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Review of flagship - Wayno

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by sawnoff2009, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. sawnoff2009

    sawnoff2009 New Member

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    Wayno The friend that was testing your flagship finally gave me this review last night. Remember he is a bit of a new vaper 2 months) so this might change from someone with tastebuds. I mixed it a 8mg 70/30 and he has it in a small f17 tank with a slotted Boge. It was steeped for a week before he set it up.

    His comments.
    Opened it and the smell was honey/sweet tobacco. (Wife likes the smell so a plus)
    With only 8mg the throat hit was not harsh at all and the flavour on the inhale was sweet tobacco, he tasted a slight cherry or apple on the exhale.
    He was a port Royal ciggie smoker and said it smelt different but the taste was close. He used it as a nighttime vape as the smell was too strong for his workplace. Other people liked the smell but he felt a bit too obvious.
    Great with coffee and very relaxing and he finished the sample.

    He asked me to pass on his thanks and wants me to get the recipe.
  2. elenajz4

    elenajz4 New Member

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    Thanks Crisscross, I didn't want you to review it on the forum, I wanted it in PM LOL. I just wanted another vapers opinion, it doesn't matter as long as he enjoyed it.
  3. shihtzupup98

    shihtzupup98 New Member

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    Well he did like it. :)

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