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"Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by post, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. ShadyJ

    ShadyJ Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    @ Vermonster, how are they at higher voltage? I'm a 6v head & been getting a tad sick of dripping constantly for roughly a year now. Is this my solution?
  2. sissy

    sissy Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    Depends on the juice. What I have in it right now is good at 5V not so good at 6V. The mod is fine the taste wasn't.
  3. spring

    spring Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    The 3.2 should be fine at 6v. I use my Map tank daily at 3.7 2.5 OHM and love it. Like Vermonster said, it depends on the juice, always. I would always have a 3.7 and 6V option.
  4. LynneB

    LynneB Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    i think anything over 3.7v really burns most liquids in any carto, be that e2 or not. because its not wet really, what wicks e2 style burns up too fast at 6v and thats the burnt taste your getting. it wont wick fast enuff to replace what you use eather.

    if your using a juice that is prepped for HV vaping then it might just be less of a burnt taste.

    when at 3.7 it takes a little longer to get up to burning like that hence, you get the most out of what juice that did wick into the atty. might wick faster too.

    but this is just my experience with the e2's themselves and not with a tank mod.

    hopefully, the tank mod improves the amount of wicked liquid into the atty so a 5 or 6v vape would be more tasteful too.

    to me i think this thing will work amazing at 3.7v with no need to go higher. then again i dont need 60 foot vapor trails when i exhale.

    its 30 bucks anyway and worth a gamble to try tho. hell, AVS systems are expencive.
  5. yodakelbell

    yodakelbell Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    Yah these look sick I am looking to get one soon
  6. gfcbarracker

    gfcbarracker Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    Even the 3.2s vape awesome at 3.7. If you like a cooler vape, you'll love that one. I'm doing a 100% VG in it with no problems.
  7. myfriend

    myfriend Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    Ce2s are strictly low voltage not to be taken higher than 4.5volts. but give it a try, six volts is a no no. ive played mad scientist in the past....dont work.
  8. StacyW

    StacyW Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    I am just waiting to be notified so I can get my hands on one of these. This is what I have been looking for, for a long time.
  9. Christa

    Christa Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    I've modded my own e2's using the syringe method and I can tell u it makes a big difference with the wicking. Now with the map tank there will be no crimping on the wicks and they can float freely in the tank. This mod is gonna be bad ass. But I think I will try to build my own using capvettes part list. But one machined for you is worth the money.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    Stay away from cinnamon juice with these, it eats at the tank. Also if you get one with any kind of crack, do not clean with hot water because they crack fast after that. Now I need a new clear part.

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