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How did you come across ecigs for the first time

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by padun, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Tried Champix and stopped for 6 months. Nearly went mental on that drug. Figured if I can't stop on Champix, there would be little chance of stopping.
    Received an email from groupon about 5/6 weeks ago with a half price health-e cigarette starter kit $30. So thought I would give it a go.

    Didn't plan on stopping but found it quite easy once I got my ego t with ce5's. Wife stopped as well.

    Yeah! for vaping.
  2. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

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    Actually I came across this product through a friend..
  3. bjnesspetrov1384

    bjnesspetrov1384 New Member

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    Apologies - also posted in INTRO section.

    Hi All, newbie here. To the point - I liked smoking. Regular Winnies Blue smoker for 20 years. We smokers and now ex smokers make the intellectual and physical sacrifice for long periods of time to get our kicks from smoking tobacco analogs i.e we all knew it was bad for us. I was also concerned about a nagging smokers cough that had just developed in the last 12 months. The turning point for me that led me to discover vaping was the new packaging laws on tobacco products with olive green packaging. As usual I brought Winnies Blue.

    Problem. They tasted horrid and I complained to the retailers with passion! I quickly went around town to buy up the last of the classic Winnies Blue (golly!) ahh the taste I was used too returned - but its days were numbered. Damn new laws! An email to BATA and BATA denied any change in the product. Did I believe them? No. I distrust them even though I had brought their product for decades. I smoked a classic Winnies Blue and a new Winnies Blue side by side and no one was going to tell me it was all in my head. SMH ran an article which read as though consumers were blaming the change in taste on the new packaging. Absurd. Packaging doesn't change the taste of analogs. In the meantime us analogs complained like hell. Then one day a tobacco representative met with my main retailer of analogs and she related that many customers had complained of the foul taste of new analogs. The analog guy said that in the changeover, return and destruction of the older now illegal packaging, that tobacco companies were forced to use immature tobacco to race their product to the market. So much for quality control I thought when my retailer related to me the discussion she had. Money rules big companies.

    I'm glad I went thought this experience. My disgust of the new analogs forced me to reevaluate my analog habit and discover the digital alternative. My first purchase was a ordinary pack of e-cig with 10 carts (which I can extend my dripping more ejuice into the carts). For Christmas I got a eGo T kit from eVape (NZ based) and have some nic and non-nic juices (Europe). Needless to say the world of vaping after looking online is quite large. I like the idea of customisation. I smirked at one lady blogger who naysayed e-cigs by saying consumers didn't know what was in them!!! What gall! One only had to look here List of additives in cigarettes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and its a no brainer.

    I'm in transition phase. I have a packet of analogs here but I hope that aforementioned intellect cuts in and converts me to a total vaper. Even my friends seemed taken by the idea when shown to them. I can only imagine, seeing that e-cigs were first made around 2003 and then not widely on the internet until about late 2009 that in the years ahead tobacco companies may have to rethink their strategies. I did hear of them a few years back but dismissed it as a fad. I'm glad the variances of the vaping products has persisted and by the looks of it - grown! I wonder if any future canadan laws come into effect that may discriminate vapors, tax the products like analogs, tobacco paid anti-vaping propaganda etc, forcing vapors to go underground. Interesting days ahead...
  4. billy18

    billy18 New Member

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    Whirlpool for me. But there's now half a dozen people around me who would say 'saw somebody using one' or 'word of mouth'. :)
  5. androbius

    androbius New Member

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    Yeah, it's daggy, but my first introduction was Katherine Heigl on Letterman too. Albeit after a simple Google search I discovered that there was much more to the whole thing than her dodgy little Smoke Stik.

    EVODSEDDY New Member

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    Here from WP! This place is awesome
  7. Abulley

    Abulley New Member

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    We do our best :)

    We are a weird bunch, not as tight as WP, a bit of rough and tumble here and there but we make do.
  8. meareme

    meareme New Member

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    Introduction was working with Jato lol
  9. seven8nine

    seven8nine New Member

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    My best friend started using them, she has quit analog for a couple months now, I started on the 17th of december 2012! Its been 4 weeks now since i touched an analog :)
  10. gpeng84

    gpeng84 New Member

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    I hope we never get as regulated as Whirlpool is though, I like the freedom to have a bit of a spat with someone on here if the time is right for it ;)
  11. Coibrasia

    Coibrasia New Member

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    One of my dearest and oldest friends, also afflicted with a pack-a-day habit for more than 15 years, got one for Christmas. He was so excited about it (this man gets excited about everything), he called me and essentially forced me to get excited about it, too. We don't live in a place where I can just go shopping for one, so I browsed the internet and purchased an inexpensive starter kit from Smokeless Image. That was it.
  12. uzyvtge3p

    uzyvtge3p New Member

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    ok its a bit of a tale so here goes. Anyone living out in the northeastern suburbs would probably know about st andrews market ( its on every sat ) its a bit alternative with both vendors and customers on this particular day it was a bit rainy and i was sheltering in one of the stalls , just happened to be a bloke selling wands and all the paraphenalia that goes with it. anyway he pulls out this black tube and puts it to his mouth and i thought to myself this blokes gunna play me a tune on his flute which would not have been unusual at this market . as i was thinking this he blows a huge cloud of what i know now to be vaper out . what the hell is that i enquired he proudly told me that its an e-cig and asked if i would like to try some , sure i say and he pulls out a disposable tip ( like the cops use with breatherlisers )and tells me how to use it like drawing on it slowly and about the buttom. well what can i say it was the first puff that had me hooked ( chocolate by the way and who doesn't like choclate anyone if so leave the room now please )this was the thing i had been looking for , for the last 20 yrs ( have smoked for 40yrs ) he also preceded to tell me that there was 200 different flavours and that he was selling the ego's and some flavouring . well i had to have a think about this be.comse the asking price was $70 for 2 ego-c's i told him i would think about it as i'm a die hard smoker ( started at 9 yrs with the wonderfull help of my older brothers ) i couldn,t get them out of my mind all wk so come sat i'm straight up there brought the ego-c's plus some flavourings ( yep chocolate was one of them lol ) and i haven't looked back . i tell a lie i had 1 smoke when i was hanging out the washing ( MR mum to you guys ) about 2 wks later the main reason i had the smoke was be.comse it was hands free but as many have said in this forum it tasted not quiet right .
    here's to max the wand seller at st andrews market who has made such a huge change in my life.
    cheers mate
  13. plineking

    plineking New Member

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    My non smoking boyfriend heard about it in prison from one of the guards who has one n bugged me til I gave in n got one, just to shut him up
  14. SunNeko

    SunNeko New Member

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    A mate told me about a friend of his who'd switched, (back in 2008), I was curious but forgot all about it until I told a mate about it early 2009. He bought all his kit straight away and then gave me a 510 to play with, (I still hadn't tried it until thin). I bought my first kit just after the birth of my twin boys, (mid 2009) and made the switch proper on 30/12/12.

    The thing that held me back in the early days was local availability. Not a problem anymore, now there are almost too many choices :D
  15. ArletteMorton

    ArletteMorton New Member

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    went on a Xmas boat party

    one of the strippers had it hanging around her neck ( no pockets )

    thought it was cool and made a bet with my boss to quit , bought two ego kits

    the rest is history
  16. cricketlady

    cricketlady New Member

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    And you actually noticed it??...Bonus points for you Miter;)
  17. vqeeidmhrjav

    vqeeidmhrjav New Member

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    I'm calling BS on this , either that or it was one fugly stripper!
  18. agregorsshulzey3684

    agregorsshulzey3684 New Member

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  19. idubyan

    idubyan New Member

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    I had the same experience ... oh hang on ... that just explains my nipple fetish doesnt it , not PV's ... carry on
  20. snorkyller

    snorkyller New Member

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    i thought she was going to hide it....................

    turns out was a friggin PV


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