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Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by bart202, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. David W

    David W New Member

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    Ecigwizard.co.uk is pretty good with speedy shipping IMO. Just ordered another dozen bottles fr them not 5 min ago
  2. Noreguef

    Noreguef New Member

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    I believe that there is a law within paypal in a few other countries that states that it connot be used to purchase nicotine byproducts... I cannot remember the source, I think it may have come from here somewhere, my brain fade is getting bad these days lol
    You could always look down the path of getting something like a visa/mastercard 'debit' card (Uses your own $$) and then transfer money across from your normal account, then you can track any purchases and if anything goes wrong, you can follow up and try and get $$ back from the bank... Has good use too so that then you have a set 'limit' to what you spend on ecig gear (I just overdid it myself having spent $250 just this week on supplies lol) and am thinking of doing this for myself!
  3. bajanessshuley7730

    bajanessshuley7730 New Member

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    Thanks guys for the advice. I got my kit yesturday. Actually it was sent 2 days ago but the pathetic postman couldn't be bothered knocking on the door and left a card in the mailbox. This is the 3rd time thats happened to me by this particular person. Anyway i picked it up from the post office and about to tear it open soon and set it up. Next step is to wait for the juices to arrive :)
  4. Steffen Kummer

    Steffen Kummer New Member

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    I guess while you wait, you can head down to the supermarket, get some vg and vape that. :)
  5. xboxers

    xboxers New Member

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    Most starter kits come with a little bit of juice in carts or cartos that you could use... no need for plain VG vaping right away LOL
  6. gangiewestonb

    gangiewestonb New Member

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    Thanks noe i appreciate the info..
    i just started vaping now for the first time with a bottle of menthol or pepper minty kinda taste without nic but its a start!
  7. naci1966

    naci1966 New Member

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    Hey there,

    I get my liquid nicotine from RTS Vapes and it gets here in about 10 working days. I order my flavours from VapingMad, E Cigarettes Online, Best Electronic Cigarette, Vaping canada as they have doubler strength mixed flavours and they are really helpful. I think during my first 2 weeks of vaping I rang or emailed Vaping Mad every day and Elise talked me through every tiny thing including how to mix flavours with the liquid nic in order to get the right mg and flavour etc. my favorite flavour there is hands down Frap'aze!
    Good luck matey.

  8. buxi

    buxi New Member

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    Get some 36mg PG based unflavoured nic from healthcabin. While you are there get empty 10ml bottles and a couple of syringes. Then go to vapeking / vapebar / juicewhore / vapingmad to get doublers. Get your doublers in a 60/40 pg/vg ratio. Then when all of your stuff comes you will simply have to put 5ml of the nic with 5ml of the doubler together in one of your empty bottles and you end up with 18mg 80/20 juice. The only other thing you will need is lables to stick on the bottles and a sharpie pen to write on the lables. Happy mixing.

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