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Provari spitting error codes, e4, e1, LO?

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by leekar, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. leekar

    leekar New Member

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    So I put a new evod head in my protank today and I went to check the OHMs, and the second I pressed the button it said "E4". So I turned the voltage down to check the OHMs and instead of reading the OHMs it said "LO".

    So I changed the battery, and cleaned both connections really good. Still error codes.

    Then I tried a different tank and it worked perfect. So I tried the protank on a spinner battery. It worked.

    So I changed the head again, and then it flashed "E4" for a millisecond and now it's working and reading ohms at 2.0 and everything.

    But I am curious as to why it flashed that error and then worked. Did it just have to "break out" of "safety mode" to realize "Hey this atomizer works!".

    And I'm curious as to why the spinner worked with the other head. Do spinners just not have safety features?

    Input would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm a little worried my baby is going crazy.
  2. giCFCHDfew

    giCFCHDfew New Member

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    well, from a rebuildable standpoint, that would mean that the coil is not quite right and probably has a short somewhere in it. So even if it's not a rebuildable, someone did build it!

  3. lily-jane

    lily-jane New Member

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    "lo" means the resistance is very low,as in less 1.25

    E1 means there is a short somewhere in the atty
  4. dfins891

    dfins891 New Member

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    It is most likely that the head on the evod is loose.. This happened to me once where the head on the evod was not fasten downed completely and my vamo read Lo on it. Simple make sure that the head where the wicks are is fastened till it is flushed and the rubber seals are in place. It should work once you do this. FYI, when you unscrew the bottom of the evod, there is a chance that you can unscrew the head a bit, so just check it every time you refill or replace the wick head. Hope this helps.. :)
  5. tikembep

    tikembep New Member

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    Looks like a loose center pin connection or something in the atty..here's the error codes list from ProVape

    Errors – There are a number of safety monitors built into the ProVari and its always
    checking for problems If a problem is detected the display will show a two digit error checking for problems. If a problem is detected the display will show a two digit error
    code for 4 seconds alerting you of a problem. The following are the error codes:
    • E1 – Short Circuit / Shorted Atomizer – If this error appears, remove the atomizer and replace with a different one
    or lower your voltage settings The ProVari will automatically reset when the problem is fixed or lower your voltage settings. The ProVari will automatically reset when the problem is fixed.
    • E2 – Current Limit Exceeded – If this error appears, lower the voltage on the device or use a higher resistance
    atomizer. Once the problem has been fixed, the ProVari will reset itself.
    • E3 – Thermal Monitor – If this error appears, let the device cool off for several minutes before using again.
    • E4 – Input Voltage to DC/DC converter error - Contact ProVape.
    • E5 – Converter has a problem - Contact ProVape.
    •• E6 -- Microprocessor has a problem Microprocessor has a problem – Contact ProVape Contact ProVape.
    • E7 – Voltage output detected when there should be none – This can be caused by a converter fault or by an open
    atomizer. Only contact ProVape if you know the atomizer is good and the problem persists.
    • E8 – Converter has detected a fault – Contact ProVape is this persists.
  6. Mistvern

    Mistvern New Member

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    here's the link to the instruction manual. The error codes are on the last page. I printed mine off for reference. I had that happen once recently, but did the same things you did and it was fine!

    Instruction Manuals

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