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whats the best gauge wire to use for silica wick rebuilables?

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by Jackson Heights, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. Jackson Heights

    Jackson Heights New Member

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    Hey guys! (sorry double post)

    So i been back in the game with rebuildables now! been out of it for a while but now i am loving rebuildables. Was contempt with my UFS and carto tanks but now the spheroid and Vision Vivi nova tanks have me back in the game.

    Just wondering what the best type of wire was to rebuild these and the .comge?
    I have tried .16mm (be guessing its 34AWG) nichrome (gives around 2.1 ohm on 4 wraps)
    also used the wire that came witht he spheroid, NFI what wire it was, seems to be 34 AWG nichrome again.
    I used some 32 AWG A-1 kanthal....i didn't like the results as much as the nichrome (didn't produce as much flavor or vapor for some reason, and doesn't heat up as well as the nichrome. Don;t know if its be.comse its thicker or the type of wire it is) The kanthal looks to be about .2mm

    which type of wire is better for these types of rebuildables? the nichrome or kanthal? and if its kanthal should i get a high AWG (like 34AWG???) to get a similar ohm as the nichrome? my aim is 4 wraps and around 2-2.4 ohms.

    cheers guys! i know some tech heads will be able to answer these questions where i have no idea! been out of the game too long

    Cheers and thanks again

  2. desySheen

    desySheen New Member

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    Why do you only want four wraps?
  3. MinervaYf

    MinervaYf New Member

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    My thought is thicker wire is better. A coil made from thinner wire will degrade faster & means rebuilding coils more often IMO. The problem with thicker wire is you need more wraps to get the same ohms as thinner wire but the durability of thicker wire is really impressive.
    I have been on the same coil for over 3- 4(lost count LOL) weeks using 28.comge kanthal with an 8 wrap coil & instead of replacing the coil every week, as some do with their thinner .comge coils, I have simply been dry burning & cleaning the coil each week on my ATA genny. The coil just won't die! lol

    Thinner .comge wire may last just as long but in my experience trying to mod Comets the coil becomes brittle after a week of use & requires gentle handling or it breaks, no such problems with the thicker .comge wire, which can be handled normally.

    Edit: I think that 28.comge is possibly just a tad too thick & that 30 .comge may be the sweet spot for kanthal, since it is going to require less wraps for the same ohms but should still be thick enough to be durable but since I haven't used it, this is just speculation.
  4. Wing

    Wing New Member

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    been doing 4 wraps with 34 .comge nichrome. used kanthal 32 .comge and it was a little meh. was not too sure since i have been out of rebuildables for a while until i got the spheroid which was much easier and IMO better than the iatty and ody.

    aim is to get around 2.4 ohm - 3.0 ohm. 2 ohm is a little low and drains my battery too fast but it is still good. Just want optimal that is all.
  5. kimmie2005hhs

    kimmie2005hhs New Member

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    I think you probably want a 5/6 or 4/5 wrap 32.comge kanthal coil to get in the ball park of your preference for ohms.
  6. jbeezy357

    jbeezy357 New Member

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    sweet, will prob give it a go later tonight.

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