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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. insanciva

    insanciva New Member

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    hi all, just got my kit on order, been craving ciggies and a lot of mates and people at my new workplace are all about the vapes so i got me a evic and a few bits and pieces on order but as im in a remote location it will be some timbe before i get it all, had a few ciggies hear and there but so want to make the switch and cut down
  2. bluasakura

    bluasakura New Member

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  3. hoseluv

    hoseluv New Member

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    Hi Sylar and welcome.
    I'm a bit like you, a little remote, not in a big city anymore and I have been ordering from vendors online in canada and overseas. I was bit dubious as to whether vaping would work for me and waited patiently for everything to arrive and initially thought I would at least cut down but once I got all my gear together I stopped smoking on day one and I think you might find the same. Now I think why smoke and get the same taste every time when I can vape and experience a myriad of flavours through the day.

    Where abouts are you located?
  4. prettycoolchick38

    prettycoolchick38 New Member

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    Hey everyone & Happy New Year,

    After trying the easypuff but it wasnt hitting the spot, fell off the wagon
    back on the superkings menthol again. But new years res, no more.
    Slapped on the nicabate patches. Been miserable but today my new kit has arrived.
    Got my 2 vision spinners, 2 protanks, chargers & 220ml (ish) Mt barker 18mg menthol liquid.
    Hooked it up and had to watch a tutorial on how to charge it and turn it on (5 clicks).
    Now i cant put it down. I can have a vape and it is real good. Saw my wife still smoking
    the superkings, she wants to get rid of all the smokes before she has a crack. I see her smoking and
    normally I would also light up. Now I have something better than that. She will have a go tomorrow.
    Soon no more cigs. This is going to work. Thankyou to Jeff for the good oil on what gear I needed.
    This craps on the easypuff kit and will be a fraction of the cost of that to maintain.
  5. Bobby

    Bobby New Member

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    Great to see so many new vapers. Welcome to all the new members. Vaping is a truly life changing experience. Enjoy the ride!!!
  6. allstarsamelo

    allstarsamelo New Member

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    Anyone recommend a good case for one of these rigs? I it looks a bit delicate.
  7. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Well i figure i should introduce my self, been lurking for some time

    Im Coming up to my 30th in a few weeks and decided this is the year that i quit smoking completely, so as of jan 1 i put down the analogues and have been just vaping, like most i've tried the patch's and the gum, and even will power, last attempt was with those cheap nasty Chinese cig-a-likes, but always at a party fell back on the band wagon and it was the same problem all over again, it was not untill i saw a you tuber that i follow who did an "unboxing" of the Xample box that i found out about all the flavours and the ego's, and mod's out there, and after spending some time here reading all the story's about people quitting it's given me the kick in the backside to try again, and this time im confidant it'll stick, deep down im a gear junkie / nerd, with my knives, flash lights, custom water-cooled pc, so when i see people building coils that just gets me all excited. So for Christmas i bought my self a dual ego-c kit with some 0 nic and when i got it in the mail i think i went though almost 10ml in the first day i was hooked, after getting some nic vaping is my future now.

    Want to say thanks for everyone here for sharing their story's and input on products and other topics, be.comse even tho many people never comment or say anything they read it. And i also get this great sense of community that's developed here, im used to being into niche groups and being in the minority and knowing there are others like you out there really helps you to not feel so alone, we all have our quirks and differences but we all enjoy our vaping.

    anyway im rambling suffice it to say give a wave to a fellow vaper when you see them in the wild and keep the banter friendly :)
  8. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    to all the new vapers, stick around, read lots, and ask a lot of questions, we're here to help :)
  9. aeeaspitty4921

    aeeaspitty4921 New Member

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    Welcome new members :) :) :)
    A new year, a new forum, and a new lease of life :D
  10. deeteocky

    deeteocky New Member

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    Looked through a lot of sights watching people upgrade and thought I'd start with the provari using protank 2 vaping premix at the moment
  11. Rouge Kiss Angel Tattoo

    Rouge Kiss Angel Tattoo New Member

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    Hi guys, switched completely over to e cigs 4 weeks ago although I'd bought a starter kit a few weeks before that... Decided to bin the cigarettes on my birthday on the 6th of December and haven't looked back. I'm on the Northern Beaches in Sydney... Still trying to find a mod, tank and e juice that ticks all the boxes. Finding it quite frustrating with shipping times from the US. Luckily, Contact a moderator! canada, who introduced me to vaping (I know the owner from poker) can get stuff guaranteed delivery from the UK in 2 business days for $20. If you want to use them phone them directly to get better prices. Love their XO Blueberry and Strawberry. Getting some new e juices from Virgin Vapor in US which my sister in Florida posted out on 28th December - who knows when they'll arrive.... Recently bought a FAA tank and Ego Variable Voltage battery which gives good throat hit and vapour but seems to dull the taste of the e juice compared to my basic clearomizer. I've also got an order for an iClear 30b as from the various reviews this seems to give good flavoyr as well as vapour... So much to learn with e cigs!!! Samantha
  12. kryll

    kryll New Member

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    Welcome Samantha - congratulations on getting off the smokes.

    There are plenty of vendors supplying products, both locally and OS. By selecting an appropriate shipping method, most products can be delivered in a reasonable amount of time. If you can wait for it, the shipping and purchase prices are even cheaper. Anything not containing nicotine can be sourced locally and delivered in a couple of days. Have a look around at some of the vendors mentioned frequently here, as e-cigs is a competitive market with respect for pricing.

    Good luck
  13. alcatrass

    alcatrass New Member

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    G'day all.
    Been lurking here for a short while. Was given some PCC ecigs for chrissy but they are not up to the task.
    Have read the suggestion by Noe and ready to order.
    However, the suggestions by Noe are an entry level kit and I'd prefer to shortcut to the stage above entry level. By that i'm saying a slighter better starter kit, and the associated bits and pieces.
    Suggestions welcome folks, what do you recommend to a novice who wants a better level of hardware?.
  14. jjmxtpj7h

    jjmxtpj7h New Member

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    Welcome to Vape.to Rebel

    it may surprise you to know that a lot of the veterans around here still use the starter kits in Noes List. with the exception of a better clearomiser, but we'll get to that later..... The Ego / Evod starter kits are perfect size for sticking in a pocket, they dont leak, and they don't look like a coppers night stick.

    Anywho - a step up from these IMHO would be a VV version, like a Vision Spinner or a Ego Twist - same size, but the ability to change the voltage.

    moving on from these, you start getting into the bigger battery mods. A good place to start with these is The Vamo, the SVD, the MPV etc etc.....

    with Clearomisers, there are so many options, but you cant go wrong with using what everyone here is using. Some like the Protanks, some like Evods, some like Aspires. Nearly all of these are whats called a Bottom Coil Clearomiser.... the heating element is at the bottom of the tank... the way they work changes slightly.

    After that you start getting into the techy side of things with Mechanical mods and Rebuildable atomisers.... but don't run before you can walk.

    I'm using Ego-c batteries and a Vamo V5 VV/VW battery mod and T3S clearos at the moment. They work for me.

    Hopefully you will be flooded with suggestions. Have a look at Ashley and Brode's recent threads - they are looking at similar lines to you.
  15. aninijed

    aninijed New Member

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    Welcome newbies Samantha and Rebel :)

    Samantha , have a look at a few canuk vendors here at Vape.to , you will be well catered for :)
    Reb , I would suggest if you want to go to that slightly higher level , pick up a good Variable Voltage , or Variable Wattage battery mod , a Vamo, Vision Spinners, or even an eGo twist , pair thatwith an EVOD or protank or Aspire Atties and coils , and I think that might be what you are looking at ;)

    Research here , there are lots of conflicting ideas and thoughts , but really its whatever works for YOU that is important :)

    (edit ) And ^^^^^ what Altered said ... hes quick that boy :D
  16. Banzaibob

    Banzaibob New Member

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    Thanks for the suggestions Fatman and Altered1.
    It seems to me that a lot of money can be wasted on our journey to obtain the "right" hardware to start.
    My better half spent some $150.00 on this as a chrissy present: “The canuk” Starter Kit – Extra Strong Tobacco Flavor – With or Without Nicotine | canuk Electronic Cigarettes
    Whilst it seems like an excellent quality kit which is socially acceptable when out and about in public, but the ecigs just don't give the "kick" I require. There is also the additional costs of proprietary cartomisers at about $20.00 for a pack of five.

    I'm really looking forward to getting something better and certainly appreciate the advice.
  17. Left4Dead

    Left4Dead New Member

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    There is nothing wrong with those kits...... they are FAR batter than the smokes, but there are better options available. You'll find on here that there is a bit of disdain expressed about these "cig-alike" units. To offer these to the market at the prices charged is seen as ripping off desperate people. They are what we call 1st generation ecigs. They are, like most things, improved upon with technology advances. The vaping industry is now on to Generation 3 units, where all aspects have been improved - from vapour production, to battery life.

    Have a wander around, see whats what. This is a great resource for someone that wants to get off the stinkies, and do it cost effectively.

    Just remember what you were spending on smokes. For what I was spending on smokes in a week, I can buy enough hardware and juice to last me a month... and only need to replenish the juice.

    i should add - about those cig-alike starter kits - they are a marketing wet dream... with them, if you continue to use them, you are locked into buying the replacement carts, and eventually batteries. when you look at the gen 2 and 3 stuff, the options are endless. it's a real shame these companies don't upgrade the tech, but it's not in their business model to offer options and have the customer be able to use other company products.
  18. gaskLoork

    gaskLoork New Member

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    hello and welcome to all the new peeps :D ask as many questions as you need to and good luck on your vaping journey!
  19. edgenryElulge

    edgenryElulge New Member

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    Hey Rebel and welcome to the forum.
  20. ulatboeloe

    ulatboeloe New Member

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    Welcome Samantha you seem to have things sorted.

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