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NEW MEMBERS: Introduce yourself here!!!

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. R...

    R... New Member

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    Welcome to new members of late.

    oppa, if you dig the cigalikes, you'll love a real vape. Good for you :)
  2. abobytopa6693

    abobytopa6693 New Member

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    Well now that the shackles have been removed & my red paint has turned to a strange blue/purple color, let me say a big welcome to all the new members that I have missed welcoming over the last - however long that was.

    Some of you may have heard of "Noe's List" & wondered well where is "Noe's List, what is it, why does it exist?"

    Noe's list is an easy to use guide to getting started with vaping, with links provided to everything you need for a basic build-your-own starter kit, at very reasonable prices, it exists to make it easy for smokers to see what they need to transition to vaping & get them started all in 1 single order.
    The list is below but I will be reviewing the list & updating it in the near future, since some items may not be continued stock & there has been new products released which may be better suited for new vapers.

    The below is a re-post but I like to keep it easy to find for new vapers or potential new vapers, be.comse it helps if you know what you need to get started:

    IMO what you want for your initial order is a 1-stop-shop, where you can get everything you need in 1 order.
    Regardless of what you decide to order, this makes things very simple & means everything arrives at the same time, so you can get into it immediately you open it(well almost, make sure the batts are charged first).

    For the same reason I recommend Health Cabin for first orders, they have a large range of products, they ship reliably(choose EMS shipping & you will usually have you goods in a week, 2 at most), their customer service is very good & their prices are good too. Plus they have everything you need, including nic juice to get you started.

    I think the best solution for a new vaper is an entry level device, which will serve as a back up should you have problems with your mod later on, like these kits:
    eGo K Vision Compact Kit V2 in 30 styles [02-F] - $18.99 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail two of these kits will have, 2 chargers( a spare in case one fails) 2 clearomisers & 2 batteries, all you really need to start vaping minus the juice.

    Next you will want some juice my recommendation is 10x 10ml, 18mg/ml, pre-mixed juices in various flavors:
    Dekang E-juice/E-liquid for Ecigarette
    HC E-Juice/E-Liquid : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Then also get some unflavored nic in 36mg/ml, 75/25 PG/VG, which you can mix later with canuk made doublers, so 1 or 2 x 115ml bottles:
    115ml HC Unflavored E-liquid [Z8 HC Unflavored 115ml] - $11.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Optional devices:
    If you want to stop there, you can & will be able to start vaping with just what is above or if you want to try different clearomisers/tanks etc then these are some good ones to try:
    3.5ml Ismoka BCC(Bottom Coil Changeable) Mega Clear Cartomizer [03-3A-4321] - $11.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    5pc New CE3 Bottom Coil 510 Clearomizers [05-C-12] - $10.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Innokin iClear 30 Dual Coil Clearomizer with replaceable coil (Crystal Gift Box) [05-H-3-2] - $10.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Vision eGo Clearomizer V3 (Exchangeable & Detachable)

    While not an absolute "must have" these come in handy sometimes for your eGo type batteries:
    500mA USB Power Adapter/Charger (US/EU/UK.com plug) [05-A-2-2] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Items for mixing
    A bottle of PG & a bottle of VG will come in handy if you need to dilute your juice later on & it is cheap to grab a bottle of each at the same time:
    115ml PROPYLENE GLYCOL USP(PG) [Z4 115ml PG] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    115ml Vegetable Glycerin USP (VG) [Z4 115ml VG] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Some empty mixing bottles will also come in handy, perhaps 4x 30ml & 4x 10ml to start with:
    Empty Ejuice Bottle(childproof) [06-D-23] - $0.25 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    A syringe is also a good idea to grab for measuring liquids & refilling some kinds of clearos etc, I would grab one of each size:
    E-juice Injector(1ml 2.5ml 5ml 10ml) Ejuice Injector /syringe [06-D-1-1] - $0.25 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    You will also want blunt tipped needles for your syringes, 4 of these, Long(XL) type:
    Blunt needle for syringe [05-D-2-1] - $0.15 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Devices not recommended
    I DO NOT recommend v2cigs, overpriced, cigalikes for anyone!
    If you want a cigalike, HealthCabin also stock them, look for a 510 manual starter kit. It will be much cheaper & perform the same as the more expensive V2cig kit but these will not work anywhere near as well as the gear I listed above.
    If you decide you still want a cigalike & get the 510 kit, I recommend using these to put your juice in for vaping:
    5pc New CE3 Bottom Coil 510 Clearomizers [05-C-12] - $10.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
  3. graphicdesigner

    graphicdesigner New Member

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    thanks mr "noe"
    stay awsome
  4. episode

    episode New Member

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  5. d3midway

    d3midway New Member

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    Noe. I have done a copy of your post and stickied it , but the links dont show thru ... can you replace them and I will lock it after you do ?

    Sorry its a pain in the ass :(
  6. pdq

    pdq New Member

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    stickied the consumption one too...
    its a closed thread
  7. Splashy

    Splashy New Member

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    Thankyou Fatman
    Really appreciate that :):):)
    Means poor old Noe can catch a few ZZZZZZ's now and then
  8. Barbrady

    Barbrady New Member

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    dude,this is what neebie's need to see,it never works out the first time,but with people that have experience to guide them they will persist and stay off the anol;ogues,watched the episode of neighbours on here last night an reserved my right to remain silent but would very much like to say NOE you seem like a stand up fellow
  9. daote

    daote New Member

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    Thanks, Mr Fat, this should make it easier for newbies to get the info they need when starting out :)
  10. Thanks for that post Noe. Really helps! wish i saw that before i bought some random liquids.
  11. iodizetut

    iodizetut New Member

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    Thanks all for your Welcomes (K-Y, yeah, *NEVER* heard that one before ;) )
    I know this probably doesn't belong here but as new member and all (who's also stuck in Hospital atm with limited internet access), not sure where else to go;

    Anybody got any good guides, experience, or advice, on diluting nic PG/VG with plain old non nicotine PG/VG? Mines WAY too strong for the mg level I've weaned myself down too before vaping (1mg PJ's) so got a big arse bottle of non nicotined juice of the same ratio on the way. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    (Not that I can do it just yet, I have my vape and mixing supplies with me, but the juice will arrive at home and the other half/housemates have remained silent since I got in here on Saturday)
  12. bubberdub18

    bubberdub18 New Member

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    K-J the mg levels on a pack of smokes is the amount of tar, not the amount of nicotine, all smokes (tailor mades), have around the same nic level, and rollies, depending on how fat you roll them have more.

    As a rule it is better for newbies to start at between 18 and 24 mg nic, you can always dilute down with your choice of pg, vg, or both. Vg tends to mute the flavour a lot more than pg, so be aware of that if you are diluting. I started around this 18-24 mg mark, and after a couple of months I'm down to around 12-16 mg. 12mg at night, 16mg during the day, sometimes back to 18mg in the mornings if I need a kick start.

    If you start feeling dizzy, sick in the guts, or getting a headache, you will know your nic level is too high, so decrease it by diluting, if you are chain vaping, or vaping more than you want to, your nic level is probably too low, so increase it by adding more unflavoured nic juice.

    Have a read of Noe's nicotine consumption sticky on the Newbies forum, this is a good rundown on how to go about the whole nicotine thing :) Good luck, and hope you get out of hospital soon.
  13. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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  14. Foggy Idea

    Foggy Idea New Member

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    I know, but I've just always equated the head-spin and strength to the tailors mg level more than the nicotine, still getting out of that habit and retraining my brain now that tar is not an issue, thanks for the reminder!

    The guide is just what I needed, I've been using 24mg nic (the lowest i could find at the closest vendor) diluted 1:1 with doubler flavour, and it is simply too much for me, a 58kg 6"1 guy in hospital (Can you believe they still make a cripple travel 5 floors and to the very outskirts of the Hospital car park to vape, even when im puffing on my nic-free tank?) I tried diluting 2:1, even 3:1, but it started sucking up my flavours way to fast. Sounds like getting the 20/80 nic free juice was the correct move. Now I'll just need to get it here, and find the correct mg level for somebody that only smoked whites or golds. 8mg I'm thinking should suffice, seems to keep the headaches away when I dilute it down to that level with the flavour.

    Another factor in the mix is I didn't actually smoke anymore, until a week ago when I gave it have an urgent meeting with a concrete floor, I was a wake till sleep herb/tobacco mix bong smoker, so hard to .comge exactly how much I was smoking death stick wise.....

    Just gotta be more careful mixing while in hospital, and give warning, the night nurse thought I was preparing to do something *quite* different and went BALISTIC when she walked into my room un-announced and saw my blunt juice injector, little bottles, and cleaning swabs hahaha :eek:ffended:

    Thanks for the help, and all the well wishes :) your all very kind.

    P.S. If I cannot get the PG/VG to me, is there any other acceptable way to dilute as a stop gap? e.g. purified water?
    P.P.S. Never mind, BF finally got the Juice to me, now to clean everything...
  15. shell_vac

    shell_vac New Member

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    G'day everyone.

    I'm from Newcastle, I'm 26. I've been a smoker since I was about.. 14? I quit a couple of times and always went found myself smoking about a pack a day again. I got a few ego batteries and an evic last week with a few clearomizers and some liquids and didn't smoke for 5 days (until I got the call to leave my house due to the fires! thankfully, that turned out OK for now). But I sparked up a durry or 30 that night. Nevertheless, I haven't smoked since and really enjoy vaping thus far. The learning curve was a little steep but very interesting. I'm not confident enough to get into rebuildables and such yet, but I can definitely see myself getting into it before too long. It is already crazy how much better my lungs feel. My major worry was smoking when drunk, thankfully that hasn't been a problem! Even if I go through a good 5ml that night, arg.

    Lurking before now, the advice you guys have given others has already helped me greatly (I nearly messed up so badly nearly ordering carto tanks when I just wanted a clearo tank etc), so thanks and it is great to have a supportive community here with such a huge wealth of resources and information.

    Look forward to getting to know you guys and gals.
  16. dilinger225

    dilinger225 New Member

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    My first vape finally arrived and loving it. That's with no nicotine either. Hopefully when my nice juice arrives I can drop the analogs all together.
  17. VA1912

    VA1912 New Member

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    Hello all, I'm Yannis from Greece, I joined the forum to be able to read the attached files although I read you guys for a long time now and love the info here :) Cheers and vape on!!!
  18. hoinnaPab

    hoinnaPab New Member

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    Hi everyone
    ive been lurking around and reading what I might need to start vaping and give up the smokes.
    I have found a wealth of info here and would like to thank everyone for some great reading.

    Im looking at starting out with a couple of vision 1300mAH spiners, some Kanger EVOD BCC, some spare coils, usb charger and wall adapter.
  19. jxthcyoqcx

    jxthcyoqcx New Member

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    Margy Check this one in ^^^^^^^^
  20. munfiona

    munfiona New Member

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    Looks a good start HYSMB and welcome


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