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Syrian army secures road to Aleppo: state TV

Discussion in 'Non Vape Related News' started by news, Sep 9, 2016.

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    news Active Member

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    Forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad walk at a military complex, after they recaptured areas in southwestern Aleppo that rebels had seized last month, Syria, in this handout picture provided by SANA on September 5, 2016. SANA/Handout via REUTERS

    BEIRUT The Syrian army secured a road into the government-held side of Aleppo that was captured by rebels last month and was expected to soon open it for civilians, state-owned al-Ikhbariya TV reported on Friday.

    The advance by the Syrian army and allied militia in the Ramousah area of southern Aleppo has reopened the main route into the government-held west while resulting in the complete re-encirclement of the city's rebel-held east.

    Insurgent forces including jihadist groups had captured the Ramousah area in August, breaking the siege on eastern Aleppo imposed by government forces in July. The government's loss of the Ramousah road left the people in western Aleppo dependent on a much more dangerous route.

    A reporter for Al-Ikhbariya, in a broadcast from the road, said it would be secure for civilian use in the coming few hours. "The whole road is secure," a soldier told the reporter.

    The army backed by allied militia from Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, and the Russian air force are now seeking to press their offensive against the insurgents to the south of Aleppo.

    (Writing by Tom Perry; Editing by Dominic Evans)

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