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Water in juice?

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by 13lunt, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. 13lunt

    13lunt New Member

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    I cleaned my Subtank Nano today after noticing a metallic/burnt taste creeping in. I disassembled it and soaked it in water and dish soap, then rinsed the parts, placed them in water to soak then rinsed them again and set them out to dry off. I tried filling it up a few minutes ago after letting them dry for a couple of hours, but noticed that the juice is 'wavy', like you see when liquids of two different densities are mixed. I guess something wasn't completely dry and some water got in. Is this safe to vape? Or should I empty the tank, rinse the pieces again and let them dry out overnight? Seems to be producing vapor as normal, albeit with a bit more 'popping'.

    edit: Just checked it, the wavyness is gone, looks like it's gone into solution. Seems to be vaping alright, maybe I was just paranoid.
  2. Hammrd

    Hammrd New Member

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    You'll be perfectly fine. Water is sometimes used to cut thick VG instead of PG.

    I bet you didn't worry about a little water moisture back when you inhaled burning tobacco laced with a cocktail of deadly chemicals :p
  3. atilabarba

    atilabarba New Member

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    Haha, true that. I was more worried about it damaging the coil than inhaling it, but it's been fine.

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