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Pentagon confirms Islamic State leader was killed in Aug. 30 air strike

Discussion in 'Non Vape Related News' started by news, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. news

    news Active Member

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    UK will have public guidelines for Brexit talks before triggering Article 50: minister

    LONDON Britain will make public its guidelines for talks on leaving the European Union by the time it triggers the exit process, Brexit minister David Davis said on Monday, in the first indication of when Britons will find out what the government hopes to achieve in the talks.


    'Last British commissioner' pledges to work for Europe

    STRASBOURG The diplomat nominated to take Britain's vacant seat on the EU executive pledged on Monday to serve "only the European general interest" if EU lawmakers accept him as, probably, the last ever British commissioner.


    Ukraine says prepared to hold 'good faith' talks with Russia on $3 billion debt

    KIEV Ukraine said on Monday it was ready to hold talks in good faith with Russia regarding a dispute over a $3 billion bond that has become yet another sore point between the former allies since Ukraine sought closer ties with the European Union.


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