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New Directions VG/PG

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by heidigh, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. Giggity

    Giggity New Member

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    From my latest testing, I'm finding the PG from ebotaniq a little suspect. I've made up a fresh batch of a favourite vape with new direction's PG, and it is a much better flavour. I also noticed almost immediately that I'm not needing to clear my throat nearly as much. I made MrGruffy a new batch of one of his favourites, and he's finding it better too. In fact, he made comment that going back to his bedtime vape last night after vaping the new batch earlier in the evening made his throat feel a bit tight. I'm very keen to hear from anyone else who's noticed any difference going from ebotaniq PG and another PG.
  2. mikmac2

    mikmac2 New Member

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    I think I mentioned in another post, essentials of canada have best pg/VG. I have tried ebotaniq and new directions and also experienced bad taste and throat Flem.
    Do yourself a favour
  3. talefairy

    talefairy New Member

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    their pg doesnt state if it USP/BP
  4. baalexeyrancesay5200

    baalexeyrancesay5200 New Member

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    As they say, you can only lead the horse to water.....
  5. azam d

    azam d New Member

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    I had to test this, mixed two 70/30 pg/vg batches. 25% 100mg rts pg in each. 45% rts pg and 30% rts vg. The other the same but with ebotaniq pg/vg (minus the nic being rts pg). No flavour, no difference between them. I'm not sure what's going on there.
  6. Dellicious

    Dellicious New Member

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    I dont consider $35 for 500ml of USP PG to be excessive ... after all if you use 3ml a day(@ $0.20c) its replacing $3500 worth of smokes ;)
    Just sayin lol ... I love how we forked out whatever a pack of smoke costs and we quibble about the insanely reduced cost of not having to buy them anymore
  7. makgyverzx

    makgyverzx New Member

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    This is why I'm considering dropping the losses and bulk ordering from RTS for peace of mind instead of trying to save a few bucks..
    But as for the savings.. I have some hybrids that would say otherwise.

    PS, I love noticing how inactive I am on this forum, I joined months before you yet have 1/50th of your post count.
  8. AdultBunnies

    AdultBunnies New Member

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    Yes.....but I speak a lot of crap :D
  9. ciceron8

    ciceron8 New Member

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    I am so sick of hearing this, I really am.

    Not everyone has the luxury of being in that situation though FM. I took up vaping last Sept. My smoking was costing me $80 a week. I was a single parent with 4 kids on a pension, studying. I still am. Mind you, I hadn't done that all my life..I was a manager in hospitality as well as sales and marketing for many years.Just so I don't get labelled a bludger. So from Sept till Dec it was great..more money in my pocket from not smoking, brilliant. I could buy bits and pieces for vaping, though I have never gone crazy. In January this year, that areshole Gillard cut the pension for people in my situation, and I went on the dole for the first time in years. $65 a week just like that. Paying $350 a week rent..do the maths.

    So yeah, some people may be "quibbling" about the price, but for some it's more than just a whinge. Everyone is in a different situation. Number one reason I took up vaping was I thought it could replace smoking with a cheaper alternative. I was right. But then the savings I got were gone just like that. So it;'s struggle street for me. And the thing is, I imagine there would be a lot more in my position, but they don't necessarily sing it from the rooftops or post on forums. Why would you? But if you look at the statistics, more people from lower socio-economic backgrounds smoked - so it stands to reason more would take up vaping as a cheaper alternative too. Just like I did.

    Additionally, I do consider $35 for 500ml of PG to be insanely excessive. For 1ltr/1kg, sure. Sometimes it is not so much about the amount coming out of my pocket, but the price of the stuff. And people will continue to charge like wounded bulls be.comse the paying customers say "well, it's still cheaper than smoking."

    It's only cheaper than smoking if you were able to afford to smoke in the first place. Don't forget, smoking is an addiction..it's not only people with money who smoked!
  10. Fevaida

    Fevaida New Member

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    i only used to spend $40 bucks a week on smokes and atm im spending maybe $80 a week on vaping. purely be.comse i keep buying hardware and artisan juice. and im only buying cheap hardware nothing special yet. i do see your point though. im just trying to keep all my costs to a minimum atm we got one wage and 3 young kids so my vape budget is small. it will be a lot cheaper in the long run i just need to get setup first.
  11. bubblegum36291

    bubblegum36291 New Member

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    I agree with your position 100% KBM , BUT ! that PG is still 20 cents a day as opposed to $20 for a pack of smokes , I understand the value of a dollar every bit as much as you , as I am in fact on a very limited income too being permanently and totally incapacitated .... I am not a rich fella poo pooing anything , just was making an observation .
    As you yourself said , you spent $80 a week on smokes ... therefore is not $35 for a 6 MONTH supply of PG a huge saving as compared to the $1920 you would have spent burning tobacco ?
    Thats the only point I was attempting to make ( poorly by the look of it )
    Apologies if any offence is taken.... none was implied
  12. Agalloch

    Agalloch New Member

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    20c a week is just for the PG what about the VG the nic and the flavours. oh and the bottles the mixing gear the storage the hardware and blah blah blah :) calculate that for me plz it makes my head sore. vaping is still cheaper but initial outlay can be more expensive
  13. Tukmyhamster

    Tukmyhamster New Member

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    OK OK OK ... going back under my rock ( apparently my gilt embellished air-conditioned designer rock LOL )
  14. MarianoSchultz

    MarianoSchultz New Member

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    I know you didn't mean anything FM, and no offence was taken. You just bore the brunt of it I'm afraid, cos I hear it too much, and everyone is in a different situation. It would be like me saying no people who have got good jobs should ever whinge about prices, as you can afford them.

    The thing that is different with buying vaping supplies as opposed to smoking - is buying in bulk. I paid $10 a day for smokes..not $280 a month. Huge difference. I could never have come up with $280 to pay for a months worth of smokes. Far easier to find $10 a day. So it's freaky economics to say it is cheaper on a daily basis. If I could buy a days worth at a time, it sure would be.

    People in my situation do not buy the bulk specials at the supermarket, as much as we would like to. Yes, it's cheaper, but if I won't use that amount of whatever in a week then it doesn't happen. We just have to pay more for the single price. And it is no different with vaping.

    I might have $40 in my pocket on Friday, and that has to last till the following Thursday. That is after everything - kids stuff, food, rent, petrol, bills. You could call it my disposable income. Actually, it only gets to be mine if the kids don't need any extras.

    If I pay $35 for PG in that time, that leaves me $5 till the following Thursday. But wait, I am down to one ego battery left. I should buy that, be.comse I still have juice made up. And if my last battery goes, I will be up shit creek. And on it goes. So yes, I will seek out the cheapest stuff that passes the quality test as I can.

    Even last September when I bought my ego-c kit, I had to save up for that. My first order was $140 or so. I saved up for 6 weeks to get that.

    Who knows? I might be the worlds poorest vaper? An anomaly if you like. I certainly feel like it at times.
  15. heygil

    heygil New Member

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    lol sorry FM wasnt trying to have a go. come back out *lures with 60cm marion bay KG whiting* i know you like fishing :)

    i only been vaping 2 months but im getting into everything and loving it just starting to get all my DIY gear together and i want to get good stuff but at best prices is all :) my wife is already getting cranky im buying so much. but shes really happy im not smoking. also i need to save coin for decent hardware
  16. i guess there is always personal preferences and circumstances to consider. i can't get a clear idea on all of this although i've been given a lot of advice from people i trust on here about the matter.

    My chemist is getting a lil suspicious about what i am "making" and i think they're worried about any liability issues. wish i could sign a waiver with them or something.

    further to that i'm still a lil lost on the matter i can trust you all but i'm still getting several differing opinions. Guess i'll have to do some tests for myself.

    i'm still really grateful to the open and honest conversation here and more grateful to those that have reached out and shared their experience and research with us. got a feeling we'd need to compile opinions and work things out statistically to get to a conclusion as some people are having problems with one brand where others think it's great.

    thank you all again this has been an interesting read
  17. tgj

    tgj New Member

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    You really will have to find out for yourself, Sam.. mainly be.comse taste is so subjective. I find it amusing that a lot of the guys want gruntier vapes and talk about high voltage vaping hehe.. In the fishing sense... how big was that fish you .comght? or - How high can you run your mod? I rarely vape above 3.7 v on anything. Occasionally I get adventurous with my A7s and nearly bust my ring on a whole 4v!! Daring I know. The heat and the type of juice delivery system and the sort of battery you're using are all elements that have to be taken into consideration with everything you vape. Then of course there's concentration of nic, flavouring, vg and pg. There are a whole lot of variables involved, which is probably why it does seem to be complicated! I found it a great distraction while in the active stage of actually giving up smoking. Faffing about with concentrates and all the other elements of vaping kept me rather well distracted. It didn't hurt that MrGruffy went unsatisfied for weeks with the flavours we had, which got me into making some specifically for him. Now we've spent a couple of months trying cheap stuff and finding it disappointing. Nothing is perfect, so I'm always trying to improve what we have, and often manage to stuff it up completely and it ends up as weedkiller or in 'the bottom drawer', which is my version of the 'too hard basket'.
  18. Mimiideap

    Mimiideap New Member

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    i'm reminded of Keep It Simple Sam...

    i'll always appreciate your experience mate.

    i didn't realise but some of this probably does turn into a competition regarding whose is better, bigger, hotter etc

    atm i'm happy with my twists and kanger t3's. they're working. when that stops happening if they've been reliable i'll probably buy another pair of twists and get a mod to be my all day vape with twists for back up.

    I'm not so fussed with vaping a mod in public. always been a dag so rather don't care what others think of me.

    As for pg and vg? i've found a place that sells it cheaper than my asian source. and as i haven't had any problems with my nic i may keep that as it is, and try the new source for pg/vg. and THEN concentrate on my mixing.

    looking forward to finding my all day vape.

    i'm just really grateful to everyone for sharing and their opinions. can be a massive shortcut to one's own research...even if my due diligence isn't at a high standard *blushes shamefully*
  19. octangon

    octangon New Member

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    Tell your chemist exactly what you are doing, and if needed print out one of the info leaflets from here and show him. Easier to have chemist onside.

    Must be a sycophantic wankstick if he thinks he is going to have liability issues from selling you any of these ingredients. I hate people like this. Their lives are dull, colourless and boring.

    I am currently sobbing...I had an unopened 1kg bottle of ebotaniq PG sitting on the cupboard. Cue evil kitty being chased by dumb-dumb dog, and you get a bottle of PG falling onto it's (flimsy and thin anyway) cap, cap splits There was around 300ml left still in the bottle when I found it :( :(

    Definitely not happy. I am soaking it up with towels, it has fallen on kitchen carpet, so I am hoping it won't stain. It is soaking up easy enough.
  20. hitsuji

    hitsuji New Member

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    The thing weighing on my mind right now in relation to vaping is that if we in canada don't have a strong vendor base and enough of a customer base to sustain those vendors, when the law, and big pharma and big tobacco all start to focus on us, we might end up with either 2 flavours legally available in the pharmacy, or 5 flavours or strengths available in pre filled disposable packages in the equivalent of today's tobacconist. I think that's why I object a smidge to encouraging our newbies to buy off shore and not support our baby industry right here in canada. Especially when all the people resources are right here in this forum, even offering to visit and help new people get started if they are a bit lost in how to go about things. Yes, when I think about it, that's my main concern about steering newbies to buy their liquids overseas. My concern is that these baby businesses will get throttled severely by competition from big pharma and big tobacco, or be legislated into non existence.

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