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New Directions VG/PG

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by heidigh, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. Occavaisp

    Occavaisp New Member

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    I am just like you MrsG. I dread the thought of not being able to make the Eliquid I want with the ingredients I like. I have been looking for non vaping source alternatives to PG/VG for a while now and have given up looking and just continue amassing armagheddon supplies.
  2. Kristy hugs KitKat

    Kristy hugs KitKat New Member

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    DAMN YOU KITTY!!!! WHY???? might be stupid but i mix all my mixes at the computer table where the calculator is...said kitty's JUMP on said table....insert wobble here...ALMOST dropped many a bottle....

    you'd of thunk i'd of learnt better by now...it's just that it's so convenient mixing here...BAD KITTY!!!
  3. homerboy38

    homerboy38 New Member

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    About one or two weeks into my vaping journey I felt the need for a ventolin inhaler (last one I bought, and hopefully the last one *ever*) so went into a chemist during my lunch break. While I was waiting for him to type out the label and record my details I noticed he had some stop smoking literature on a stand (probably supplied by Pfizer or similar). Obviously there was nothing on e-cigs but I grabbed a couple of 'things to expect' kind of booklets. Noticing this he asked me if I was thinking of giving up smoking, to which I replied I already had, and proudly displayed my Ego with CE5 on it. I had to explain it was a type of 'e-cigarette' be.comse it didn't look much like one, to which he replied that they were full of anti-freeze.

    I was both too floored by the statement, and too early in my own research to know what the correct response would be. We should know this stuff but I have to admit his response was completely unexpected from a (supposedly) learned man. The correct response should of course have been:

    "Yes propylene glycol is classed as a safe anti-freeze chemical be.comse it has a very low freezing point (-60C) however it is non-toxic and can be found in probably half of the liquid medications you sell, including many of the injectables and most of the inhalants including that Asmol inhaler you are about to hand to me."

    To which I would have probably restrained myself from adding:
    "If you were a compounding chemist instead of a stuffed shirt with a store front you would have already known that, and might have even congratulated me on finally giving up cigarettes after 35 years."

    Sounds like a definition of a "stuffed shirt with a store front"?

    I've had a few 'Aaaagh!' moments myself this week, but not with the vape supplies fortunately. Which reminds me I really must make some time to mix several bottles tonight as I am running low.

    The PG in my experience will leave a stickiness behind which will not dry out. Once you've mopped up as much as you can put some cold water on it and start over. Repeat until no longer sticky then leave to dry. There's a good chance it will leave the carpet cleaner than it was before the accident. Shame about the lost PG though.
  4. Roumect

    Roumect New Member

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    Will do this. I'm just hoping it will not leave a permanent mark. We have to move soon, and the carpet is in good nic. Apart from this now. I might actually get all the carpet steam cleaned this week, which is earlier than I was going to.

    Then again, with my luck, I will get it steam cleaned and looking lovely and then something horrid and red and unremoveable will get spilt on it. Ah well.

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