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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Old Thrusty

    Old Thrusty New Member

    Likes Received:
    Ooops, too late.

    Good luck with your Fasttech order, but you might want to make sure you've got a contingency plan in place unless you paid for express shipping.
  2. radik333

    radik333 New Member

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    There is no express shipping for batteries from FT. The whole express thing only was a sham, no one managed to get batteries with even express shipping paid it seems. There is no retail sales for batteries from FT anymore, only MOQ of 100 for what is probably surface shipping.
  3. hero66

    hero66 New Member

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    Fasttech stopped using HK post be.comse of battery returns and extremely slow shipping. I think there using Singapore post now. I've read its a lot quicker now.
  4. Mr.Pants!

    Mr.Pants! New Member

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    They are using SingPost for free shipping. My order arrived fourteen working days (eighteen days) after shipping. Arrival was last week.

    The downside of free shipping is that international registered airmail has poor tracking. It generally goes "notification" (i.e. we have been told to expect a package"), "goods despatched to [country]" (i.e. we sent it, and it will travel by lowest cost method to get to the receiving country's postal distribution centre", and "wtf? it arrived?" (i.e. no status update, burly courier delivers your precious).

    Free delivery times will be worse by now and will worsen owing to massive volumes of postal delivery items exiting China/HK now. Consider a larger order and pay for better shipping, or just buy it locally to save the stress. I'm planning on a larger order of juice and odds and sods and paying for shipping to hold me over for Chrissy while I keep learning about this fabulous new hobby. After that, I think it will be fully local, except for nic.

    FT is still selling batteries. However, they are only available as "Express Shipping Only". In my opinion, it's not worth the sweat and expense to buy batts from them. I have had experience with chargers and batteries purchased in China, and bluntly, they're crap. Rechargeables in China are seen to be some kind of Western weirdness (AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, etc) be.comse disposables so ridiculously cheap over there.

    You may find it more pleasing to buy 18xxx batts and chargers locally from reputable suppliers. If you look around on the forum, you can find a member who sells nice quality batteries on eBay.


    Cheers - The Gardener.

    [EDIT: for clarification.]
  5. Tom H.

    Tom H. New Member

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    No FT are no longer selling batteries. Trust me, FT has been like my second home recently while I've been buying all sorts of stuff recently :)
    They are NOT selling any more batteries full stop unless MOQ100. I've just got done out of 8 batteries personally, I tried the express thing, waited 2 weeks for stock to arrive, and now they say they aren't selling them retail at all any more after waiting all that time.
    As far as bad experiences with chinese batteries and chargers, well, they are nearly all made or assembled over there. You just get what you pay for, they can make them good, or they can make them crap, it is a simple fact of more money in equals better product out.
  6. bap 1963

    bap 1963 New Member

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    Which is weird be.comse all my FT orders prior to October were sent Singapore post and I got them in 2 - 3 weeks. The two I did in October were sent HK post and are stuck in limbo, with no sign making an appearance or even being scanned as received by Singapore post. It's a complete stuff-up.

    EVODSEDDY New Member

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    Double Post....
  8. gimy

    gimy New Member

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    Hi Guys - Just wanted to introduce myself and say Hi. First up - another Queenslander. I have been a smoker for 27 years and like most of the other stories, A friend gave me a cig look-a-like ecig pack, I tried it, thought it was a little bit cool for about an hour and then got sick of caving my cheeks in trying to get anything out of it and threw it in my drawer.

    Fast forward a couple of months, I went to my favourite smoke vendor to grab a pack and he was puffing on one of these fancier looking gadgets in his shop (I will have to read the rules as I am guessing I can't mention him - but I owe this guy my life) I asked him if they really work and he told me multiple stories of his customers he was converting over to ecigs and off the real ones. I bought two right there and then, one for me and one for my wife, and half a dozen flavours - went home ordered some nic from o/s like he said, threw everything in a drawer and started reading more on the net and bugged my tobacco vendor mate everyday asking questions.

    Packages came, loaded up devices - they ended up being an evod top and CE bottom. Really liked this, except the sucking in of juice in the mouth ewwwww. Went back the next day to see what am I doing wrong - found out you can't smoke it like a cig and the 5 drags it used to take me to finish one at work - sloooow draws. Got the knack and .comght the wife.

    Suddenly I'm in love - I needed more - MORE MORE MORE - more juice and flavours, more power - The wife had bought me a new packet of analogues which after a month I still have not touched (and I have still not said I am quitting - I just DO NOT have the urge at all to have one and it is great) which is from a guy who has tried every single method of giving up on the planet and had just resigned to the fact I would be smoking until it killed me. My wife is the same - We are both loving the experience together - she gets the benefit of my research and just enjoys the vaping and what I buy for her.

    I started watching some you tube reviews and reading and researching - I am buying some more gear now from each canuk vendor I can find to try and spread the love. I am still an absolute noob, but now with a new passion - we now own several CE's a couple of twists and a spinner - bought some Protank ll's for myself and my wife and even got myself a liquinator tank and some boge cartos which I have loved for the last month. Can't get past Red Bull as my all day vape - now looking for different breeds of it to see if I can mix my own version. I have also got coming some kanthal and wick and want to start simple just rebuild an evod atomiser, then go up from there.

    Now for the future . . . .

    I will be putting in my order for a provari for xmas and a rebuildable just just just. . .. be.comse, it looks like fun and seems a rock solid choice. I have probably already lashed out and spent a couple of months worth of analogues and don't care - loving vaping, loving being off the analogues. I have already placed an application for the VAA as well - I fully support this and from my experience in my real life world, we all need to do this and have it work to keep vaping as good or better than we currently enjoy it. I want to now help every smoker I know and convert them - if they so desire (which 99% that I know do), have already converted 7 friends I know. That is why it is important for me to learn and understand so I can point people in the right direction for information and advice like these forums and vendors on Vape.to.

    Well that is me guys, sorry for the long intro . . any and all comments, help, absolutely and humbly welcome.
  9. Mason_Ireton

    Mason_Ireton New Member

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    welcome to avf zwc - love your vape journey - lots of good people and plenty to see and read around here
  10. nork

    nork New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks - Yeah, so much knowledge and assistance all in one place - I feel like I have struck gold finding Vape.to
  11. chipinternational14

    chipinternational14 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Zwc use a.mech mod for rebuildables and clearos/cartos for the provari.
  12. Gisellebwv

    Gisellebwv New Member

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    Same here Fab4, I'm still waiting on an order that was supposed to have been shipped on the 24th Oct, order placed on the 15th Oct. It was sent via HK post, and still has no tracking number. Most of the other parcels that were sent SG post have arrived, even those ordered and shipped well after the lost one.
  13. formerly_bob

    formerly_bob New Member

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    Welcome ZeroWayCool, you'll find a huge amount of info here, read heaps and enjoy the journey :)
  14. uxde_mmo

    uxde_mmo New Member

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    Thanks AV - I am researching now on mech mods. I know I am a noob, but I have fallen for this thing so fast and hard and i am learning so much by the day. If i am going to spend dollars, I might as well lash out and get something I like the look of as well (since this is all about myself and my wife, and my kids are super supportive, they are loving us being off analogues) - so i am thinking Nemesis and/or scorpion with prob a Kfun Lite +, I have also ordered a vision eternity to try dripping. What is a better way to drip in small quantities to test different flavours - is there a better brand or style of atomiser to use for just test dripping ?

    I already feel part of the community - you guys are very inviting and helpful, thank you again

    I am new to forums as well so i apologise straight up if my posts are what they should be - I am reading and learning about forums as i go as well.
  15. soulreaver2371

    soulreaver2371 New Member

    Likes Received:
    ZWC for a dripper I would get a Omega from the Co_op for dripping, they are worth 2-3 times what they are selling for. http://forums.canukvapers.com/co-op-bulk-group-buys/18108-origin-mech-mod-omega-rda-co-op.html
    Variable Voltage devices aren't the best for RBA, or drippers, coils can short out and blow the PCB in them, That's why you use a mech mod.
    I like the VTR better than a Provari also, Its just more compact and protect the clearo being used.
    When It comes to Mech mods, look for silver plated pins, or copper pins, same with springs, look for copper springs. Magnetic switches are very nice also.
  16. Kamal

    Kamal New Member

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    Yes, almost the exact same dates as mine. I had an iTaste VV V3 in one of the orders too; I was looking forward to using it for work be.comse the Twists have lost their numbers (nearly) and the dials are getting so loose they turn in my pocket after 8 months of constant use. I'll let you know if mine make an appearance be.comse there's actually a chance they are in the same crate somewhere (ordered 14th Oct, shipped on the 24th).

    If I have not seen them by the end of the first week in December (after the 7th Dec) I will be lodging my first claims with Paypal. You have 2 months to make a claim and get a refund; after that Paypal wipes you. Better to have it as a Paypal refund than a store credit with FT IMHO.

    The Twists have been fantastic BTW. Charlie from Vaping Cobra is very particular about what he sells - he doesn't accept anything with dodgy batteries that don't go the distance.
  17. Martina36

    Martina36 New Member

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    You are correct.

    Some units remained on sale at the time I posted. As at today, MOQ100 applies for all batts/cells/etc.

    Cheers - The Gardener.
  18. Elvis

    Elvis New Member

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    Welcome ZeroWayCool! I'm sure you'll love this community as much as I do! I really can't thank them enough with all the help they've been providing me with!
    I've only been a member for a few days and I feel like my knowledge about vaping has increased 10 fold!

    Once again, welcome!
  19. jdaurnhcxq

    jdaurnhcxq New Member

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    Thanks - I have put my name down for one of each omega to try
  20. novkhan

    novkhan New Member

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    sorry i meant an origin and omega

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