
  8. Mindy

    Mindy New Member

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    Your calculations are correct gentlemen
  9. bmoretoga

    bmoretoga New Member

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    Hi there. I saw someone with an e-cig for the first time a few days ago, was offered a puff... now I can't wait to get my own. I know absolutely nothing about it though, so here seems to be a good place to start. :)
  10. MiyokoCarrillo

    MiyokoCarrillo New Member

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    Yeah nah mate we got nothin', can't help ya. We're actually a Twilight series fan site. It's just the admin fucked up when he registered the domain. It's supposed to be canukVampers.com. Sorry about that. Good luck with the ecigs though!

    Lol j/k, welcome to Vape.to. Start a thread in the new person section and Noe shall be along presently to give you a cut and paste Health Cabin promo tour with a dash of surliness which Fatman will make all better with his jokes soon after.
  11. hello

    hello New Member

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    Hi mojomouse .....

  12. CurlyQ

    CurlyQ New Member

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    I'm a newbie to 'canukvapers' and a relative newbie to vaping ([I.comgust 2012[/I]).

    I now absolutely love vaping and don't ever want to have it taken away from me. (and I don't trust our government not to try to do that).

    Anyone who understands legal docco's - please check the 2012 update to the (Sticky)Official Documents and Resource Information thread.
  13. BionicPorn

    BionicPorn New Member

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    Hi everyone. MrGruffy and I are just over 2 weeks tobacco free, and we've been really surprised how relatively painless it's been. We started with V2cigscanada, as we had a referral from a friend who let us try her e-cig, and we were so impressed with it, that we came home and ordered our couples kit straight away. It's been a good introduction to vaping for us. We've already ordered our first order of nic liquid and are looking forward to upgrading our kit and hoping to get great recommendations from the forum for flavours and mixing our own e-juice. I have been reading the forum for the last week or so, and decided to sign up in order to post some questions, give away some kittens, and hopefully get to know some of my now fellow vapers. I'm really stoked, as we have plans to move to Tassie in a year or so, and we made an agreement that we had to give up smoking before we move, and it seems we have! We were both long term heavy smokers, 30+ years of 30+ cigarettes a day. We've both tried the psycho making drugs and the NRT available without success. Vaping looks like the way to go to me. Our friend who let us try her e-cig still hasn't made the transition, so i realise it's not as easy for some as for others to give up the tobacco all together, and i'm hoping to pick up some clues about what makes the difference too.
  14. ai.xapinha

    ai.xapinha New Member

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    Thanks Verbatim and Old Dog! Glad to see there's a bit of humour floating around. :D I'll certainly start a thread and ask some questions as soon as I know enough to know what to ask. All the devices and options are a bit confusing at first. :p
  15. Tysine

    Tysine New Member

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    Welcome to the club Mojo. People here are some of the most helpful people on the intertubes!

    I officially started vaping today thanks to their help, although I've never received so many strange looks from passerbys...
  16. tintin

    tintin New Member

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    welcome mrsgruffy and MojoMouse :)
  17. OwlTotem

    OwlTotem New Member

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    Welcome new vapers, please start your own thread below so we can give you more specific help & you know where to look if you need to review the advice given :)
  18. MoniqueTa

    MoniqueTa New Member

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    Welcome new people!
  19. dizzycshuleay5032

    dizzycshuleay5032 New Member

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    Hey fellow vapers!

    I had one of the generic eCigs (egar). Week later and that was back in it's box and I was onto normal smokes.

    2.5 years later, and there's an entire subculture dedicated to them, with modification and tinkering going on everywhere. Decided to purchase a couple eGo twist batteries, Vision clearos, and a myriad of 18mg nicotine liquids. The difference between my first eCig and the PV I own now is mindblowing. It is almost exactly the same feel of smoking an 'analogue' cigarette (throat and lung feels), with the added bonus of having shisha-type flavors.

    Big thanks to the Vapebar crew for all their help and advice.

    Saving now for a Provari, just bought an eVic and Liquinator - vapes much better than the twist.

    Cheers guys.

    - hadricus (Nathan)
  20. rossiro

    rossiro New Member

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    Welcome to Vape.to.

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