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Side x Side Copper Bullet - V.V. w/ Digital Pot & Touch Switch

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by Halapenor, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. Halapenor

    Halapenor New Member

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    Copper On Copper

    I adapted the Digital Potentiometer for the TI PTR08100w regulator being that the reg needed a pot resistance of 200 ohms and the smallest D.P. is 10k ohms. Actually got it to work Grin in a range of 2.05v Shocked to 5.66v
    3 Bullets have been used to build it. .44 cal magnum rim for the touch sw base and two .22 cal casings to connect the caps and route wiring through.

    I put in a Mosfet touch switch. Bench testing revealed that using an N-Channel Mosfet can not be used. N-Channel's break the negative circuit. Removing the negative from the PTR08100w still produces an output so the N-Channel won't work.I used a P-Channel Mosfet and it worked perfectly. Being that I am using two 18350, 1200mah's totalling 7.4v to 8.4v's and most of the Mosfet's have a Gate Threshold Voltage or 2v to 4v to fully turn on the chip, I used a 100meg ohm resistor across the Gate to Source pins and it worked perfectly. I could possibly have used a 20 meg ohm which I did not have on hand and putting two 10m in series would have taken more precious space.

    This is absolutely the best working mod I have made to date and the most labor intense mod I have made.

    The Physical look of the Side x Side: Inspired by Asdaq, Parallex2 and Scubatdan. Thanks guys.


    More Details: http://breaktru.com/smf/index.php/topic,244.0.html
  2. apatrickmyandext2976

    apatrickmyandext2976 New Member

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    Side x Side Copper Bullet - V.V. w/ Digital Pot & Touch Switch

    Really nice looking mod breaktru, could you have squezed a 3ml bottom feeder in there?
  3. vellek

    vellek New Member

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    Side x Side Copper Bullet - V.V. w/ Digital Pot & Touch Switch

    Great looking mod but i'm curious as to why you didn't use the inhibit pin on the PTR08100w instead of using an external mosfet.
  4. ypgleqf58d

    ypgleqf58d New Member

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    Side x Side Copper Bullet - V.V. w/ Digital Pot & Touch Switch

    Thats a nice looking pipe bomb, er i mean e-cig. :)

    Wouldnt get on a plane with it though D:
  5. cta-music.com

    cta-music.com New Member

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    Side x Side Copper Bullet - V.V. w/ Digital Pot & Touch Switch


    Pity I'm chambered to 22/250 though.... *sigh*
  6. alicia m

    alicia m New Member

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    Side x Side Copper Bullet - V.V. w/ Digital Pot & Touch Switch

    Actually can squeeze a 3ml bottle in the tube w/ the atty but juice feeds are not for me. I can't vape the same juice for too long. I'm a drip man with flavor rotation.
  7. dachlatte

    dachlatte New Member

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    Side x Side Copper Bullet - V.V. w/ Digital Pot & Touch Switch

    The tubes are adjustable by just sliding in or out. They can hold many types and size batteries. You can fit two 18650's (18mm diameter) down to 18350's. For smaller diameter batteries such as 17500 (17mm), 16340 & RCR123a (16mm) and 14500 (14mm), a filler tube can be placed around the battery.
    [​IMG][​IMG] Photo to left has the 18650's

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