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Silly Noob question on Nicotine measurment

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Parviz E, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Parviz E

    Parviz E New Member

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    Hi all, I have been spending a lot of time past 2 days on this forum and I am very pleased at what I see.

    I am confused little with how Nicotine is measured !

    I will try explain :

    If I have a 100ml bottle of 50mg Nicotine strength, does this mean that the bottle consists of 100ml fluid base with 50mg of nicotine content ?

    If yes, then that means if I HALVED the content into another bottle I would have 2x 50ml bottles with 25mg nicotine ?

    If this is so :

    If I had a 50ml bottle labelled at 50mg nicotine ... this bottle would be MORE POTENT than the original 100ml / 50mg bottle ?

    I guess I am trying to say that a 30ml bottle of 100mg nicotine would be very much more stronger than a 100ml bottle with 100mg nicotine ?

    OR .. have I got it wrong and nicotine is like say fuel where it don't matter on volume, 98octane is just that ... 98octane regardless if its 1 litre or 100 litres !

    Hmmmm I just trying to get my head around this so I understand it CLEARLY !
  2. Gustavo

    Gustavo New Member

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    this is it zorba

    the way to reduce its strength is to dilute it with pg or vg that has no nic in it
  3. pubommenteero

    pubommenteero New Member

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    Ok, so that means that if I took the original bottle of 100ml / 50mg strength and tipped 30ml out of it into another bottle .... I would have 30ml / 50mg strength ?
  4. Aaron J

    Aaron J New Member

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    yeah thats correct

    you do know tho that 50mg is too strong to vape straight?
  5. Yaya

    Yaya New Member

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    No. If you put your 100ml of 50mg nic into 2 bottles of 50 ml it would still have a 50mg nic content You have to dilute it first with PG/VG
    So if you divide your 100ml bottle of 50mg nic and add 50mls of PG/VG you would then have 25mg nic
  6. Corin

    Corin New Member

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    LOL ,, ummm YES , but after 26 year 1+ pack a day ...... I think even 50mg of Uranium wont do much to me .. :p
  7. Takamagi

    Takamagi New Member

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    Its usually measured as mg per ml. So a 50ml bottle of 100mg will have 5000mg in total.
  8. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    if you are in sydney you should have a look at Steam-e-cigs | Home page - they have a walk in shop with doublers and gear
  9. Dave K

    Dave K New Member

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    You would be surprised. What you used to smoke has no correlation to what you will end up vaping. And don't forget, we are only vaping nicotine. In cigarettes there was heaps of other shit, and the mg rating on cigarettes in no way resembles the mg strength of nic as we know it.

    I would suggest starting on 18-24mg. If you have 50mg then just buy some doublers and mix them as stated above, (50/50 ratio) and see where you are with that strength. Then you can adjust accordingly.
  10. venus2012

    venus2012 New Member

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    I would suggest you mix equal quantities of your Nic with either pg or VG or a 50/50 mix of pg/VG
    That will give you 25mg strength juice
    Then take half that mix and dilute it again in equal quantities with pg/VG, which will give you 12.5mg strength juice
    Try them both and see what suits you best, if you feel you need something in the middle mix even quantities of your 25mg juice and 12.5mg juice and you will end up with 18.75mg strength juice.
    This is assuming you are working with unflavoured Nic. If you are using doublers then you can mix the 50mg with your doubler in even quantities to get your 25mg juice, but for your 12.5mg juice first mix a batch with plain pg/VG first in even quantities to get unflavoured 25mg juice, then mix even quantities again with your doubler to get 12.5mg juice.
    Once you have those 2 strengths of juice mixed with your doubler, you can mix them in even quantities to get your 18.75mg juice.
    Mixing in even quantities is safer in my opinion while your new to it as the maths is easier and your less likely to make mistakes.
    Try to work with 50/50 pg/VG at first as it also keeps things simple
    Buy your Nic in 100% PG is best too as it will keep better, however if you are only buying a small bottle (less than 250ml) then this won't really be an issue as it's more a long term storage benefit, like if your getting 1/2 ltr or more.

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