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Steel Vape sebone, Fortitude and Tailspin Mech Kit lower to $50 and free shipping

Discussion in 'Urvapin.com' started by urvapin, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. urvapin

    urvapin Member

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    Steel Vape sebone mech kit has a really nice texture to it. It It is also very elegantly done and it has a very classy look to it. What’s this, another top cap with an absolutely massive chuff cap. Nice! So far the initial impression of this kit is very impressive. I really like the look and feel of this kit. You won’t want to miss out this fabulous mech kit, $59.69 and free shipping, just following this link: Steel Vape sebone mech kit.


    The Fortitude mech kit has a relatively weighty mod for its size with a lot of space at the front of the box to keep the innards of the mod cooler when chain vaping on it. It also has a full 510 connection at the top so it is a little bit safer to use comparing it to Hybrid connectors. $55 and free shipping, just following this link: Steel Vape Fortitude mech kit.


    Tailspin Mech Kit is a traditional tubular 18650 form factor mechanical mod which also comes with an RDTA tank which can be converted into an RDA. The mod itself features a full magnetic switch and a hybrid 510 connection on the top. $50 and free shipping, just following this link: Steel Vape Tailspin mech kit


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