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My Denali half clones...

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by kirk_wood_, May 1, 2015.

  1. adidasfutbol

    adidasfutbol Guest

    okay - here's a snipped exchange with him:

    from the modder:
    Im charging 140 for the vv's
    80 for the tank mods set at your preference [voltage firm setting]
    The paint is extra depending on what you pick out
    I have a new vv tank in the works but not sure when I will have the time to finish it.
    I do have a vv done in blue like julie's I will sell at the old price of 125 if you're interested.

    i know some people on the nu-vapor forum that are interested in them. they pm'd me after i posted a pic of them. damn! i hope that was okay. i told them i would ask. so, would you be interested in hearing from them via email, because i don't think they are on facebook. at this moment, i don't have their email addys, but i'm sure i could get them if you want to work with them. your mods got lots of compliments, not just from Julie, but when i posted the picture. they were impressed with the nice clean finish of them ... and of course the fantastic paint jobs.

    the modder:

    It's ok by me that you posted them, I enjoy hearing that people are admiring my mods. most want to know how they are built and I am doing a walk thru in the near future :)

    it seems if you want contact with the modder, you can pm me your email addy and i'll msg it to him. i have no idea how the communication will go from there - that will be 'tween you and him.

    hmmm, a walk-thru coming soon? bet y'all would like to see that, eh? maybe someone will do a video at that meet.
  2. After yesterday and $400 flying out the door I'm afraid my wad is shot for a couple months!!!:laugh:
  3. bookreader

    bookreader Guest

    Thanks Brenda :)

    Nice to see how someone else does it. Issue I'm having is sourcing certain parts. For $20 worth of small parts from USA it's like $35 shipping !! I am now onto mod 3, first 2 are my learning tools but #3 is getting it together and hopefully things will be smoother now. I'm settling on a simple 3.7v to 5.9V VV with no on/off switch and hopefully sell it for around $80ish... If I add display etc it will rise to maybe $120 but I do need different parts to fit it all.

    So I'll go simple to start with (spent $1,000 on bits so far so need to recoup some) and then look at a big order ($250 gets me free shipping for the US parts site) when I've broken even.... if this is even viable...
  4. AshleyO

    AshleyO Guest

    So it is going to add another $40.00 to just have a screen?
  5. Takes extra time to fit them etc plus would be with all the switches. Not sure but I wont be doing it for the parts cost that's for sure..
  6. I can understand that. But if you look at it from the consumers point of view, you can buy a Provari for only $20
  7. lola!

    lola! Guest

    Yep agreed. This mods selling point is it's chip and battery life. I'm actually thinking of doing a write-up following Scotts Crapbox idea but going with V2.0 :)

    Mamu and the other sellers can get $120 Plus so given that it's actually harder to do this OS I may too :D
  8. exile

    exile Guest

  9. foxfire

    foxfire Guest

    Nice HoPe I like it and gezzz the sure do charge alot for shipping. So you are going to make variable volt ones?
  10. rach_b_

    rach_b_ Guest

    These are all VV so 3.7V to 5.9V 6A 30W ie kick all the other VV's butt...

    Shipping is weird from you guys, one minute free, or $6 or $60.... Mind you for me to sent you a GGTS registered post it's $30 too...
  11. MagnoliaM

    MagnoliaM Guest

  12. alexisc

    alexisc Guest

    Looks to me like a contest is in order, Hope!
  13. Fuck that, I'm broke and need to sell them :D

    Bought this today, been into soldering for a long time but never got around to buying a good station, finally did today (helps that Chinese ones are bloody cheap):

  14. kiwina

    kiwina Guest

    ^^^Hope it works for more than a week for ya! :) ^^^
  15. Me too. They had a cheaper one that even had a PSU built into it, 0-30V or something. The colour scheme of this one was nicer though :D
  16. Bity~Ity!!!

    Bity~Ity!!! Guest

    Nice work Hope
  17. alif

    alif Guest

    [MENTION=6059]HoPeFuLLL[/MENTION] - docdave is the guy that made the ones in the picture i posted here.
  18. akristel

    akristel Guest

    Hi welcome :D

    Show me your internals :D
  19. WikiRock_Er

    WikiRock_Er Guest

    Hope I will do that for you in the next few weeks get your shoe horn ready
  20. Kerstyne

    Kerstyne Guest

    Been a bit of an expensive struggle doing this for me... having to kind of sample Ebay parts to see what works.

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