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Flavouring percentages

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by GreyElf, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. redapples

    redapples New Member

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    Another side of the coin is a possibly over sensitive sense of taste. I love foods of all types but I cannot abide flavour in my vapour.

    It's a bit boring but if I have a vape on something strong I can still taste it hours later.
  2. chodna

    chodna New Member

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    Mrs Bullos here.....Butter menthol....mmmmmmmmm I am a smoker but can't get enough of that butter menthol....mmmmmmm
  3. brenrelay

    brenrelay New Member

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    We want your husband back ... he was going to share some ... dirty little secrets ... please :p
  4. Jeff T

    Jeff T New Member

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    I will give out the recipe but I think it has to be done as secret men's business :)
    This is very powerful and in the wrong hands it could be dangerous.
    I take no responcibility for any wreaked marriages be.comse someone carelessly vaped it around a single women :)
    That the disclaimer, pm me if you would like to have the recipe and I will give it to you.
    By PMing me you are accepting the the disclaimer, and I cannot be held responsible for anything that happens ;)
  5. glydaySesully

    glydaySesully New Member

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  6. postryu

    postryu New Member

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    Post removed for safety reasons :)
  7. yurifriend9999

    yurifriend9999 New Member

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    So much a man could say .. must resist ... Must Resist... MUUUUST Resssiiiiiiiiisssss.......... :D
  8. ajnessusasd884

    ajnessusasd884 New Member

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    Some concentrates need to be used at a higher %, generally PA & FA flavors I will use less of but HealthCabin I'll use higher %s.
    When I mix my flavors, I go mainly by smell & taste & don't rely too much on recipes from others. I have my own recipes, of course, some using up to 10 or more flavorings.
    I count doublers, tripplers, pre-mixed juices & flavor concentrates as flavors in my mixes, this can be a very tricky thing to do for someone starting out with mixing & I recommend starting out using just 1-3 different flavors per juice. Any more than that & you are risking mixing up arse juice, that vapes like shit. When you have a bit more experience, then you can start to play a bit but get to know your flavors first.
  9. dDered3eu

    dDered3eu New Member

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    moved away from PA stuff for a long time now, but i still have the few i tried documented. Strawberry i had it as high as 15-20% and cola at 15% as well as redbull at 15%

    its a strange thing, DIY's, i found that sometimes a little bit can give a nice mellow flavor, a bit more makes it disgusting and then a bit more makes it awesome.... this is from personal experience and also in my earlier times with PA. Cola i still use and is mixed at 15% and gives a strong cola lolly flavor (the cola bottle candy) and has a nice tang at the end.

    I remember strawberry being very.comthentic at 20%, even down to the stem.

    I am getting back into PA and FA concentrates, so will report back to you when i get some more going. But those two i have tried and reckon they are awesome at those %'s (personal preference)
  10. togEpissili

    togEpissili New Member

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    View attachment 4693
    A good mixing card Flavor Arts one
    i use 1 drop per ml to get about 4%
    from various suppliers ecig mod shop has some of these
    some time even less 1 drop per 2ml = 2%
    some are high very strenth
  11. Desi Chef

    Desi Chef New Member

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    I never thought to push past the initial threshold. I'll certainly give it a go now though. Although I was working on a caramel fudge recipe. Got the caramel up to 15%.. Still couldn't taste it, but the wife walked in, and nearly gagged! lol
  12. SetInins

    SetInins New Member

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    Butter Menthol Recipe

    Here you go guys, I hope you, and the special ladies in your life enjoy it aswell.*
    And please remember to only use it for good.*

    Butter Menthol Recipe

    Caramel - 4%
    Caramel butter - 8%
    Butter - 8%
    Menthol - 6%

    *health cabin conerntrates.

    This is quite buttery, which I like, but if you are unsure, maybe reduce the butter content, or leave it out completely till you try it.*
    My wife absolutely loves butter*
  13. mak7

    mak7 New Member

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    lol guess it's true that a lot of us do, but I've never been a huge fan of sweets. I like the more subtle sweets and flavours.

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