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  1. VirtualBusyBee
    So annoying trying to get the last bit of e-juice out of the bottle. While it's not a ton, it's still a lot to waste, I hate wasting.
    1. GamerLady likes this.
    2. GamerLady
      Too true, especially if it won't taste good with another flavor.
      Mar 9, 2016
  2. JenP
    OWCH!! This juice is burring my throat.
    1. daniel hancock
      daniel hancock
      is the nicotine to high? I find if I use high nicotine it really hurts my throat!
      Apr 7, 2016
  3. Ladyferoz
    “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.”
  4. Liyah
    I need a distraction when I'm drinking!!
    1. jecob benjamin likes this.