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Menthol DIY

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by jaggery, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. Aspipmete

    Aspipmete New Member

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    actually...i just went back and read the email from Charlie from Vaping Cobra...Yall are gonna think i am dumb...but here goes ANYWAY...

    "With the menthol crystals, you take a small amount, usually start with 5%. So lets say you are making 100ml, you will use 5g or menthol crystals and drop that into 90-95ml of PG (you need to leave room for the crystals once melted, so that's why between 90-95ml PG), next, get yourself a bowl or some other container that will allow you to fill it to about 3/4 the way up the 100ml bottle, next boil the kettle and fill the bowl to 3/4 the way up your bottle, make sure the cap is off the bottle.

    If you find the menthol taste is not strong enough, you can add small amounts to the bottle and let dissolve and try again, keep doing this in small amounts until you are happy.

    You could also do it in small volumes to start with and then move up to making a larger volume.

    Another method, just use 20% of Menthol in PG, then break it down when you come to mixing up your own liquids, just like any other concentrate."

    SOOOOOOOOOOO..........i'm guessing just going by weight/volume is what the pro's do...and by pro's i mean professionals...

    so when i get my crystals i will probably go with 10 grams in 40mls pg, in a warm bath till it dissolves, then use this as a concentrate at approx 1 drop per 5ml's of juice. I may err on the safe side and go with 8.9grams per 41.1ml of pg...or 8.9grams and as much damn pg will fit in the 50ml bottle once the crystals dissolve. I'll come back and update this thread once i've made my first mixture.
  2. BlackMex13

    BlackMex13 New Member

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    got my menthol concentrate and my koolada today.

    added 40 drops koolada to 20ml of juicy peach. normally the go is 1 drop per ml.

    juicy peach was WAY too sweet initially...but after a hot water bath and a good shake and koolada? it is IMMACULATE to vape.

    this isn't menthol crystals but i just thought i'd write this down in case it helps someone.
  3. Marie

    Marie New Member

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    dudes...on a side note....WHY DIDN"T ANYONE TELL ME Koolada works as a mad throat hit enhancer with DESSERT flavours?
  4. comemierdas

    comemierdas New Member

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    koolada is on my shopping list samtron - been trying to add it to a cart when ive been buying other stuff - but a lot of places dont stock it - or they do but its out of stock - you're making me feel i should rush out and buy some!
  5. JonelleNo

    JonelleNo New Member

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    I'm not a fan of menthol generally, but I really love koolada, gives a lack lustre juice a nice kick. Juice Factory also have koolada and are probably the best on price for concentrates.
  6. Neokenice

    Neokenice New Member

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    good idea spud - the pg i got from juice factory was great - i need to get some vg at the moment so i might get it with some koolada from there -
  7. benno60

    benno60 New Member

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    ok sorry for the bump.

    So i ran out of koolada which SUCKS....

    Then i ran out of menthol and decided to test my recipe i got from Charlie (guys anyone know what's happened to vaping cobra's website? it's like vanished, doesn't even come up in google anymore)

    anyway i got 10 grams of menthol crystals and put it in 40mls pg, in a 50ml glass bottle sitting in a very warm water bath till it dissolved. I didn't end up using it for a few weeks so all sorted on steeping anyway.

    I made a couple of 30ml batches mixed with dessert flavours allowing for a steep.

    and here i thought i was being so clever...

    they were HORRID...they tasted mentholy alright....but there was a wicked salty aftertaste....i was devestated. needless to say i wasn't throwing all that mixed juice out (30ml x 4 bottles....mega tight ass) so as self inflicted punishment i vaped the sh!t out of that sh!t

    so i steered clear for a month or two.

    then i got to thinking....since i ran out of koolada and vaping cobra's gone awal...and i've got like 37ml of menthol concentrate, to be a tight ass, and not waste, right?

    What if i add some sweetener? right? so i mixed up a batch, 30ml, 12mg nic, 80/20, 5% Menthol, 3% Ethyl Maltol....


    almost got it right. Almost tastes like straight menthol concentrate by flavour f@cking art. gonna up it to 6% EM or Sweetener, your choice, cos it still has a little salt to it's edge...

    anyway i got a little over excited and thought i'd share it with everyone.

    any menthol lovers, the crystals are ridiculously cheap, if you love your menthol i suggest going for it.

    The next time i make up a batch of concentrate i'm going to add equal parts grams/ml's of menthol crystals/sweetener and have a crack at that. i'll report here.

    Hope you are all going well ay, i don't get the time to come on here as much as i'd like. cheers.

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