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A stainless wick for a ce2 tank

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by JimNasium, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. Boomer Wisdom

    Boomer Wisdom New Member

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    Good day zain

    So far I have only re wicked 2 Giantomizers that started life as eGo W tanks. They both wick very well and with 100%vg there are no issues, apart from using lots of juice!!! The sharp fold doesn't seem to make a lot of difference. One of them I replaced the wick and coil and one just the wick in the old coil. Both the same wick size. Still waiting for one of the vision stone tanks to crap out so I can give it a try in one of them!!!
  2. Estuapsattine

    Estuapsattine New Member

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  3. meowglitter

    meowglitter New Member

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    I bought one from Jaycar and my Genisis wicks and coils are so much better. I also wear specs and can hardly see through those.

    Thanks for the advice mate, they work.

    What about the shaky hands?

  4. Daniel

    Daniel New Member

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    I use one of these available from any army surplus store.
  5. mbrla

    mbrla New Member

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    I was considering just making a short SS mesh wick for the width of the cup and using the standard wick sticking in the ends of it. Wick is wick really until you get the proximity to the coil and juice mingled in it, was my thinking. The silica rope wick won't matter when it's no longer near the coil, is my theory.
  6. dadeatkdcm

    dadeatkdcm New Member

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    Good thinking if you are short on material.

    My only feelings are that the interface of the mesh and silica might .comse minor problems. the first that comes to mind, and I am sure you thought about it, is how are you going to connect the two? The other thing is that the greater thermal mass of the mesh might .comse the mesh to overheat, as there will be minimal heat transfer through the silica. This in turn might .comse the juice on the joint of the mesh and silica to cook, burn and stop wicking?? The longer the mesh, the greater the heat transfer from the coil

    Just a couple of thoughts and in no way a dig. Like you, I like to experiment, and if you get your method to run, I will certainly follow!!!
  7. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    just idle thought but I do appreciate the consideration of the idea :) experimenting is fun, I just wish I had more tools!

    I need a drill press after destroying a 2xAA battery box trying to make the atty connector hole :-(
  8. Tan Boon Hwee k

    Tan Boon Hwee k New Member

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    I'd have tried this by now but that vision stone II is refusing to die. I haven't been using it full time of course but there you go, it's not a bad unit.

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