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Oxey juice mixing

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Garlands, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Garlands

    Garlands New Member

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    ok ive gone a little crazy with the concentrates so I've decided to start my own juice mixing thread.

    i'll be crating a Google doc data base that will included things like concentrates % nic lvl and steeping times. i'll also have mini reviews of my creations.

    but first i need some recommendations on flavor % for these

    Beer JF super concentrate
    Red cola Hansen concentrate
    Mt dew flavor west flavoring
    Skittles flavor west flavoring
    Cinnamon roll flavor west flavoring
    Apple pie Capella flavoring
    Kentucky bourbon tpa/tfa flavoring

    this is the link to the googole doc that ive started took ages just to get the flavours up i'll be playing around with it in the coming weeks...i'm hoping it wil be my goto keep a recoured of everthink. so i can keep track of it all..

  2. Eldelm71124

    Eldelm71124 New Member

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    You have just got to try a bourbon and coke. I start at 5% with my LA and HC flavours, but have had to use more for acidic fruit flavours and vanilla.
  3. Blignee

    Blignee New Member

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    flavor west i have done at 10% to 15%

    JF super concentrate i got no idear i was thinking 5% how strong are they ??

    Hansen, Capella, and tpa/tfa i was also think 5% but unshore
  4. been there done that

    been there done that New Member

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    Mix up 5ml and have a go, but write it down !

    That banana concentrate you gave me - I used it at 5%, was nice, could have gone a touch more... if that helps
  5. ballsdeep4

    ballsdeep4 New Member

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    With super concentrates start as per recommended at 2.5% and go up to 5% for a strong flavour. I've gone as high as 6% but any higher and they start to taste overdone and chemically.
    Cinnamon can be a strong flavour, highest I've gone with this one is 2%
    Red Cola is a tricky one. 10% I feel is not enough (unless it is used as a background flavour start with 3%) and 15% seems (for me) to be the max if it is to be the predominant flavour.
    Just remember that everyones experience and prefered tastes will be different.
  6. deliana1

    deliana1 New Member

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    What do you suggest for Black Fire?
  7. ineedhtmls

    ineedhtmls New Member

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    ty very much that info help a lot...just trying to get a starting point all of these i'll be starting at 5ml of just straight flavour. but i figgered others would have exprimented so good to get there avice
  8. games805

    games805 New Member

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    Trying to make depend list on Google doc....my god I watched two how to view and now I have a head ake
  9. mak12

    mak12 New Member

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    FA Black Fire is a definate max for me at 3% and be prepared to let it steep for 7 to 14 days (if not longer) and chuck in a couple drops of smooth or vape wizard, maybe some cream or vanilla swirl to dampen the taste a little. Any more than 3% and it tastes too smokey, bacony and salty ..... Ughhhhhh. Nowadays I only use it in the occasional tobacco recipe for a little bit of smokiness only 1 drop per 5mls (I think it works out to be 0.5%).

    The other super concentrate Black Fire is a max of 2.5%-3%. This one is actually really nice tobacco with a slight raisen like taste to it. I got mine from a co-op that was run on the forum appx 6 months ago, but I think that JF sell the same stuff alcohol based.
  10. Louise H

    Louise H New Member

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    ok just tryed my first two juces gummy bare, and bubble gum.....

    if you would like to read a full revew of my thoughts on these two just click the link in my first post.
    and find them in the respice section then click .


    then just find the repices ive written revies on..


    then just click the little comment arrow and my review will be there..

  11. Lady M

    Lady M New Member

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    sadly you gotta sign into Google to read it, never mind.... will just go by your posts here
  12. armando27000

    armando27000 New Member

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    ar bumber.... i cant right now but i'll see if i can copy what i wrote in the coments section....just easer for me to do it that way to keep long turm records
  13. Javier Garcia Perez

    Javier Garcia Perez New Member

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    Have you made any arsejuice yet???
  14. mokeydluffy2014

    mokeydluffy2014 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Recipe name bubble gum
    nic lvl 12mg
    nic ml 1.2
    Flavour brand Flavor West
    amt in % 15
    amt in ml 0.75
    pg %% 50
    pg ml 0.55
    vg %% 50
    vg ml 2.5
    amou made 5
    date made 6/4/2014
    date tryed 7/4/2014

    humm this is an instring flavour. this rily remineds me of. that gum you used to get in the back of football cards. very instring on the exhale.

    only problem i have with it it's hard to get an acrect juge of the tast be.comse i have just had the gummy bare flavour befor this one. and it's left a bad afther tast.

    there is pritty much no throught hit on this one. but that's fine by me...

    the strength on this one is a hard one it rily could go iver way you could probly tone it down a bit maby somewere between 10% and 12% would mollow it out a bit. and make it a vape you could vape in the evening. for a longer time.

    but incressing it to maby 17% to 20% will make it a strong stand alone vape. but i dont think at that lvl you would vape it for long priders. more somthing you whip out every now and again to remines of times gone by...

    i rily thing that this need's to be mixed with somthing. i'm think a good berry flaver, or even a mint. depend on the strength of the berry would depend on wether or not you keep it at this lvl. it's somthing that needs fearther review..
  15. apetty

    apetty New Member

    Likes Received:
    Recipe name gummi bear
    nic lvl 12mg
    nic ml 1.2
    Flavour brand Flavor West
    amt in % 15
    amt in ml 0.75
    pg %% 50
    pg ml 0.55
    vg %% 50
    vg ml 2.5
    amou made 5
    date made 6/4/2014
    date tryed 7/4/2014

    well first inpressions with this one. i dident like it. it tasted like sope a rily foul tast. i could tast a hint of the gummie in the back ground. but the sope was so over powing.

    at first i throught it was made i hadent washed the addy proply. so i tryed it in anther tank.. but that same sopie tast.. so i made a coil and tryed it driped onto cotton. and that sopie tast still there...

    now it's quite posbule that mably it comes from the bottle . but this is unlikle. but next time i get around to making it again i make shore to recleen every thing...
  16. assupsnet

    assupsnet New Member

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    nope the the gummy bare came close
  17. mymnArome

    mymnArome New Member

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    Did you make it too strong or weak. The gummy bear I made wasn't horrible. Tasted just like the lollies really. Maybe you were doing it wrong???
  18. Crurpome

    Crurpome New Member

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    then it might have been a problem with the bottle.. it just tasted like sope

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