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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. cherryblossoms

    cherryblossoms New Member

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    Welcome Brian, ismali and Mitchell to Vape.to .
    Everything you ever needed to know about vaping is here .... All you need to do is find it :-(
    If you can't find what you need to know, start a thread in the new vapers section.
    Hopefully someone will answer ;-)
  2. fpfnmjz4a

    fpfnmjz4a New Member

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  3. Shay ley ley

    Shay ley ley New Member

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    Welcome to Vape.to, if you need help start a thread below & we'll point you in the right direction.
  4. xocassandranicolexo

    xocassandranicolexo New Member

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    Gidday everyone , Im a lifelong smoker since 13 , confirmed White Ox smoker since the 70's , well 2 stints in the big house made me a Ox only man . got a VMax now and I will definitely never go back to burnin weed . actually I was enjoying buying pipe tobacco again but the $ 50.00 a tin plus the OX was getting expensive .
    speaking of pipes , my ideal vape would be a strong Virginia Flake , Erinmore Flake and Petersons Irish Flake were favourites .
    Im thinking the EL Toro liquids look the part , the base flavours are quite reasonably priced , well worth a try I think .
    thanks for listening . Simon .
  5. smedrik

    smedrik New Member

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    Another new member here, been vaping with for a couple weeks now. analogue consumption diminishing rapidly :). SWMBO just as keen as i am, cant keep her off her ego passthrough - man she loves her stardusts.
  6. jenius

    jenius New Member

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    Hello newbies :)
  7. bmoretoga

    bmoretoga New Member

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    Welcome mate, Whytox? be.comse it's toxic! lol
    The El toro Puros or Guevara 24mg/ml is probably going to suit you given your choice in rolling weed. Just expect to be burning through cartos every 2-3 days using those liquids, for that reason, I would use a Boge F16 tank set up or Boge cartos, which are cheap & disposable.
    Or get a rebuildable atty or genesis style tank with plenty of wire to make new coils with. From experience, those juices kill coils rather quickly(2-3days).

    Welcome to you & the missus.

    If you need any advice start a new thread below & we'll help you if we can.
  8. Desert Flame

    Desert Flame New Member

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    Hi All.

    Having seen e-cigs everywhere for the past month I decided to treat myself to a xmas present and jump on board.
    Living and working in Canberra, have smoked for the past 11 years and decided it's time to make the switch.
    After having someone assist me in my first purchase I was hoping someone could double check I have everything I need :)

    Order as follows:

    Apparently that's enough to get me started. However I still have a few questions.

    I'm using the eJuice Me Up calculator, and I assume that my Target Nicotine Strength should be the strength of the cigarettes (analogues?) I currently smoke. Is this correct? I'm pretty worried about Nicotine poisoning, read all those horror stories about people ordering 100mg and receiving something over 250mg...

    Additionally, how often do people generally vape when switching from cigarettes? Will vaping for a couple minutes at the times I'd regularly go smoke be sufficient? Also, is it the same motion as smoking a cigarette, or are there different techniques?

    And finally, cleaning/maintenance. Which parts should you be cleaning and/or replacing often?

    Sorry for all the absolute newbie questions :)
  9. Caveat Lector

    Caveat Lector New Member

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    You'll need a stronger mg than what you smoke. I smoked 35 a day 12mg , and now vape at 18mg. I think many would have recommended 24mg, but it's doing the job. No ciggy for a month, and two days now :)
    You'll soon know if it's too strong. You'll be giving yourself a crook headache, and turning green.. lol.
    Plenty of stuff here and youtube about cleaning your atomizers, and such.
  10. lanaeo3

    lanaeo3 New Member

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    Don't visit this thread often so a big welcome to all the newbs that have joined :)

    For me it's been three months since I first discovered vaping and haven't had a cigarette since.

    The guys and gals here are really helpful, but be warned,THEY'RE A BUNCH OF ENABLERS !!! :p
  11. Henry

    Henry New Member

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    @BlueLagoon, you'll need 2x Joye EGO USB Chargers mate ... just in case of failure.
  12. Meghan P

    Meghan P New Member

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    Welcome BlueLagoon, looks like you have enough to get you going.
    Main thing is to get your nic juice.
    Anything else you may need can be sourced from local vendors and delivered in 2 days.
    You might like to get a 5 pack of Boge LR cartos to see if you prefer these to the Vivi Novas.
    You'll just have to experiment a bit to find what level of nic suits you.
    Start at 18mg/ml and see how you go.
    Vape as much as you need to stop smoking .
  13. Henry

    Henry New Member

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    G'day Bluelagoon

    Great choices on the twists + vivi nova :)

    My only other suggestion is that if the vivi conks out, you'll be left with nothing (also, just one vivi means just one flavour at a time... and variety is half the fun of vaping).

    Maybe an F16 carto tank Boge F16 Carto Tank

    And some replacement cartos Untitled Document

    Or even a mini vivi nova (my favourite) Vision Mini Vivi Nova v3 Kit and the cone for that one
    Mini ViVi Nova EGO Cone

    Your replacent vivi coils will fit both.

    You should be able to get any of the above wherever you intend to purchase.

    Agree with davee... go stronger than your old cig mg. I used to smoke 8mg, but vape 18mg (12mg wasn't enough). Vapour isn't absorbed in the same way as cigarette nic.

    Personally, I take vape breaks outside during the day, the same as I did smoke breaks (and take the same five-ish minutes)

    In the evening, I like to kick back and vape on the couch - which is a treat, as I never smoked indoors.

    Inhalation? I guess different for everyone. Smoking, for me, was always straight into the lungs but I tend to inhale vapour onto the mouth, then take it down.

    Cleaning out your Vivi and dry burning the coils... do a youtube search and watch how it's done :)
  14. xZbEjpbpeo

    xZbEjpbpeo New Member

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    A big +1 for an extra charger! Also an.coms USB power plug (pain in the bum and slowwww charging via the PC).
  15. GingerSpice

    GingerSpice New Member

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    G'day BlueLagoon,
    Still in the learning process myself.
    The charger I opted for was a Jackson dual usb job. Meets all the required canuk standards and you still have a powerpoint if you need it.
  16. hot1foru72

    hot1foru72 New Member

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    Thanks for all the feedback.

    So an F16 Boge Carto Tank is essentially the same part as the Vivi Nova right? If so, I might stick with the Nova's and get one of the Mini versions as an alternative/back up.

    Not sure why but I decided to jump in at the deepend in mixing my own flavoured juice, hoping it doesn't come back to bite me. I'm going to assume that the E-Liquid base (with Nic) will take the longest to be delivered, but once it arrives I'm sure I'll be back asking questions about mixing ;)

    Will look into a second order once the first arrives.
  17. zet404

    zet404 New Member

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    Welcome to Vape.to.
    No an F16 is a different type of carto & not everyone likes vivi novas I also recommend some Stardust clearomizers, everyone is different & has different preferences of cartos. Until you have tried a selection you won't know which you prefer.
  18. puertas hierro

    puertas hierro New Member

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    Welcome all ! ... Some great advice from those above , echo the double charger sentiments ... its the one redundancy most people forget :)
    That brings me to another point , when ordering stuff for the first time , it really DOES pay to make sure you have backups , and even backups of backups . NOTHING is surer to send you back to the dhurries than .comlty equipment letting you down ... justify the cost factor , by comparing it to what you spent on smokes each week , I know myself , if I spent a months smoke budget , I could set myself up in vaping for the next 3 months MINIMUM :D
    Remember that NOTHING in vaping isnt a consumable !
    Batteries and atomisers WILL die , sometimes with very little notice , If you are ordering from overseas , mail CAN be erratic , so make sure you have always got a month or two worth of supplies in advance , it makes life so much smoother :)
    canuk vendors are great and will be able to fix you up with equipment very quickly , but Nicotine needs planning to be sucessful .

    Hoping your entry into vaping runs as smoothly as it can , any dramas , and the forum will hopefully sort them out quick smart ... you only have to ask :)
  19. ermy

    ermy New Member

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    Welcome everyone to the best and friendliest vaping forum.
  20. SuperAffe

    SuperAffe New Member

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    hi all just wondering wot is the best ego kit to get

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