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Just made my first DIY :)

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Riki, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. wvdcTGjHZh

    wvdcTGjHZh New Member

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    lol didnt meen to sound stand offish sodd :) I should really not write stuff when I just wake up, I will try to be.comse I also believe it is easier for others (what Im really trying to say is bear with me Im a work in progress.... somethings take awhile for me to get my head around lol) :)
  2. martinsmith

    martinsmith New Member

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    No Rhojin,
    You didn't come across like that at all. I can bear with you mate ..... it's all a part of the learning process :) I'm just rapt that you are having a go be.comse some of your recipes "smell" delicious LOL. And it's brilliant that we now have a stickied recipe thread.
  3. Owen

    Owen New Member

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    :) I am suprised at how much im liking them :) I hardly touch any premixed juice anymore the cherry cigar one has been great and every now and then the french vanilla comes through by itself and (to me) just tastes so good for something so simple :)
  4. kristof

    kristof New Member

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    :) I just added a little french vanilla in a little of this one
    Captain rhojin's haze :)
    VZ super concerntrated rum rasin
    VZ super concerntrated black cigar
    VZ super concerntrated old captain

    just to see how it will taste :)
  5. akzhanova

    akzhanova New Member

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    Hey Rhojin,
    How do you find the tea flavours ? Are they stronger/weaker than other flavours and more importantly do they taste like tea LOL ?? Steep time ? Always been curious about them but never got around to them yet.
    I know there's a few different ones out there. How many have you tried ?
  6. schmanto

    schmanto New Member

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    Hi Sodd :)
    I have only tired vaping zone super cons so far (only started a couple weeks ago) the tea is really nice and tastes like tea in fact nearly all the ones that I got from there taste good except maybe the cream and maybe the banna nut bread (not sure if they need more steeping) , I steeped most of them for a week before trying though some I mixed and couldn't resist and started vaping straight away :) but they all taste better after a few days to a week IMO, hope this helps :)

    Edit : lol I have only tasted one tea and that's black tea from vz :)
  7. snapster

    snapster New Member

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    Oh oh! I can help with that! Tea flavours... Chai in a few brands you will either love or hate, it smell strong like chai but vaping chai is a different matter. Earl grey also smells and tastes like earl grey but found that like with with green tea putting a little fruit and sweetener makes it a little better (taste from person to person varies so try it without fruit first) .. like any a couple of days to a week and beyond is good steeping time :)
  8. angellat

    angellat New Member

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    :) hi Oogy :) where do you buy your tea cons from? I want to get more aswell ;)
  9. kisses

    kisses New Member

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    I tend to buy bulk so might be a bit pricey.. but works for me b/c I do buy bulk ... I buy at RTSVapes.. cheap concentrates but expensive postage...
    I kinda want more banana cream .. not sure i ordered enough (only one bottle but I ordered banana split too so might be ordering in near future if you want to ad anything then.. will let you know if you like .. i buy the 120 ml bottles )
  10. mandadru

    mandadru New Member

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    Just checked juicewhore they have a good selection of tea
  11. miesqdark9867

    miesqdark9867 New Member

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    :) juicewhore :) *thehehehe* ;) ..... dont mind me just in one of those childish moods lol
  12. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    will be stalking the black friday sales tonight will stop by JW and have a looky :)
  13. hermittx028

    hermittx028 New Member

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    lol .. I kinda like thier name and logo too :) Juicewhore has always been great shop and good for some of the harder to find flavours at times too .. if you like fruit try dragonfuit and fig and litchi theyre pretty nice reminds me of lollies :)
  14. xoCircles

    xoCircles New Member

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    Does anyone like Vanilla Custard?
  15. androbius

    androbius New Member

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    its pretty popular but admit have never trued it
  16. Angaydraj

    Angaydraj New Member

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    Lol I think I am going senile.. probably put it in the car but cbf going out there so all will have to wait till tommoz i think :) probably for the best ...

    Lol I think the juice thing has pretty much the same rules as cooking except cooking rule is less flavour , from what I am reading of what you are doing I am guessing that it wont be long before I am buying one of your doublers along with spuds... sorry I can translate better but for me b/c I am not accurate at what I do with juice or in the kitchen... its just hard to explain
  17. Lausuarcalync

    Lausuarcalync New Member

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    :) I thought your explaination was really good oogy :) it made sense to me ;)
    narh I wont ever be selling my mixes but will prob swap for someone elses juice to try differnt styles ;) and I will most likey give some away (I cant help myself sometimes if I have something that I think some one will like I tend to just give them it lol) so not much of a buisness man here hahahaha
  18. Ari

    Ari New Member

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    Rhojin life is too short not to try new things ... and cooking and juice making is like an art. Art is a personal thing b/c you put yourself out there not just what you make. If you have a love for what you do then that will make you good at it as for the business side .. this forum is full of good people happy to help others to help themselves to do the best they can in whatever they want to do. Its nice you want to give away but at some point you will need to buy more concentrates and more vg and pg.. my last two bills on concentrates alone was $200 both times and I dont even have that wide a variety. See how you go but ever say never :)

    Grrr have put ebay items on watch and blue will def have to wait till the morning omg ... is it realy this possible to lose things the way i do ? and never unimportant things.. always keys, wallet, phone and this book.. crazy!
  19. bl1960

    bl1960 New Member

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    Your right oogy I should never say never, life is way to short :) at the moment though I am just focused on the fun of it all, i think it may even become a passion for me (if it hasnt already) wich is a huge deal for me as I dont tend to be passionate about many things lol :) and yes i find does get expensive too ;)

    Hope you find the book :) I hate it when I cant find something I normally look every where then find it in the last place I can think of ...... meanwhile I have just trashed the house looking lol
  20. Sgt Remeriz

    Sgt Remeriz New Member

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    Hey Rhojin, I'd be happy to do a bit of a juice swap with you sometime, it would be great to get your feedback. I also love the fun of mixing up flavours, its very relaxing, and I can spend hours mixing up a storm. Flavours are such a subjective thing, so I really feel like I've achieved something good if the majority of my vaping friends like a certain mix, but I also realise that you can't please everyone. Oogy's right, it is like art, its a creative thing and if you are a creative person, (which you are if your recipes are anything to go by), you'll do very well. Most of all its just fun :)

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