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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. LepFitle

    LepFitle New Member

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    Welcome Heidi, ask away,... always somebody here with the right answer for your particular query :) ( not me tho', new to this too but 'getting there' )
  2. uzwttas9d

    uzwttas9d New Member

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    Welcome Heidi,

    As you have probably noticed from browsing, everyone on Vape.to is extremely helpful and do their best to help grow vaping in canada. If you ever get stuck on anything dont hesitate to ask even if it feels like a dumb question, I know the search function is a little tricky to get your head around, but there's thousands of useful threads on here.
    Also it helps if you put your location in your profile, there might be vapers close by that can help out in crisis situations.

    Good on your hubby for giving vaping a crack! It's good to see he's doing so well, even if he just vapes to cut down on the rollies. Who knows maybe he will take to vaping over the rollies and give them up all together.
  3. CaxeasecyPype

    CaxeasecyPype New Member

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    Hi whitey AKA Heidy

    Good luck with your other half and well done so far.

    Keep him at it. We males occasionally need a kick.Whats your location. Maybe somebody around your way can give you both a hand??
  4. annieken

    annieken New Member

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    Thanks guys!!

    We live in Brisbane - I wish there was easily accessible stores with displays and you could go and browse over everything without having to understand every single abbreviation and function before you even start haha

    My husband (Chris) has been fantastic, he would smoke min 15 rollies a day. He really enjoys the vaping, but gets a bit antsy and feels as though he's lacking something if he doesn't get at least one rollie a day.

    You're all so lovely, thank you! I've got some more juice arriving hopefully in the next week or so as some of the starter ones he didn't like, but he's mixing juice he doesn't like with ones he does to stretch it out haha!
  5. Captain Jean-Luc Picard

    Captain Jean-Luc Picard New Member

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  6. LabGrrl

    LabGrrl New Member

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    Hi Heidi, up until a few months ago I used to be in Brissy. If you want to look at some other equipment drop in to see Charlie at Vaping Cobra on the Gold Coast; it's only an hour away so a day trip might be on the cards. He's very helpful and you can pick up almost anything you might need there, except nicotine of course. Many of us buy high nicotine base from OS and mix our own with flavours. Charlie sells a lot of those flavours as well, and also doublers that you mix 50/50, so it's well worth going to see him.

    There's many aspects to tobacco addiction that we learn about when we switch to vaping. Everyone is different and some people have more trouble than others giving up those last one or two. I believe that understanding the different ways that we are addicted to tobacco is helpful in overcoming the hardest parts, and I have a short blog on the subject which you and Chris might find helpful:
    Vaping is not as addictive as smoking tobacco - Blogs - E-Cigarette Forum
    As you can see, it's more than just a simple nicotine addiction for many of us - tobacco has a few extra little tricks to make sure we stay hooked.

    I think you'll find those few rollies can become a thing of the past. One tactic that can work is if Chris wants a cigarette that badly, vape for five minutes and if the urge can still not be controlled, then go ahead and have that one as he has been doing. Eventually the urge to smoke that one can be overcome.

    Smoking while drinking is generally not a problem - most of us find vaping a perfect substitute for smoking in these situations with the added advantage that the morning after is a lot more pleasant with less hangover and no ashtray mouth. Just make sure there are good vaping devices and good liquid to go with no matter what the situation. Backups are essential at all times.

    Good luck to both of you!
  7. kenan66

    kenan66 New Member

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    Thank you so much fabricator4! That info in your blog post was really interesting. Chris seems to have hit a bit of a quitter's flu this past week but is on the way out of it, I agree completely about the lower dopamine levels and I think it's really important that the quitter's partner/people who have to live with them through quitting know about these things so can support and identify the actual .comse of such symptoms without too much judgement.

    You have all made me feel so welcome, thank you so much! I'm so keen to keep learning more and more about the vaping world :)
  8. daote

    daote New Member

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    Something that really works, and I wish I had discovered it much earlier is menthol flavours. I never tried them be.comse I always hated menthol in a cigarette, but when I eventually did give it a go I found it was the closest effect I've yet tried to smoking a real cigarette in immediate effect. Vapers often use menthol to increase the throat hit, but there's some suggestion that menthol may speed up the absorption of nicotine and give a more cigarette-like affect. It's probably also useful in that it may be added to a juice you don't like to make it more palatable, and it's a useful flavour if you are having trouble with flavours due to vaper's tongue, flu, or just general vaping issues.

    The most common concentrated preparation of menthol is a 10% solution like this one. This is a concentrate and I use it at about 2% in liquids (1 drop per ml) though it can be used at higher ratios than that.
  9. dottiesunfish

    dottiesunfish New Member

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    Hi name is Ian am a 71 yr old and retired here in Brisbane, untill 6 weeks ago smoked 30 analoges a day for 50+years then discovered ecigs.

    Bought a JoyTech eGo C starter kit from Vapebar in Perth and 10x30ml bottles "Dekang" USA Mix 24mg tobacco flavour from HealthCabin China, have not smoked a cigarette since, got an extra eGo C starter kit and atomiser heads plus cartriges to last a long time.

    Just received today an additoional 750 ml of "Liqua" "Hangsen" "Dekang" premixed tobacco flavour from HealthCabin in China, took only 4 days using DHL. Another 480 ml of same 3 is due from FastTech giving me 1500ml total which will last me untill at least mid 2015. in all including postage works out at 21 cents a ml. :). Enjoy reading canuk Vapers daily.

    Happy Vaping
  10. bluesia

    bluesia New Member

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    welcome Wirraway!

    Good to see you're off the stinkies!

    I hope you like tobacco flavours ! :) once your tastebuds wake up, I think you'll be looking at some other flavours. :)
  11. Uriventee

    Uriventee New Member

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    G'day Ian .. and welcome ... great nickname by the way

  12. vivster

    vivster New Member

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    Can't see myself getting to get tired of tobacco taste after 50 yrs of smoking the stuff !!!
  13. <3OnLy 1 WaY Up<3

    <3OnLy 1 WaY Up<3 New Member

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    Thanks for the welcome, the Wirraway was my 1st flight in a plane when I was 12 yr old from RAAF Richmnd NSW where I lived at that time.
  14. bmkspmeeen

    bmkspmeeen New Member

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    RAAF Richmnd NSW is a 25 min drive for me :), I live in Quakers Hill :), I like there annual air show.
  15. draigent

    draigent New Member

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    Hi, back about 1952 there used to be a small RAAF field at Quakers Hill, not sure when it closed.
  16. Ceakidiks

    Ceakidiks New Member

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    I said the same :) the good thing about vaping is you don't HAVE to vape tobacco flavours ! see how you go :)
  17. epcl0jzinyl

    epcl0jzinyl New Member

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    I think its part of the tafe, there's still a large hanger in the back of the tafe, I go to tafe In QH , so I kind of drive by it twice a week.
  18. Google Help

    Google Help New Member

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    Thanks mate i will do that @fatman
  19. madnesito

    madnesito New Member

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    Hi guys. Been lurking for a while and now decided to join. Been vaping about 6 weeks and haven't felt like a smoke since (I smoked for 21 years). I had no idea it would turn into a hobby but I'm really into it. I've learned a lot from forums like this and hope to learn more and maybe even help others.
  20. emergency

    emergency New Member

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    Welcome Tw33k!

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