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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. McGregor

    McGregor New Member

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    Hi Everyone! I'm n00b_vaper!

    As the name suggests, I'm a complete newbie (well kind of...) when it comes to vaping!

    So this is my vaping story.....
    I bought my very 1st ecig like 5 years ago, and wasn't impressed.... I didn't do much research and bought the very 1st ecig I saw on ebay.....
    I had to absolutely power drag this thing to get the most smallest vape cloud you would have ever seen! So as you could imagine this put me off for a very long time...
    until recently.........
    I met up with an old friend and he had an ecig. (Something that looked like an eGo-CE5) He gave me a vape and my god.... At that moment I felt like I've converted from cigarettes to vaping.
    So once again, without doing any research I dived into my local tobacco shop and asked for a ecig, the best one they've got! They gave it to me, I handed over my cash and I've now been
    off the ciggies for a week! (I was a pack a day smoker, sometimes even more depending on what kind of day at work I was having lol)

    So, after thinking I got myself a good ecig I started doing some research..... (Yeah, after I bought the ecig lol) and after some investigation I feel like I've been ripped off lol. The ecig that I bought came
    in a box stating it was an eGo-CE4 the brochure inside is stating it's a CE5 and after doing some research on the net, I came to the realisation that I've just got myself a knock off.... However, I cant complain
    to much be.comse it's been good enough to get me off the smokes for a week now, but I've noticed that the batteries are nowhere near as good as when I first got them, and my vape clouds aren't as thick as they
    once were.
    So I thought to myself, "Okay, i'll do some research on the net and order myself one kick arse ecig and get myself some awesome juice and that will be that!"
    After spending some time on the net I found out it isn't that easy.... and became lost... There isn't "The One" awesome ecig... but heaps to choose from, then their is the whole wattage and voltage thing and at that point
    I didn't know what I wanted any more.... Which lead me here! So any recommendation would be greatly appreciated. (for ecigs to ejuice, I'll take anything that will point me in the right direction atm lol)

    Thank you for reading my introduction, and I look forward to interacting with my fellow canuk (and international) vapers!
  2. borcoqnrlf

    borcoqnrlf New Member

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    Hi Guys,

    Ren here, been vaping for 3 months since I got off the nasty regular ciggy.
    Live in canada Northern Rivers,
    Very happy to join the community,
  3. sciencegeek+

    sciencegeek+ New Member

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    Welcome to the latest members!
  4. bubblegum101

    bubblegum101 New Member

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    Welcome Noob!

    Oh what a journey you are starting, and I think you realise the steep learning curve.

    The good news is you have come to the right place.

    First up - There is nothing wrong with the EGO copy you've got..... it's better than a cig-alike...... anyhow, a little reading is in order. posted here alot is a link to "Noes List"


    Then there is this: http://forums.canukvapers.com/new-vapers-forum/8384-guide-vaping-avf.html

    and this..... http://forums.canukvapers.com/new-vapers-forum/13071-crash-course-new-vapers.html

    Welcome again !
  5. peteree70

    peteree70 New Member

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    Hi folks,

    greetings from Germany! I would like to say hello to everyone here in the forum, it is nice to be here!
    I started vaping 2,5 years ago with a eGo like many others :) But swiftly I became a fan of rebuildable attys like the A1 and A2 from Bulli Smokers.
    Many mods and attys came and went but others remained like:

    Chi_You and AIOS/TD
    iHybrid F3cta
    Ti Steam Turbine
    Aqua and Origin mod
    The Kraken and Cartel mod
    and some GP Paps with Spheroids

    So happy vaping!

    View attachment 13736
  6. smyrna35

    smyrna35 New Member

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    Thanks Altered! The reading material has been helpful! :D
    Okay, So far I've learnt... I'm a cartomizer kind of guy, I've been vaping the wrong way this entire time and a little bit on the nicotine mixing ratio!

    (I think i'll leave that one for when I do more research.... I work in the beverage industry and now the thought has crossed my mind if I can use the flavouring that have there... sooooo many flavours too... highly concentrated potent stuff... surely they wont miss a couple of ml out of an nearly empty barrel that they'll throw away... or maybe I wont be able to use it at all.... more research is needed!!! lol)

    Now my mission will be finding a new toy to vape from.... sssoooooooo many choices... I feel like a kid in a candy store! :D
  7. heppeee

    heppeee New Member

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    Welcome to Vape.to :)
    If that flavoring has sugars in it it'll be unusable or more correctly, you could use it but it will gunk up your coils very quickly.
  8. jace501

    jace501 New Member

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    Hi It all depends on your budget, You can get a really good vape from a VV(variable voltage) ego spinner type battery and protank 2 mini with a 1.5 ohm coils, and drill the air holes in the protank 2 mini to 1.5 ohms, All up around $40 plus shipping(probably add another $23 and get a second battery I would use 2 batteries in a day).
    Or you could step up to MVP and Protank 2, drill the air holes to 1.5 mm and use 1.5ohm coils, a MVP would last around 1-1.5 days of heavy vaping before charging. Around $70
    Or you could step up and get a $120 VTR, then you would need a 1-2x 18650 batteries $13-26, a charger like a nitecore around $30 and add a protank drilled and coils all up around $190
    Then there's a $300 option, you drop the VTR and replace it with a Provari.
    Also If you can wait 2-4 weeks you can buy just a VTR for around $67 direct from China and the charger is cheaper.
  9. scooby111

    scooby111 New Member

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    Nowt wrong with a toyboy or 3 on the side JenJ :devilish::devilish::devilish:
  10. Anineeaudic

    Anineeaudic New Member

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    Thanks for the replies! They've been a real help! I'm already starting to love this community! :D

    As far as I know the flavouring doesn't have any sugars what so ever, they're added into the beverage separately. (For example, a cola will use the same flavouring but the sugar or artificial sweetener will be added in separately to determine if you're making a cola or a diet cola) So hopefully it should do the trick! :D I can see some experimentation in the future! (when I do a lot more research that is, and I will post the results on the forums!)

    As for a budget, I really don't have one. I can see myself spending some serious cash on multiple vapes in the very near future! (Or maybe I can convince the Mrs to buy me one for Christmas! ;) lol)
    I must say a big thank you to you all be.comse I finally feel like I'm starting to head in the right direction when it comes the world of vaping. All the information out there can be really overwhelming
    for a newbie like myself, and it's nice to know that there is such an awesome community to help newbies like myself out! :D
  11. bangelasussday5373

    bangelasussday5373 New Member

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    Hi Noob, just one bit of advice...if you're planning to buy anything from Fast Tech I'd get the order in soon before they get swamped with Xmas orders.
  12. share3x.org

    share3x.org New Member

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    If you want any links or more help, feel free to ask :) oh ya and let us know if you want to shop local or overseas.
  13. oLBwj4Q5

    oLBwj4Q5 New Member

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    G'day from Townsville .. Thought i'd better say hello after hanging around for a week reading lot's of posts on what, and what not to buy.
    A big thx to Ozzie for setting me up with my first PV and juice. Haven't touched a smoke since...
    Not even a week vaping and i got more juice coming from the states.. Mods and Tanks coming from interstate.. And i thought smoking was adictive.
    Looking forward to learning a lot more.
  14. AlafeKew

    AlafeKew New Member

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    Yes in the beginning you'll buy like nuts, then you'll slow down once you hit a point, I've slowed down with the amount of mods I buy, Plus I've slowed down my massive amounts of ejuices I was buying, now I'm having fun making my own DYI ejuices from scratch. Its like it keeps branching out in different areas.
    But its fun and I won't die of cancer, so its all good.
  15. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Also guys I like the VTR the best, be.comse I can just toss it in my pocket and the way its made it protects the clearo I'm using, I usually use a protank 2 with a swivel 510 drip tip and a 1.5 ohm kanger protank coil and I always drill out the airholes to 1.5mm. I also use a drilled aspire viv-nova style clearo with a swivel drip tip. The protank 2 is a better clearo. Much better quality than the protank 1. Plus I use a 3400mah Panasonic 18650 battery and nitecore charger everything you can get from Steamecigs.
  16. BoypeBub

    BoypeBub New Member

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    Links would be awesome! There are a million different sites selling vapes and ejuice so any recommendations from people that have had good experiences with websites (As in good quality, fast delivery etc) would be appreciated. :)
  17. Wyldout

    Wyldout New Member

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    I just had a look on the Noes list thread! Health cabin looks like a pretty cool site! I might make my 1st order through them.... ;)
  18. CekUttext

    CekUttext New Member

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    Thanks Jeff, Just put my order through now! Unfortunately all the decent "branded" batteries were sold out so I had to get a different type that is compatible with VTR but it should do the job! Now all I have to do is wait..... *starts waiting impatiently lol*
  19. jelePlem

    jelePlem New Member

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    double posting
  20. Cogsscoorge

    Cogsscoorge New Member

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    Probably already too late - delivery times have blown out to over four weeks just recently. They've had the entire shipments from the last week of October returned to them from HK post without scanning. I'm still trying to figure out if my last two orders are in there or not, though I haven't received a refund notification from them yet.

    I'd say forget about Fasttech until next year when hopefully things have settled down, or pay the extra for the express shipping if you just have to order from them.

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