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PA's Vanilla Cupcake!

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by PIERRE1969, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. PIERRE1969

    PIERRE1969 New Member

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    Awesome flavour guys.

    5% flavour
    1% Ethyl Malto

    Creamy and similar to Capella's Vanilla Custard, but this one is much lighter on the buttery-custardness.

    I recon this could be used as a base flavour for dessert vapes.

    On top of the above recipe, I'm going to start adding other flavours such as coffee, caramel, hazelnut, blueberry, raspberry, maple, and others. (only one addition per vape -not all at the same time).

    I'll add these new Cupcake recipes to this thread in coming weeks. They wont be complex. I'm just going to be adding 1% of the other flavourings to the orginal cupcake mix, and see how it goes.

    edit,- I might bring the cupcake percent to 4% when adding other flavours to keep the total flavouring at 5%.

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