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Vertical Carto slots

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by You can call me Rob, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. You can call me Rob

    You can call me Rob New Member

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    I got 5 days of good operation from my last tanked boge carto with no burnt off taste, just a big drop in performance at end of day 3, upped voltage to 4.5V and used like that for 2 more days. After day 5 I.comtopsied it and heres the pics ..

    Used 2 slots like this directly opposite each other, 0.6mm disc, outer cover melts a bit more than cutting the other way due to increased cutting size for dremel, I pick out any visible bits of metal, there is usually a tinfoil thickness bit of swarf left in the groove, then pull a little bit of the fill through the hole to help it wick.


    the outer fill is pretty unscathed, few black marks but no melting at all.

    The inner fill wrap is black from juice residue but is not melted at all, the heater is now a crusty ball of black instead of a spring shaped coil, thats why the draw gets tight. I dry burned and it came off in a few seconds, may be a case for the cheapskates to rinse with a lot of water till fill is saturated and dry burn at high voltage quickly so the heater can get hot enough without maybe damaging the wet fill. I won't bother.

    o overall, no real damage to the fill after 5 days which is what I was looking for, the 2 slots seem to wick a lot better than the single lower one.
    I hear people say they have damaged O rings at times, I never push the slot through the O ring at any point in the 5 days.
    To refit carto, I dismantle tank and clean, put one side back on, carto bottom is put through O ring from inside the tank, top of tank is fitted. To refill I hold upside down and push carto bottom into tank, drip around edges of carto base till tank is 1/2 to 2/3 full, then push carto back up, usually get a drip on the outside of the battery connector to wipe off.
    At no stage is the slot pushed through the O rings, subsequent top ups are down through the bottom like that as well.
    I use my liquinator with the carto cover on still, not had any leaks.
  2. averlokmo

    averlokmo New Member

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    Learned a few things, thank you so much for sharing your experiment.

    P.S. Stoney, don't you need to peel off that black sticker before using it in a liquinator, or it just don't bother you?
  3. khengot

    khengot New Member

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    doesn't bother me in the least, without the sticker its a loose fit and tends to get knocked, fairly hopeless in fact, with the sticker its nice n toight. (goldmember toight)
  4. athaniel

    athaniel New Member

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    Got 50 pre slotted cartos coming my way, so might give the vertical slot a go on my unslotted cartos.

    Very useful information, thanks!

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