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This is a list of what I need to buy but dont know where to get it.

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by artefeCor, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. artefeCor

    artefeCor New Member

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    If anyone knows a good ebay vendor or a shop that has fair prices I would be very happy.
    At the moment i am just mixing doublers with pg/vg and nic but im going to be doing DIY pretty soon.
    Im reading the DIY posts now, but I always miss something. It takes a while for the info to sink in.

    • 1 electric whisk (the sort for frothing cappuccino milk) with a head the size of a 10cent piece, or a cheap electric drill.
    • 2 glass funnels.
    • 5 glass pipettes with 0.5 and 1ml markings.
    • 2 glass syringe 5ml or 10 ml.
    • 4 x 250ml plastic bottles to put my nicotine in. What type of plastic should I be looking for ?
    • Loads of 15ml plastic bottles. Any tip is fine. They dont even have to be child-proof.
    • PG and VG by the litre or half litre.
    • Little glass or stainless steel ball bearings that i can pop into bottles (for hand shaking just before i use the juice)
    • Printing labels (I like to keep things neat and professional)
    • Disposable gloves.
    • What have I missed ? Suggestions ?
    Also, i need a really cheap dripping atty just for testing the flavours. The cheaper the better.

    More items might come as im walking around the house thinking.

    Im using small glasses for mixing, do you think I need proper glass containers for mixing or a simple drinking glass is enough ?

    Im just starting in DIY and I have made enough mistakes with buying juices so im trying to not screw up this time.

    It doesnt all have to come from the same place, but if i can get most from 1 place it will bring the price down for postage.

    ... now back to reading all these DIY posts.. so many.
    Many thanks.
  2. sarahG

    sarahG New Member

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    I was tempted to record my mixing efforts last night and post it as a guide.

    But it'd only be handy as a warning on what not to do.

    I don't think you need a whisk or ball bearing though. Hand shaking is enough.
  3. vellek

    vellek New Member

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  4. bangelasussday5373

    bangelasussday5373 New Member

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    I know someone who simply mixes PG, VG, Nic & flavours in a 600ml coke bottle. Does the job. Simples.
  5. xkissproxa1236

    xkissproxa1236 New Member

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    You have forgotten the main item, a kitchen sink. You can not become a mixologist making artisan ejuice without one.
  6. hunk110

    hunk110 New Member

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    Not sure if your glass ball bearings will sink and have the effect you want unless your juices are high PG. With the steel ball bearings, won't they block the hole when you turn it upsidedown to fill your tank?
  7. 1993

    1993 New Member

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    Hi Humble,

    Regarding the 250ml bottles to store your nic in, it is always BEST to store Nic in GLASS bottles, either Amber or Blue, NOT plastic. I've bought my Amber Glass bottles from a place call New Directions. Plastic bottles are fine for small amounts of juice that will be used quickly but NOT for any juice that will be stored for a long time.

    If you have a look at the sticked threads at the top of the page in the DIY Juice section on the home page, there are suggestions and some links where to buy your bottles from.

    Also, I buy my plastic bottles from Fasttech and make sure that you get the LONG tip ones as they are MUCH easier to use when filling your clearo, etc. not to mention less mess.

    I make up a large amounts of juice and I've found the BEST way to transfer from the large bottle into your smaller plastic bottle, is to pour some juice into a little glass Beaker with a pouring lip. Much easier and less chance of spillage. If you buy your bottles from New Directions, they may stock the little 20ml glass beakers as well.

    Just my 2 cents :) Good luck with your mixing :)

  8. Stevie

    Stevie New Member

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    Wiltronics - Science will cover a LOT of the equipment , or indeed inspire you to try different stuffs ( think magnetic rotating stirrers lol ):D
    PG/VG testing atties = vape shops or places like ebotanique for PG/VG ( even your local chemist ?)
  9. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    it turns out Fasttech has a lot of what I need, including the little mixer, so that's perfect.

    @308, thats actually I really good idea. it would make a lot less mess and its essentially free. Can we still get coke in glass bottles ?
    @CCVaper, thanks for finding a hole in my logic :)
    @Cath, thanks for the info. I will get those bottles separately. It will have to be thick glass though. I dont want to drop a bottle and lose 250ml of nic.
    @DAD, yeah I have a kitchen sink but its full of dirty dishes and i dont know how to fix that. I might have to call a plumber.

    going to buy shitloads of o-rings for my MVP2 so I can post them to people who have the same problem.
  10. eL1mY4sQ1w

    eL1mY4sQ1w New Member

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    I bought two of them and the negative posts fell out before I could even use them.

    I'd grab one of these IGO-W PLUS Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer | House of Vape they are as good as any high dollar dripper IMO.

    Glass syringes I have bought off ebay before but the markings were very hard to see and they weren't very accurate, so I just buy 1ml and 5ml plastic ones in bulk off fleabay.

    As Cath has said amber glass bottles are the go, grab them from new directions or wiltronics
  11. kariml

    kariml New Member

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    Thanks everyone.
    i got nearly everything i needed from Fasttech.. now to wait 20 days for it to arrive :) its okay. i can wait.

    They had those electric whisks which is perfect. I grabbed 2 be.comse.. its China...

    I will grab the other things i need when i order flavours.
    That will be in another post.

    Many thanks !

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