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Too Easy?

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by jayfrontier, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. jayfrontier

    jayfrontier New Member

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    Hey Guys n Gals,
    This is just a quick one, to raise 2 points:
    1) Thanks to everyone for your assistance, in replies to my pesky queries, helping to get me started with gear and just having all the information on the forum to peruse through. You've made this process alot simpler than it initially seemed.
    2) Leading on from point 1, I'm finding this quitting smoking/switching to vaping thing a bit too easy. Admittedly I only smoked for 3-4 years and it wasnt a huge amount, but I've been smoke free for my first full 7 days in 4 years and I'm finding it all extremely easy. I'm only vaping 6mg/ml, not chain vaping or anything, basically only vaping when I would be smoking, and I've not even felt like a smoke in that time, in fact the only time I did was on Wednesday, I got up, poured a coffee and instinctively grabbed a cigarette from a packet I had lying about and lit it up. One puff, gagged a little and put it out, rinsed my mouth out with some vanilla cheesecake vapour!
    Big thanks too all @ AVF. I'm proud of myself for my little achievement/milestone and I hope to celebrate many more in the years to come.
  2. Alledejef

    Alledejef New Member

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    My tip: Toss the smokes out so you don't accidentally (not thinking) pick one up to blaze it up.

    I was doing what you described for weeks after I started vaping - without thinking, I'd reach for a smoke. But since I had used my last smokes before starting vaping, there were none handy to make that mistake!
  3. oralast

    oralast New Member

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    Too Easy??? No . Never let your guard down. My other half and I are 30 yrs smoker's. Me heavier then him. We went through a rough time recently and have cigs in the top cupboard which we haven't touched since Nov. However, in saying that if our batteries had not lasted during our time of distress we would both have gone for the gigs. We were just talking about this tonight and I really have to get rid of the left over cigs it would be sooooo easy to go back to them and I for one really do not want to.
  4. kurto74

    kurto74 New Member

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    Yeah I totally get where your coming from and the cigs have just gone in the bin, after being dunked in water of course.
    I think it may be a bit easier for me, but I just cant see why I'd want a ciggie!? After vaping on sweet custard and vanilla and butter rum, I just gagged at the taste of a menthol, which is what i smoked. I'm very happy with this revelation though, 1 week down, many to go
  5. herrdionisio

    herrdionisio New Member

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    i know what you mean. compared to all other quit attempts i made, vaping seemed way too easy. i didn't quite trust it and felt it was too good to be true. that's not to say i didn't have some times when it was a bit of a struggle, but like i said, compared to previous quit attempts it was a total walk in the park. now, more than 2 years later, the thought of a ciggie very rarely crosses my mind, and if it does, it is not accompanied by any sort of hankering or yearning.

    if you're finding it easy, that's fantastic :) some people find it a real battle, so count your lucky stars and vape on!
  6. Vaksdash

    Vaksdash New Member

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    when I first started Vaping, I found myself getting cigarette papers out to roll a cigarette a lot. that's when i new i had to have a vape. lol. I was actually taking them out of their packet and getting ready to roll a smoke without even realizing i was doing it. normally when i was sitting down and thinking heavily on what i was doing. and my hand had a mind of its own. lol but i've not had a cigarette since I started vaping that was 3 years ago

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