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Too much nicotine or is it stale?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by ReatsLed, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. ReatsLed

    ReatsLed New Member

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    I am getting over the top throat hit from 18 and 12 mg nic juice,
    Different flavours don't seem to matter it's spicy and harsh.

    Anyone else experiencing stale e juice problems do you think that's what it would be? Also vaping sour juices like apple make my tongue sting/ ulsars ide reduce nicotine but then I mayaswell not vape

    Edit: punctuation and,

    I'm using evod bcc's protank 2 stardusts iclear 30 they all do it.
    About to start up using rba's
  2. Kiki

    Kiki New Member

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    when i started with rebuildables, i found i had to drop my nic from 10mg to 5mg cos it was ripping my throat to shreds. when i vape unflavoured, i get a slight peppery taste from the nic.
  3. Eldelm90558

    Eldelm90558 New Member

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    don't waste your time on ejuices that aren't pleasurable. Just chuck it, and start a new bottle or make up a fresh batch.

    If the problem is with the batch that you bought, consider throwing out the batch or contacting the manufacturer and negotiate a refund/replacement.

    The sour flavourings may have an effect on the speed at which the ejuice spoils.

    How are you storing your ejuice? How long was the ejuice stored that way? Its always best to keep it in the freezer - dark and really cold.
  4. Hollie T

    Hollie T New Member

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    In the spare room on a shelf it gets warm in the room too. Does this stuff freeze? Do you think that's the problem being stale?

    My friends also experience the same thing It's hard to come by nicotine I buy from a friend locally be.comse I cant afford to buy nicotine in it's own, the shipping is outrageous. So you think I should chuck it all and start over keeping it in the freezer

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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