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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. tuxx0r

    tuxx0r New Member

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    Altered1 is absolutely correct Rebel. I tried these silly things about 3yrs ago and lasted about 5 days, then went straight back to the stinkies:mad::mad::mad:. The advances in ecig technology is amazing:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:
  2. jan

    jan New Member

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    Got to agree with Altered1 and Rosscoe. As an example (at the risk of clogging the welcome thread....delete if inappropriate FM), this is my current equipment.....an evod and Vision "Fatboy" Spinner (VV-variable voltage, 3.3v - 4.8v). As it stands there, around $30. I have a couple of the Spinners (around $25ea) and 3-4 evods (around $6ea)


    Forget about the physical thing of holding a cigarette. I tried to hold mine like a cigarette for a couple of days and then went "hey, I don't smoke any more, why am I trying to emulate smoking"....and haven't looked back.
  3. Insulge

    Insulge New Member

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    Welcome to all our new Members

  4. oikos

    oikos New Member

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    Hey Devo again,

    Been going for it for 24 hours now. I have 2 vision spinners and 2 protanks#2 filled up, charged up, with Mt Baker 18mg liquid. I am enjoying it. My wife had a go but she finds
    it very hard on the throat so she has given up and gone back to the stinkies. I also notice
    it is a bit harsh on the throat but I dont have the desire to light up.
    So if anyone knows I have a few quick questions..

    1. Is there any tips or techniques that might help stop hurting the throat?
    2. Also how long normally before needing a new coil. I have a box of them.
    3. I noticed that the protank gave me a bit of a leak when the battery started to run low
    is that normal?

    Cheers in advance - Dev
  5. draigent

    draigent New Member

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    Gday devo :topsy_turvy:
    I am new but I think throat hit strength is related to how much PG is in the liquid. PG provides the throat hit, VG provides the vapour.
    Your wife could try allowing extra air in as she inhales ie....breathe around the tip allowing fresh air in...

    As for coils I read that they last a couple weeks roughly...but i think the amount of liquid volume you vape is the main thing. But I also suspect some types of liquid will clag the coil up more than others.
    I'm using a bottom coil clearomiser atm but have only had it for a week so haven't noticed any change in vapour amount or flavour yet.

    Good luck
  6. kumaran pharma

    kumaran pharma New Member

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    Devo, vaperat is partially correct. PG enhances throat hit (TH) while VG decreases TH, but the main enabler of TH is the strength of the nicotine. Perhaps instead of 18mg/ml, you should get her 12mg/ml? Another way to decrease the TH is to turn down the voltage on the spinner.
  7. Adaritak

    Adaritak New Member

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    Yes Devo, the throat hit is a combination of nicotine level and PG level. Personally I find the sweet spot at around 50/50 PG/VG. Mind you I like a bit of throat hit (ex-rollie smoker) but my wife doesn't, she vapes no-nic. The first juice I got was 18mg 80/20 PG/VG and the throat hit was a bit strong. Also I like a bit of a cloud so more VG fixed the throat hit and clouds.....:)
  8. varloc

    varloc New Member

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    devo just another thing to think about it being harsh on the throat - personally i cant vape mount baker vapor - i think be.comse the pg they use irritates my throat - i can vape other juices from other vendors that are high in pg ok - tho i prefer juices high in vg

    i see that you purchased quite a lot of that one flavour from one vendor mbv - but generally when you start out i think its best to try a few flavours and see what suits you

    its hard to "predict" what juice is going to suit you when you start vaping so its good to try a few different juices from different places - get small sample packs
  9. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Avtec is pretty well right devo, "variety is the spice of life" . Also I'd just like to add another thing, have you thought about diy??? There's a stack of recipes in the diy section:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:, and you can customise your juice to suit you.
  10. klouny

    klouny New Member

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  11. aprilmay730

    aprilmay730 New Member

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    Hello everyone my name is Mikey, I'm from Melbourne. I've vaped on a few disposables in the past but i just got my first "proper" setup a couple of days ago. Been vaping for 2 days now :)
  12. VideoMagiyaChat

    VideoMagiyaChat New Member

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    Welcome Mikey, and well done for getting aboard the vape train
  13. rgustovich

    rgustovich New Member

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    Hey Dev,

    if it is almost unvapeable, then something could be wrong. All good tips above, but is is also tasting harsh, or is it just the TH?

    I'm just wondering if you burned the coil and are experiencing this. Why not try another clearo or drop a fresh coil in it to try? Also set the volts low like suggested. When you first fill it, take a few draws through the atty without hitting the fire button to prime it with juice. This will avoid a dry hit.

    failing that, like suggested, knock it down with some VG.... it will reduce the flavour, but also the TH

    the protank can leak a little when the tank gets low.....
  14. xinchao

    xinchao New Member

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    Buy an ego twist and Evods for out and about and a Vamo and protank for around the house.
    The protank and evod use the same coils/heads.
    Get a couple of IW AMR 18350 batteries and a decent charger for your Vamo and you're good to go.
  15. milosebich

    milosebich New Member

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    I'm PurpleVapes. Not a very original name, but I'm currently vaping some Black Briar ejuice so it's the first name that came to mind :)

    I've been vaping for a while now. My vape days mainly kicked off over at VapeBar forum with a Provari and their .comldron ejuice range, and over the year I've come addicted to purchasing heeps of mods, but my VapeBar gear has always been my main equipment and ejuices of choice. I currently have 3 Provaris, several other mods, a liquinator tank, a Z-Atty Pro as well as several different types of bottom coil clearos. I also mix with concentrates I've purchased from Juicefactory, but still only consider myself an amateur mixer.

    I've made an account today be.comse I became redundant a month or so ago, and now have to sell some of my mods for cash. It's a little difficult giving up my stuff. I've kept them in top condition, but I really do need to cull back and simplify my inventory. I basically want to go back to the bear essentials of Provari and Liquinator tanks. All my other stuff simply doesn't get used.

    Glad to join the Forum.
  16. clauddashaste

    clauddashaste New Member

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    G'day everyone. Just found this forum tonight purely by accident, but stoked. canuk here living in the US and have been vaping for nearly a year. Was so impressed, started my own shop. Love it. Was a 2 pack a day smoker for 30 odd years and stopped overnight with my G-50, Itaste and Spinner... About to start making our own liquids so learning all that at the same time. For my main trade I'm an airbrush artist and paint custom bikes and cars. Cheers for allowing me into the forum and lookin forward to meeting a few of yas and maybe learning or sharing some gear. canuk.
  17. pornclip6886

    pornclip6886 New Member

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    Welcome outback vapors.:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:
  18. Omer

    Omer New Member

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    Also I'd like to give a big welcome to Mikey84 and PurpleVapes. Hope you never have to look back at the stinkies Mikey84, also hope you have success in selling your mods PurpleVapes. Not good to hear about your redundancy there either PV.
  19. monsterb

    monsterb New Member

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    Hi guys, still getting used to the idea of vaping, but I know nothing else is going to help me quit but this. My partner and I have been using v2's for a week or so, but were still smoking cigarettes, and just easing ourselves in, getting used to the whole thing. Tonight, we both decided to stop smoking once our fags ran out and just vape on v2's. So far, so good. Been lurking here for a little while, and to be honest, a lot of the info is overwhelming, and I don't understand half of what you guys are talking about, but I'm sure I'll get there in time. Look forward to getting to know you
  20. d0llyface

    d0llyface New Member

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    Welcome Ms V

    It's a steep learning curve, but you'll get there. If you've got any questions, ask away.

    Have a good trawl through the new vapers section... there is a lot of good info

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