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AGA-T Setup Thread

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by Chefkoch1984, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. never give up

    never give up New Member

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    Watch the 2nd video on my thread, use the glad wrap technique too, you'll be surprised at how well it works to prevent shorts/hotspots.
  2. ineedbeer

    ineedbeer New Member

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    Im going to get some washers for mine anyway this arvo, should be easier to keep the wire in at the very least.
  3. mihaiyla

    mihaiyla New Member

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    To do it properly you would need a SS or brass center pin replacement, with the same diameter as the original pin & a bit more length to it. It would also need to be threaded from where it comes out at the deck of the atty to the top nut but if it is threaded more than that it should still be OK as long as it is not threaded all the way down its length, be.comse you have silicone seals that will get cut up with the threads & then you'll have leaks.

    The other option is buy a VM Zombie from vaping mad (AKA AGA-T) & take the center pin from it.
  4. Rhianny

    Rhianny New Member

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    alrighty i just rebuild my cobra with 7 wraps instead of 4 wraps which i did yesterday

    7 wraps give me 2.2 ohm compared to 1.4 for 4 wraps i did yesterday. i found the vapor is thicker with higher resistance, is there any reason for it? the vapor from lr seems a bit more disintegrated and dissipate quickly be.comse its pretty thin

    same wattage, but the vapor is much cooler and i can taste the juice a little bit more be.comse it isnt as warm/hot when i use low resistance setup, is it just me imagining things? low resistance also drain my battery much faster

    just wondering what sort of resistance you guys are using?
  5. tokyo1965

    tokyo1965 New Member

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    2.2Ω ... 3 wraps 32g kanthral ...
  6. Ghost~flame

    Ghost~flame New Member

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    Yes you are imagining things. :p
    Lower ohms give a warmer, thicker vape & better TH, with more flavor, normally.

    I think what happened is you had a hotspot/short on your lower ohm coil, which would have made the flavor less, vapor less, hotter vape, with more TH than normal.
    A short will also .comse the battery to drain faster.
  7. lizaleong

    lizaleong New Member

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    Did up another wick/coil tonight for the rebuildable I picked up yesterday. Went with the 30AWG (from memory) and did it a bit differently to last night. Used the 400 SS mesh and cut it 5MM shorter and took my time with perfectly shaping it.

    I also wound the coil around the top section BEFORE putting it in the tank, I have issues with fine motor movements in my hands and this was of great assistance getting a nice even wrap around.

    I got quite a few wind rounds and it came out to about 1.6 Ohms and vapes pretty good, has to break in mind you but I dont mind it. We will see where it goes.
  8. naskatomas

    naskatomas New Member

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    Which rebuildable Jato?
  9. Arielle16

    Arielle16 New Member

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    The AGA-W.
  10. bobytts3939

    bobytts3939 New Member

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    Ahh, thought so. So did you use the drill bit/screwdriver method to make the coil then put the wick in?
    It kind of sounds like you did in your post above but it isn't clear.
  11. hbrmmer

    hbrmmer New Member

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    I got one of those today. It's like the AGA-T only the bits on top are laid out in the opposite direction. And smaller. Everything seems smaller.
  12. NaomiStee

    NaomiStee New Member

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    I don't have an AGA-W but from what I have seen they are nearly identical to the AGA-T, with a few modifications. I think the AGA-W looks a bit prettier but I think the AGA-T has the edge where it counts, for function & ease of set up.
  13. fotograf

    fotograf New Member

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    It didn't seem to have hotspots actually be.comse when there is hotspots I can tell from the taste. The taste was ok although slightly muted on the lower coil but it could have short as you mentioned. Could it possible to have shorts without hotspots?
  14. SloaneAlvarezaak

    SloaneAlvarezaak New Member

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    Oh yeah how many watts you guys normally vape on your lr atty. I can't seem to get good vape on my usual 6 watt on Vivi nova
  15. Vonsemorm

    Vonsemorm New Member

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    The proper way to test if you have a short is get a multimeter, then set it to the low ohm setting, touch the two probes together & see what resistance the meter has internally, my meter has 0.2ohms, sometimes o.3ohms if the humidity &/or temperature changes. Knowing I have o.2ohms, means I know to subtract that from my reading on my meter.
    Next test the resistance of the coil, without the wick installed, using the meter, lets say I got a 2.2ohms reading, that means my coil is 2ohms, since I need to subtract 0.2ohms for the meter's internal resistance.
    Now install the wick, then take another reading with the meter, what I am looking for here is for the reading to be 2.2ohms - the same reading I got on just the coil alone but for argument's sake, lets say I got a reading of 1.8ohms.
    This means I now have a short of o.4ohms, which if I had a 5 wrap coil means there is 1 wrap of the coil that is not heating at all (2ohms/5= 0.4ohms) or that all of the coils are not heating properly.
    This could either show up as hotspots or not show up as hotspots at all, if you didn't test with a meter or with the ohms checker on your mod(if it has one) you could think that your coil is fine & the coils are all glowing evenly, even though you have a short.
  16. EusebiaVB

    EusebiaVB New Member

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    I vape genesis between 13-22 watts depending on wick size and density.
  17. ngem4boozwz

    ngem4boozwz New Member

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    Off to get multimeter then :)
  18. loveporn3x

    loveporn3x New Member

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    13 watts? ?? I'll try to crank up mine and see what happen :) I don't think I could ever go up that high on nova before tasting burnt juice
  19. mvzxcqt3h

    mvzxcqt3h New Member

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    Oh btw how do you check the resistance of through coil? Just touch the 2 probes on any parts of the coil?
  20. jrkldfx6e

    jrkldfx6e New Member

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    Nah, I just have steady hands. I just held the wick in my hand, measure the part that would be outside of the tank and began wrapping.

    From winding to vaping was about 60 seconds and it seems to work pretty much flawlessly.

    I dont know about this but I do know the process was as follows "Make wick / Wrap coil / Insert / Vape". As for function well, its function is to vape which it also seems to do.

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