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Voopoo Drag 157 and LMC 200w box mod up to 50% off and free shipping

Discussion in 'Urvapin.com' started by urvapin, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. urvapin

    urvapin Member

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    Voopoo Drag 157W is a high wattage box mod features the US Made Gene Chip, which is getting quite a bit of hype these days. It certainly seems to be a very accurate and very easy to use chip with a number of advanced functions available via a computer interface. It also the fastest firing time in the world-25 milliseconds. You can always keep the mod up-to-date with upgrade-able firmware too. So you will never miss anything new. The attractive appearance is another feature that makes this mod simply irresistible: don't miss out!
    You can get it via following link:
    Voopoo Drag 157 TC box Mod, $52.99 and Free Shipping


    Voopoo Drag 157 TC box Mod resin, $69.9 and Free Shipping


    The LMC Box Mod has been in the design phase for 6 months with fine tuning and perfection. Limitless Mod Co. wanted to follow the original theme to change the look of your device without having to purchase an entirely new setup. This is where the interchangeable plates were incorporated. You can change the entire look of your box mod by getting one of the different design plates that are available, and there will be many more to come. One plate serves as your battery access plate, while the opposite plate is strictly for changing the look of your entire box mod. Buy mod, get free plates, $59.99 (valid in 2 days). Just get it through this link: LMC 200w box mod and enjoy Free Shipping.


    One more thing, you need an amazing tank for above fabulous box mod. I really enjoy the maximus rdta by oumier. Goon drip tips fit this rdta as well. Everything is really good on this rdta and i was surprised at the performance and flavor on this maximus rdta. Easy to fill and build. i really like this maximus rdta and i definitely recommend you guys to get one for $19.99 and enjoy free shipping from Urvapin. Just get it through this link: Oumier Maximus RDTA Tank


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