I enjoy being able to exercise and not feel exhausted when I was on cigarrettes. It also improves my self-esteem because people don't frown on...
The problem might be that the government is locking down on security measures. They probably are going through court with legalizing vapes on...
I completely agree, when I first started vaping it was difficult, because as you say I was used to smoking. I would normally just inhale and...
Thanks for recommending these sites! I have had the same problem lately because my e-cig broke down. So I'm on the lookout for websites to buy a...
Going for 0 nicotine does nothing but good for you. If I were you I would pat myself on the back and say "keep it up"!
My first e-cig was the Joyetch eGo and I've had nothing but positive reviews about it. If you are looking into affordable and reliable e-cigs, I...
My favourite flavour has to be melon and pins colada. I just really like exotic flavours and feeling like I'm in Hawaii.
When I first started vaping, I felt much more alive. I also felt like I was healthier and my bill wasn't expensive anymore.
I don't plan on stopping vaping. I fear that if I do quit, I might relapse into smoking again.
When I was 18 I was buying e-cigs with friends. For me I personally have had no conciousness about vaping when I was 18 or underage.
I usually spend around $10 week vaping. So comparing that to a pack of cigarrettes, vaping is very cheap.
My parents really don't care about me vaping. They only tell me that I can't smoke the nicotine juices. Other than that, they don't mind because...
Vaping isn't really a healthy solution to trying to act "cool". It can actually harm your lungs over time. I would only recommend vaping to people...
I tried vaping in a restaurant once and it wasn't a pleasant experience. First of all, people glare at your constantly. Second of all, you will...
If you are smoking juices without high amounts of nicotine or THC in them they can be really affordable. On a weekly basis I spend about $10 on...
In my opinion, the premium juices aren't different. I have even compared them among my friends and they say that they can't tell any difference.
I would throw batteries into a fire all the time. It was like a cheaper version of a firecracker when I was a kid.
When I tried to drop down to 0 nicotine I never bothered to take it step-by-step. Now I'm working on slowly weaning myself from nicotine slowly...
I have never smoked before before as a matter-of-fact. I just started vaping as a hobby because my friend introduced me to vaping. Now I can't...
I had a friend that one day came home with an e-cig, he told me that it could help people quit smoking. Now after 3 years of vaping I can...
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