Where abouts from on ebay, Bullos? I might aswell mass order some wire :D
I think that Comets really need a dry burn after the first tank and then they're very good. There is a long thread under VapeKing that deals with...
Lol, I didn't mean I was putting them in the oven too. :) Outside, always. :)
Yep, I'm with you there Essie, I don't like anything to heavy or sweet on a hot day. I have one that you might like, its called Honey Blue, (I...
Ok cool I'll buy a few and post em. Would shorter cartos be a problem? I don't think I've got many ex-DCs left. Maybe I should send you an i06 to...
lol well boring ego's mostly and Stardusts, I do have a Vamo which is great for at home thats got an Innoken I30 dual coil whotsit on it ....
Don't get the health cabin brands apart from cherry, they really are arse juice, get the dekang
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