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So what's next in the Vaping World ?

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by idokitty, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. idokitty

    idokitty New Member

    Likes Received:
    Pre built coils are a bees dcik away from the limit
    Box mods can almost power a small car
    Juice has eleventeen components
    Wire is being mined an spun from unobtanium on some far off joint
    Wick is being plucked / grown / formed/ from somewhere we probably dont wanna know
    Seems the options to open new doors are somewhat diminishing..
    So..what yr thoughts....hows it gonna pan out ?

    Guess that just leaves batteries huh ?...maybe thats it hey ?
    Thoughts ????
  2. Vaksdash

    Vaksdash New Member

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    Funny that people mention batteries. The problem we have with every form of tech is providing sufficient, safe and portable power sources. I read a little while back in the New Scientist magazine about graphine batteries. I'm a mechanic by trade and have spent a lot of time training with electric vehicles and i genuinely believe thatthisnew battery tech will take us to the next level in pretty much everything. I wont go into specifics but if anyone is interested then google graphine batteries, I'm sure you'll find some stuff about them. Samsung university is currently researching it and with huge investment from car companies and others such as Dyson, they have the tech and are working on making it commercially viable. Its a basic principle of storing electric charge between graphine sheets and they reckon 10 years and it'll be out there. Safe, incredibly efficient, cheap as nuts and with almost zero ecological damage. Before that, i can't see us hitting a new vaping paradigm but defo streamlining of current stuff

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