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Mod idea

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by savaphy, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. savaphy

    savaphy New Member

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    I just had an idea for a mod but need to learn how first! Can anyone recommend any good resources for learning which components are best? I want it to be VV that can be dialled up or down on the fly while vaping.

    I don't have much knowledge of electronics but am a fast learner and good with my hands.

    Thanks in advance for any help or advice :)
  2. vordusckin

    vordusckin New Member

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    that would be interesting, and a good way to find the sweet spot...
  3. Sticky toffee pudding

    Sticky toffee pudding New Member

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  4. Tired Old Man

    Tired Old Man New Member

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    (Mad Vapes must be Heaven for those with an urge to tinker!)

    Look at that cute little 510 box mod waiting to be assembled there. Just add led's flashing lights glitter paint and other sparkley bits and it would be fun to stow in your handbag... could also double as a fishing lure!

    Wish I could do Electronics.......sigh.
  5. abnothe

    abnothe New Member

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    good switching reg for box mods is maybe the Lm2596-adj .. if you want to use 2 batterys anyway, see LM2596 SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 kHz3A Step ...
    You could use a linear regulator .. but YUK.

    problem is that if you want to use only 1 battery then ideal voltage may be under or over cell voltage and so you need a buck-boost or SEPAC converter, well out of the realm of the 'I want to learn electronics overnight' crowd.

    anything else that is not off the shelf will require using a micro, so you need to learn not only electronics but also programming.
  6. josh k

    josh k New Member

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    +1 too buck boost converter. I will write up a tutorial on the mod I'm building with pics when its done.
  7. hidden

    hidden New Member

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    I've dabbled in programming before ;-) am somewhat of a hack when I need to be, can adapt quickly once I get my head around stuff...

    I gather that JIB uses superior components so want to learn and will be keen to read cylon's tutorial!

    I want something a bit nicer than the very basic and cheap madvapes kit but will probably get one of them to cut my teeth on... as it is I will probably be putting together a theremin kit from Jaycar as a present for someone... crash course in soldering hahaha at least I have a decent-ish iron handy

    I've made a herbal vaporizer before but that was very basic and easy, worked great though!

    So far I've seen nothing like my idea anywhere, not even close so it might be worth learning how to do it. If nothing else it'd be fun!
  8. goodfella

    goodfella New Member

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  9. Lady M

    Lady M New Member

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    The mod I want is a hands free version for gaming :)

    The 510.comtos are crap, so I was thinking that something incorporating a bite switch (used by skydivers to operate helmet cameras) would be cool.
    The mouthpiece would be composed of the atomizer connector, the atomizer/carto and the switch. This would be attached to the power supply via flexible power & switch wiring.

    Failing that, a similar setup with a foot switch would suffice :D
  10. dodod

    dodod New Member

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  11. Jetz

    Jetz New Member

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    Hmm hands free mod not a bad idea buggy it could be done easy enough but will a bit of a mouthfull with mouthpiece and a switch in there lol

    On another thought could maybe put the button on a controller/keyboard
  12. Gevera Bert

    Gevera Bert New Member

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    Hmmmm - PV controlled via serial port....
  13. nota-loka

    nota-loka New Member

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  14. doktor smudge

    doktor smudge New Member

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    some good advice in that post, thanks.
  15. TartCartRider

    TartCartRider New Member

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    Some very interesting resources there, thanks so much guys. I wish I could tell about my ideas but I'm afraid someone will steal them haha once I've sorted my domain name and some canuk web space I'll tell what I've got in mind. I learned from reading about JIB's mods that not all electronics in e-cigs are created equal, so want to learn about it as much as possible and use only the good stuff. (That is, unless I intend a budget model.)

    I also want to try making a homemade atomizer! I saw something about that somewhere and the bulli-smoker was a bit inspirational. I'd love being able to replace my coil and wick when needed.

    Time will tell if I'm onto a winner or not. :) I'm going to give it a serious go!

    I've also been thinking of how to do an.comto switch but haven't found any solid DIY info that relates to e-cig mods as of yet, I think most.comto batteries use some kind of vacuum switch that the suction activates. I got a cheap 510.comto battery to try out, I will eventually be pulling it apart to see for myself.

    Just for practice with electronics and soldering etc. I'm going to get a theremin kit from Jaycar soon, if all goes well I'll have a good present for my step.comghter who will undoubtedly squeal with delight. *crossing fingers*

    One mod I won't be making that I've joked about is a fleshlight mod hahaha still gives me a chuckle though

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