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Variable Voltage Help!!!

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by Staffie, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Staffie

    Staffie Guest

    Hey you excellent modders out there, I have a question on making a VV mod and confused on the wiring. I have made a 5v with the regulator before but this one just seems to be a little more work and can not find anything to give me a layout of the wiring. I found a pretty nice sleek metal box with enough room to throw in 2-18650's, Voltage Meter and all the components for the guts of the mod. My headache now is the wiring, what are some of your guys wiring patterns on the V2 regulators from madvapes?

    Variable Voltage Regulator Board Kit Rev 2
  2. PantsBaloney

    PantsBaloney Guest

    Perhaps Asnider123 will come to the rescue, I seem to remember him messing with them before
  3. moomoo

    moomoo Guest


    Do you have the kit, or just the chip?
  4. Bondgirl

    Bondgirl Guest

    I have the kit I believe it was that one.

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