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How did you come across ecigs for the first time

Discussion in 'New Vapers Forum' started by Wing, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. USMCwife

    USMCwife New Member

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    if my 3 converters were here it would be word of mouth for there vote aswell as seeing someone else use it.
  2. envewhede

    envewhede New Member

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    Came across an ad on the Web around 2005-6 for a cartridge type E-cig whilst studying at Uni. It intrigued me
    but I thought I would not be able to get a continuous supply of the cartridges incomstralia. It seemed
    novel to me, but too much trouble to follow up and could it work ? Finished study 2008 with health suffering more from the chop/chop and whatever
    I could get my hands on to feed my addiction. Admittedly I still 'liked smoking' and didn't want to let go of it, resented the shadow of the Quit campaign etc. I tried a number
    of methods to quit but to no avail,I had a love/hate relationship with ciggies, but nothing worked for me. Then I remembered what I had seen a few years ago. I wondered if it could work ? So that started
    a search which then led me to 'Tokes' and Elusion. The LIGHT WENT ON ! I actually got excited about giving up cigarettes! I didn't immediately buy Elusion's kit but searched out a cheaper alternative starter kit. A whole world of vaping and vapers emerged and the rest is
    vaping history for me and far better health. Thanks Tokes, Jato, Nelson and Peter, forum memberscomssievapers for your help and advice ! :)
  3. bandnerd93

    bandnerd93 New Member

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    interesting how the trend is shifting away from WP now, it was near 40% in the early stages and has of course progressively dropped since they closed the thread. Now it seems word of mouth is becoming a stronger force as perhaps more people are now using them in public, the start of an exponential growth phase may be soon.
  4. Aperpolla

    Aperpolla New Member

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    I voted word of mouth.
    In my case i had heard of vaping from a friend on another forum i frequent. She was just getting into it herself so i figured i would wait and see how she and others went with it before taking the plunge myself, soon enough i was hearing of friends success with this vaping phenomenon. This was i think aroundcomgust 2011 and i was well and truly into a ground hog day cycle of failed quitting attempts.
    I started with an order of nicotine from Box elder and a week or two later an Ego-t 1000mah kit along with some juices and D.I.Y supplies from Vapeking and i was pretty much on my way.

    Now a few months (and mods) on and vaping has turned into a bit of a hobby with seemingly endless innovations and improvements.
  5. New York Gal

    New York Gal New Member

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    I saw someone at work with one a week ago and they sent me here. Told me to do my own research so here I am.
  6. viagra

    viagra New Member

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    A doctor recommended them to my comghter as an aid to give up the fags. The doctor's husband uses them.
  7. bigserver

    bigserver New Member

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    That is good to hear gtadmin---a doctor recommending them and her husband uses them
    By the way welcome here
  8. Immilteri

    Immilteri New Member

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    Thanks marg :) The doctor is asian so is more open to "other" therapies. BTW, her husband is a surgeon in Adelaide.


    Edit: the quoted welcome didn't show? Fixed now! Ok, worked it out, the quote button is at the bottom of the post you want to quote - all other forums I've used have the quote button at the top. Doh!
  9. portuga

    portuga New Member

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    Does your comghter vape? and you too?
  10. aeeaspitty4921

    aeeaspitty4921 New Member

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    Yes, but both just starting out. I've been trying stuff out for about a week or so, my comghter only a day or so. If this is successful (and all indications are that it will be), I have another comghter who needs to quit as well. I'm basically the guinea pig ...

  11. vtbqtneiokaq

    vtbqtneiokaq New Member

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    I smoked for 40 years started vaping and was able to give up 30-40 cigarettes a day. That was 3 months ago. You will be able to do it easy and think of all the money your girls and you will save!!!!!
  12. Rachelle

    Rachelle New Member

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    Hi margy, to avoid clogging this thread, I've continued here
  13. Klaus123

    Klaus123 New Member

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    I tried my first ecig a few years ago, i think it was called a "cigarti".. attempted to use it a few days and eventually hated it, never used one ever since.
    Today I just ordered my second ecig (a lavatube) and will attempt to do it again.. hoping that this time around it will sit nicely on me.. fingers crossed.
  14. xrqgpxlrra

    xrqgpxlrra New Member

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    I was just doing a random postie mugging and came across these funny looking durries that were absolute BASTARDS to light.....
  15. sub3

    sub3 New Member

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    wanted to give up smoking but wanted something to replace it. 4 Weeks analogue free thanks GOOGLE haha.
  16. lilyanne

    lilyanne New Member

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    Seems like a obvious omission in your poll: "A friend/associate introduced me to them."

    I guess it counts as other/wordofmouth if you are just looking at marketing penetration.
  17. gladewalker69

    gladewalker69 New Member

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    I started this poll purely for curiosity just after the whirlpool forum closed its ecig section for the final time. I was curious to track how much the forum closing would affect the take up rate, at the time WP was over 30% and by far the most popular reason, now it seems to be word of mouth as would be expected by more and more people taking it up and it becoming more known. My guess is that WP has not had any votes for some time.

    Almost anyone who asks about mine now has heard of them, totally different to a year ago.

    A friend / associate would be word of mouth. Not sure who else would be telling you about it ,, could have different categories for family, workmates, old school friends I guess .. but what if they are both a friend and a workmate, people would not know which one to select.
  18. vyqffpsdfz

    vyqffpsdfz New Member

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    I decided I would take singing lesson :rolleyes: but smoking affected my voice!
    I wanted to quit but looked for an alternative until I could beat the habit!
    I had heard of ecigs somewhere? not sure now, any way I started to look around on the web, and found Elusion eCigs!
    Looking at some of the postings and the prices etc I see there is a whole different world of vaping!
  19. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I was looking for a motor home about 2 weeks ago, here -


    and an ad kept sliding past. Clicked it and watched Katherine Heigl vaping live on the Dave Letterman show. I was fascinated but couldn't find any info on that company - Caldoz.com - so spent the rest of the day and night Googling, reading everything I could find and watching YouTube. Ordered 2 starter kits locally the next day. Husband wants to go on a trip but the van is on the back burner now comse I've got juice orders coming in and when they get here I want to play with them
  20. swbkmgqijz

    swbkmgqijz New Member

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    I heard about them years ago and meant to try them but they weren't very popular or easy to get and were more expensive than they are now (or maybe I had less money). Anyway a friend of mine got into them about six months ago and she is ecigs only now, from a 2 pack a day habit. But yeah after trying hers I got interested. Better than cigs in many ways was my first impression. And now here I am working on transitioning from tobacco completely ;)

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